TNT Firework Addon

This addon adds 2 new rockets that launch you into the air (TNT Rocket) (Upgraded TNT Rocket).
There are 2 types of TNT Rockets
TNT Rocket
This item when used will launch the user up using TNT. Although, you will take damage, so be careful when using this item.
This item's main functionality is to be used as a crafting recipe for the Upgraded version of this item.
Upgraded TNT Rocket
This item is like the regular TNT Rocket, except it will deal no damage to you.
This item has much better value compared to the regular version.
Uses of these items
These items have 3 intended uses:
1st is to be used to launch yourself with and elytra for mobility or get up high walls
2nd is to use the explosion to dig out the surrounding area
3rd is you can use the explosion to deal damage to nearby mobs