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Miniature Structures (1.20 Support)

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Have you ever wanted to have some smaller and way cuter structures? This addon allows you to create tiny structures (like trees, village houses, etc.) the size of one block.

This is a small village I made to better showcase the addon, I hope you like it:)

Miniature village

NOTE: Enable EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY in your world options in order to use this addon!!!

Required experiments for Miniature Structures addon

Required experiments for Miniature Structures addon

Code made with bridge

Textures with paint.net

3D models made with Blockbench

This add-on adds 6 new structures blocks

Update: Recipes rework

Recipe 1: Villager Houses

Villager Houses (screenshot 1)

Villager Houses (screenshot 2)

Villager Houses (screenshot 3)

Villager Houses (screenshot 4)

Villager Houses (screenshot 5)

All of the above are made using this recipe:

Villager House recipe

Recipe 2: Village Structures (Besides Houses)

Stone Well recipe

Small Church structure

Village Structure (screenshot 1)

Village Structure (screenshot 2)

All of the above are made using this recipe:

Village Structure recipe

Recipe 3: Desert Village

Desert Village structure

Desert pyramid structure

Small Desert Well structure

End Ship

Small End Ship

[NEW] Ocean Monument

Ocean Monument structure

All of the above are made using this recipe:

Desert Village recipe

Pocket End Portal

(Keep in mind that you can get it as a separate addon, bcs it could be useful in a survival map)

Pocket End Portal structure

Pocket End Portal recipe

Recipe 4: "Others" (things like the jungle temple, witch hut, trees...)

Small Jungle Temple structure

Small The Witch's Hut structure

End and Pocket End Portal structures

Miniature table with chairs

Miniature mushroom tree

Miniature Igloo structure

Miniature trees


Miniature tree

All of the above are made using this recipe:

Item recipe

Recipe 5: Snowy Village (These are the NEW ones this update, along with the Spruce tree)

Miniature Snowy Village structure (screenshot 1)

Miniature Snowy Village structure (screenshot 2)

Miniature Snowy Village structure (screenshot 3)

Miniature Snowy Village structure (screenshot 4)

Miniature Snowy Village structure (screenshot 5)

All of the above are made using this recipe:

Miniature Snowy Village structure item recipe

All blocks are now available in creative menu.

Items were removed.

I hope you liked it and feel free to suggest more structures for next versions !!

Updated on July 27

v1.8 Update:

  • Added The Ocean Monument
  • Added Support for 1.20 Minecraft Version
  • Fixed bug with the End Ship recipe
  • Small changes
  • Bug fixes
Download links
Miniature Structures BP
Miniature Structures RP
Supported versions
1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.0 1.18.30