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More So Less Snore

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The More So Less Snore is an ever-growing expansion to the game. It will be constantly updated to improve parts of the game where I (and my patrons) see fit. This add-on will add mobs, structures, items, weapons, armor, and so much more! This is the Little Fixes Update of MSLS. More Bows and Upgradable health are some of the newer additions!


Welcome to the More So Less Snore expansion add-on! This is an add-on that adds More to Minecraft So you Snore Less! Without further ado, let's get into the thickย of it...


More So Less Snore has a decent sum of structures. Here are some images of those structures, as well as some related videos.


Here is the mob section. MSLS has quite a lot of enemies and mobs to find. Some are more useful while others are more deadly.

Abomi Zombie

Abomi Zombie





Broken Skeleton

Broken Skeleton

Cave Zombie

Cave Zombie



Deep Spider

Deep Spider

Dungeon Zombie

Dungeon Zombie



Evil Rabbit

Evil Rabbit

Obsidian Skeleton

Obsidian Skeleton



Shop Skeleton

Shop Skeleton

Skeleton Vindicator

Skeleton Vindicator

Villager Miner

Villager Miner

Wandering Miner

Wandering Miner

Zombie Chicken

Zombie Chicken

Zombie Cow

Zombie Cow

Zombie Pig

Zombie Pig

Zombie Wolf

Zombie Wolf


You can't forget items when you make an expansion add-on. Items in this add-on can be found, crafted, bought, and looted. There are quite a few here, but I will not be naming them as of now.


A large amount of the information that used to be displayed on this page can be found at

Keep in mind the website is still a WIP, but it has some information so that is still good. Note that it does not look good on mobile currently, but it should suffice for desktop users.

That concludes this long description of the More So Less Snore Add-on.

If you want any more information you can join the Official More So Less Snore Discord Server for any questions and or suggestions

And if you are interested in the creation of the More So Less Snore Add-on, you can subscribe to my Youtube Channel

This Add-On does use player.json.

The Add-On only functions if these toggles are enabled:

Required experiments for More So Less Snore addon

The Mysterious Forest is currently broken due to Biomes being broken. There will be a fix.

If you have any bugs you want to report, use this video as a guide.

Some credits

This add-on was partially made using FRG by MACHINE_BUILDER on YouTube, huge shout out to him :D

Most of my mobs are based on art made by IamChristian1, he is truly an amazing person and an amazing artist.

Some of my textures that look good were made by RockStar JJ, most notably the keys and the Armesis Blocks.

Big shout out to my boy Prince MJ, who recently returned to YouTube and has reviewed my add-on multiple times!

And most importantly I want to thank all my subscribers and members of my discord server. They have all been standing with me on this development road, and I hope they will continue standing with me!


You may not re-upload this anywhere without my permission. This add-on can be used as a learning tool only if you ask me first as I am curious about what it may have helped with.

Download links
Da YouTubes
Supported versions
1 173
1 comment
  1. Glad to see this on Modbay!