Supply Drone Add-on

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With this add-on add a few supply drones that will help facilitate your survival, the drones will fly into your minecraft worlds and when you destroy them they will release supplies.

Add-on created by: ArathNido: Youtube, Twitter.

The drones will appear randomly in your Minecraft worlds, to drop the supplies you must destroy the drones, it is advisable to use a bow and arrow, when you shoot it the box will fall until it is destroyed and the supplies are released.

Using a Bow on Drones

Falling Drone

The drone has fallen

Drop from a Drone

There will bedifferent types of drones depending on the biome you are in.

Drone types

Basic drones:

Will appear in any biome and they will drop 3 different items.

Items List:

  • Wooden logs
  • brick blocks
  • iron blocks
  • Bread
  • Enchanted Leather Armor
  • Wooden tools with enchantments
  • Cake
  • enchanted bow
  • arrows
  • Leather

Snow Drones:

Will appear in snowy biomes and they will drop 4 different items.

Items List:

  • Bow
  • Arrow
  • Snowballs
  • snow blocks
  • Wool
  • snow buckets
  • Ice
  • Cookies
  • Enchanted Iron Tools
  • Mayan armor with enchantments

Swamp Drones:

Will appear in swamp biomes and they will drop 4 different items.

Items List:

  • brick blocks
  • Arrow
  • slime blocks
  • slime balls
  • red sand
  • red mushrooms
  • brown mushrooms
  • Mushroom soup
  • Enchanted Iron Tools
  • Mayan armor with enchantments
  • Bow

Swamp Drones

Desert drones:

Will appear in desert biomes and they will drop 4 different items.

Items List:

  • sand blocks
  • sand stone blocks
  • red sand blocks
  • red sand stone blocks
  • Totem
  • Cactus
  • tnt
  • Bow
  • arrows
  • Enchanted Iron Tools
  • Mayan armor with enchantments

Deepstone drones:

Will appear in the caves of the depths and they will drop 4 different items.

Items List:

  • stone blocks from the depths
  • bricks from the depths
  • iron blocks
  • diamond blocks
  • gold blocks
  • emerald blocks
  • lapis blocks
  • copper blocks
  • Bow
  • arrows
  • Enchanted Iron Tools
  • Enchanted Iron Armor

Nether drones:

Will appear in the nether dimension and they will drop 4 different items.

Items List:

  • shroomlight blocks
  • dark stone bricks
  • dark stone blocks
  • crimson trunks
  • Warped Trunks
  • pork chops
  • golden apples
  • wither's rose
  • Bow
  • arrows
  • Golden tools with enchantments
  • Gold armor with enchantments

End drones:

Will appear in the dimension of the end and they will drop 4 different items.

Items List:

  • obsidian blocks
  • endstone bricks
  • endstone blocks
  • enderman eyes
  • enchanted apples
  • end fruit
  • bottles of experience
  • shulker boxes
  • Bow
  • arrows
  • Diamond tools with enchantments
  • Diamond armor with enchantments

End Drones

Diamond Drones:

Will appear in the overworld even though their probability is low and they will drop 4 different items.

Items List:

  • diamond blocks
  • diamonds
  • Bow
  • arrows
  • Diamond tools with enchantments
  • Diamond armor with enchantments

Gold drones:

Will appear in the overworld even though their probability is low and they will drop 4 different items.

Items List:

  • gold blocks
  • Gold bullion
  • Bow
  • arrows
  • golden apples
  • Golden tools with enchantments
  • Gold armor with enchantments

Iron drones:

Will appear in the overworld even though their probability is low and they will drop 4 different items.

Items List:

  • iron blocks
  • iron ingots
  • Bow
  • arrows
  • Enchanted Iron Tools
  • Enchanted Iron Armor
Download links
Download Add-on [Texture & BehaviorPack] [.MCPACK] [.MCADDON]
Supported versions
1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50 1.19.40 1.19.30 1.19.20 1.19.10 1.19.0