Lifesteal Addon (Update!)

The lifesteal addon is based on the plugin from the Lifesteal SMP, where whenever you die, you lose a heart, when you kill a player, you gain a heart! This addon is updated to support the latest versions of Minecraft (for now) and addon features include; Stealing hearts, Crafting hearts, Withdrawing hearts, and even reviving dead players who lose all their hearts!
Killing a player gives you their heart, getting killed by any source will lose you a heart. (This can be changed using ?heart envsteal)
Heart Fragment - Used to make hearts
Heart Essence - Used to make hearts:
Heart - Used to gain 1 heart:
Gain hearts by:
- Killing another player:
- Using a heart item:
Lose hearts by:
- Getting killed:
Withdrawing hearts
Hearts can be withdrew by doing ?withdraw <amount>
The Beacon of Life
The Beacon of Life can be used to revive people:
- Hold the Beacon of Life.
- Right click/use the BoL.
- Select which player to revive.
Craft it using this recipe:
The Heart of Life
Using this item will give you an extra permanent revive heart (instead of reviving with 5 hearts, you revive with 6). (This was previously used to revive people, now it has a different use).
Craft it using this recipe:
What happens when you lose all your hearts?
Losing all your hearts puts you into spectator mode (changeable with ?banghosts), players in spectator mode can only go a limited amount of blocks before being teleported to spawn.
I only want to lose hearts from players
If environment steal is on, you will lose hearts from mobs and other natural causes, if it isn't, you will only lose hearts from players. Envsteal can be configured using commands.
Custom / commands have not been added to addons yet. Use ? instead.
Admin Panel
The admin panel is an easy way to configure settings and do commands. (Made for console and mobile users).
Required Experimental Gameplay:
- Lifesteal only requires Beta APIs:
You are allowed to:
- Showcase this addon WITH CREDITING.
- Use this addon in your worlds/servers/realms.
- Modify this addon (without removing the credits).
You are NOT allowed to:
- Repost this addon to other sites (This includes apps).
- Create your own download link.
- Claim this addon as your own.
For more information, go to this video:
This addon will be updated monthly :) (or when the update breaks and I have to fix it).
Join the Discord! (Support and stuff)
Updated on February 21
- 123
- Added 1.21.50 (THE GARDEN AWAKENS) support
- Improved spectating
- Improved revive logic
- Other stuff
- Added 1.21.40 support
- You can hold down to consume hearts again, without needing to right click/eat for every heart (yay!!)
- Using a heart at the heart item cap now tells you how to change the item cap regardless of if you are lifesteal-opped or not. Though only players that are lifesteal-opped will be able to change the item cap (/tag @s add lifesteal-opped)
- Trying to set the heart item cap to a number more than the max hearts will now set the item cap to the max hearts instead of giving you an error
- Removed useless commands and other useless stuff
- Other stuff
- Added 1.21.30 support
- Fixed "you've reached the heart (item form) limit blablabla" whenever you used any item. My bad, it was a stupid and avoidable mistake.
- Added a sound when you try to use a heart at the heart item cap.
- Added 2 settings with 2 new commands to change them.
- Environment drops heart (?heart envdrop <true/false>) If on, players will drop their heart when dying to natural causes instead of losing it forever.
- Will disable if envsteal is turned off. Default false.
- Heart item cap (?heart itemcap <amount>) If on, players won't be able to use a heart (item) after a certain point. Default 10.
- Fixed beacon of life not being able to be used.
- Added support for 1.21.20.
Lifesteal 1.16
- Fixed raids not working.
- Added 1.21 support.
- Fixed heart notification showing when you die of natural causes with envsteal off.
- Removed a random z in 2 files.
- Added ?spectate command for ghosts.
- Addon no longer requires Holiday Creator Features.
- Added ghost panel.
- Fixed bug where if you did ?adminpanel multiple times it queued multiple admin panels to open.
- Changed version number formatting back to original.
Lifesteal 1.15
- Made compatible with 1.20.60.
- New commands
- ?compatibility
- ?heart gain
- ?heart lose
- ?heart count
- New textures for all the items.
- Heart of Life is no longer the revive item, it is now the Beacon of Life.
- Heart of Life given a different use.
- Heart of Life given an animation.
- Code improved.
- Bug fixes.
- Added 1.20.x support.
- Overhauled the revive and dead systems.
- Made the heart system a lot better (a lot).
- Changed the command system to work in 1.20.x.
- Rewrote the ?heart command. (Now more better code and readable)
- Added back ?heart reset.
- New ?heart set, add, remove, display, and show syntax.
- Slight texture changes.
- Added new commands:
- ?reviveamount <amount> - How many hearts to give a player when they get revived.
- ?startamount <amount> - How many hearts to give a player when they first join the world/server/realm/etc.
- New syntaxes:
- ?heart display
- ?heart show
- ?heart set GamerDos7511 10
- ?heart add "Gamer Dos23" 10
- ?heart remove "GamerDos7511" 10
- Moved ?heart heartgl to its own command, now its just ?heartgl.
- When you are at max health and you gain a heart, you will stay at your previous health (e.g. you are at 10 hearts, you gain a heart, you stay at 10 health and your max health is now 11).
- Made the revive and dead players system better.
- The addon now checks if HCF is off (Holiday Creator Features).
- A lot of performance changes/improvements.
- Rewrote A LOT of the code and made it better.
- Fixed the bug where the ghosts can use ?heart display and ?heart show.
- Changed the color of help page to green.
- New database (Less ram usage hopefully).
- Bug fixes.
- Other stuff I probably forgot to put here.
- Fixed a heart dupe glitch.
- Changes to the withdraw command.
- Minor changes to optimization.
- Other bug fixes I probably forgot to put here.