Block Armor Addon [V.4.5] | Compatible with other Addon
![Thumbnail: Block Armor Addon [V.4.5] | Compatible with other Addon](/uploads/posts/2023-08/block-armor-addon-cover.png)
Yes. I know very original, a block armor addon. I'm Totally the first one who has done that. Anyways. This addon adds new Armor which is based off Blocks!
Like TNT Armor, Wool Armor, Leaves Armor, and even Furnace Armor! And All of them have special Abilities! Anyways, have fun!
Let's begin with each Armor one by one!
I won't say the abilities of the Armors, due to them being displayed in-game.
Dirt/Moss Block/Nether Wart and Warped Wart Armor!
Not the best Armors in the addon... Wouldn't recommend.
Sugar Cane Armor
It's decent, but for the early game pretty useful.
Wool Armor
Very Useful in the deep dark.
Soul Sand Armor
Makes everything soooo much slower... for the player
Snow Armor
Life Experience of becoming a snow Golem
Leave Armor
Easy to get, yet weak
Ice Armor
Maaannn I got the drip! Pretty difficult to get, yet useful.
TNT Armor
Ya'll can guess what this one can do.
Melon and Pumpkin Armor
Good for Early game, but wouldn't recommend if you got like 10 stacks golden Carrots
Magma and Netherrack Armor
Wouldn't recommend if you have a hostile mob as a pet.
Quartz and Quartz Brick Armor
Pretty good for going in the Nether. Would recommend
Lapis and Amethyst Armor
For mending, it's a pretty good Armor.
End stone, End Brick and Purpur Armor
Not the best if you like to stand still
Noteblock Armor
If you want to annoy your non-existing friends while being protected
Coal, Furnace, Blast Furnace and Smoker Armor
Smelting without coal has never been easier
Sponge Armor
Good for an underwater base
Tinted Glass
Yes, there is Armor, it's just invisible.
Glowstone and Shroomlight Armor
I'm still wondering why Mojang doesn't want to add dynamic light.
Prismarine/Prismarine Brick/Dark Prismarine Armor
Having conduit power without using a conduit.
Bone Armor
The Dogs will love you for this
Stonebrick/Nether brick/Deepslate Brick/Obsidian/Crying Obsidian/Bedrock
Tell me your God, without telling me your God:
Planks Armor
They are good for early game, and that is about all that can be said here.
Hay Ball Armor
It's the same as Leave Armor, just better
Mud Armor
It's the same as dirt. Just muddier.
Copper Armor
Herobrine would be proud.
Basalt and Blackstone Armor
I am wondering why Piglins won't make those.
Sculk Armor
If you craft this, do you have hobbies?
Stone, Andesite, Granite, Diorite and Deepslate Armor
Decent Armor if you ask me.
Dripstone Armor
It is similar to stonebrick armor, and pretty decent.
Bookshelf Armor
Pretty Op, yet pretty expansive for early game.
Honeycomb Armor
Just Melon/Pumpkin Armor but better.
And that is about it!
This Addon doesn't add that many Armor sets for now
However I will soon add more!
Hope you enjoy the addon!
Till next time!
Showcase Video
I made a video about this addon as well!
Updated on September 20
- Changed the download links of the addon
- Fixed a few minor bugs