Dynamic Lighting

Do you want to experience dynamic lighting, like using Optifine in Java? This add-on adds just that experience to Minecraft! This addon's lighting is not as smooth as Optifine, but it does the job.
You can use different items that give off light to light your surroundings by just holding them in your hands. The dynamic light has a fixed light level of 8.
You can now explore dark caves easier if you don't have enough torches to place.
- As you can see in this picture, I'm holding a torch, and it's giving off light.
- Lighting items give off light when they are on the ground.
Miner's Helmet
An armor that gives off light when worn.
Durability: 100
Armor points: 4
Can be repaired using: Iron Ingot
Off-hand Torch
A type of torch that you can equip in your off-hand slot. This torch also acts like a normal torch and can be placed.
Updated on June 30
- Updated command format in functions
- Updated Miner Helmet Texture
- Updated item format
- Removed subpacks for mobs
- Removed the ability of mobs to have dynamic lighting for compatibility
- Using light blocks instead of custom light blocks