🔥SkillCraft v3.31 - Vietnamese Language Update 💧 || 1.20.50, 1.20.60, 1.20.72, 1.20.80 Support+

✨ ARE YOU BORED WITH THE DEFAULT MINECRAFT? 🥱 Do you want your game to be harder? 💪 I think this addon is your choice! 😉 With the addition of 7 types of skills that force you to level up to use items in the game, this addon will be difficult! 🎮
Permission for ModBay:
v3.3 1.20.72 and 1.20.80 update!
v3.2 Bug Fix update!
v3.1 Vietnamese Language update!
v3 - Supports Minecraft 1.20.50+
A total of 7 skills that you need to upgrade to use items!
(and 1 skill list you should upgrade because it's very useful)
Movement Skill
Upgrade this skill to incrase your speed! // it's not a speed effect
Underwater Movement Skill
Upgrade this skill to increase your underwater speed!
Health Skill
Upgrade this skill to increase your health!
Hunger Skill
Upgrade this skill to greatly increase your hunger bar!
Perfect Chance Skill
Upgrade this skill to make your arrows tougher and more powerful!
Miner Skill
Upgrade this skill to increase the XP amount from ore!
Sturdy Skill
Upgrade this skill and you won't get the slow effect from Iron, Gold and Netherite, Armor and Anvil!
Tough Skill
Upgrade this skill to gain immunity to Slowness, Mining Fatugue and Nausea!
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to wear Helmet!
- Level 1: Chainmail Helmet
- Level 2: Golden Helmet
- Level 3: Iron Helmet
- Level 4: Nothing
- Level 5: Diamond Helmet
- Level 6: Netherite Helmet
- Level 7: Chainmail and Leather Helmet with Night Vision I Effect
- Level 8: Iron and Golden Helmet with Night Vision I Effect
- Level 9: Diamond Helmet with Night Vision I Effect
- Level 10: Netherite Helmet with Night Vision I Effect
- Level 11: Chainmail and Leather Helmet with Water Breathing Effect
- Level 12: Iron and Golden Helmet with Water Breathing Effect
- Level 13: Diamond Helmet with Water Breathing Effect
- Level 14: Netherite Helmet with Water Breathing Effect
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to wear Chestplate!
- Level 1: Chainmail Chestplate
- Level 2: Golden Chestplate
- Level 3: Iron Chestplate
- Level 4: Nothing
- Level 5: Diamond Chestplate
- Level 6: Netherite Chestplate
- Level 7: Chainmail and Leather Chestplate with Haste I Effect
- Level 8: Iron and Golden Chestplate with Haste I Effect
- Level 9: Diamond Chestplate with Haste I Effect
- Level 10: Netherite Chestplate with Haste I Effect
- Level 11: Chainmail and Leather Chestplate with Resistance II Effect
- Level 12: Iron and Golden Chestplate with Resistance II Effect
- Level 13: Diamond Chestplate with Resistance II Effect
- Level 14: Netherite Chestplate with Resistance II Effect
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to wear Leggings!
- Level 1: Chailmail Leggings
- Level 2: Golden Leggings
- Level 3: Iron Leggings
- Level 4: Nothing
- Level 5: Diamond Leggings
- Level 6: Netherite Leggings
- Level 7: Chainmail and Leather Leggings with Jump Boost I Effect
- Level 8: Iron and Golden Leggings with Jump Boost I Effect
- Level 9: Diamond Leggings with Jump Boost I Effect
- Level 10: Netherite Leggings with Jump Boost I Effect
- Level 11: Chainmail and Leather Leggings with Jump Boost II Effect
- Level 12: Iron and Golden Leggings with Jump Boost II Effect
- Level 13: Diamond Leggings with Jump Boost II Effect
- Level 14: Netherite Leggings with Jump Boost II Effect
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to wear Boots!
- Level 1: Chailmail Boots
- Level 2: Golden Boots
- Level 3: Iron Boots
- Level 4: Nothing
- Level 5: Diamond Boots
- Level 6: Netherite Boots
- Level 7: Chainmail and Leather Boots with Speed I Effect
- Level 8: Iron and Golden Boots with Speed I Effect
- Level 9: Diamond Boots with Speed I Effect
- Level 10: Netherite Boots with Speed I Effect
- Level 11: Chainmail and Leather Boots with Slow Falling Effect
- Level 12: Iron and Golden Boots with Slow Falling Effect
- Level 13: Diamond Boots with Slow Falling Effect
- Level 14: Netherite Boots with Slow Falling Effect
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to use Shield!
- Level 1: Shield
- Level 5: Shield with Resistance I Effect
- Level 10: Shield with Resistance II Effect
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to use some some Farmer's Items!
- Level 1: Potato, Carrot, Wheat Seeds, Beetroot Seeds, ...
- Level 2: Baked Potato, ...
If you are not at enough Farmer level, but have Farmer's Items in your inventory or hotbar, you will be blind, slow and weak!
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to use some Magic Items! // nature
- Level 1: Spider Eye, Rotten Flesh, Bone, Ghast Tear?
- Level 2: Blaze Rod, Blaze Powder, Ender Pearl, Ender Eye
- Level 3: Potion, Brewing Stand
- Level 4: Splash Potion, Golden Carrot, Magma Cream
- Level 5: Glistering Melon Slice
- Level 6: Totem of Undying, End Crystal, Golden Apple
- Level 7: Enchanted Golden Apple, Linngering Potion
If you are not at enough Magic level, Magic Items will be cleared from your inventory!
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to use Bow and Crossbow!
- Level 1: Bow and Crossbow
- Level 2: Bow and Crossbow with Speed I Effect
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to equip Elytra!
- Level 1: Elytra, ...
- Level 5: Elytra with Speed I Effect, ...
- Level 10: Elytra with Speed I and Slow Falling Effects
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to equip Pickaxe!
- Level 1: Stone Pickaxe
- Level 2: Golden Pickaxe
- Level 3: Iron Pickaxe
- Level 4: Nothing
- Level 5: Diamond Pickaxe
- Level 6: Netherite Pickaxe
- Level 7: Stone and Wooden Pickaxe with Haste I Effect
- Level 8: Iron and Golden Pickaxe with Haste I Effect
- Level 9: Diamond Pickaxe with Haste I Effect
- Level 10: Netherite Pickaxe with Haste I Effect
- Level 11: Stone and Wooden Pickaxe with Haste II Effect
- Level 12: Iron and Golden Pickaxe with Haste II Effect
- Level 13: Diamond Pickaxe with Haste II Effect
- Level 14: Netherite Pickaxe with Haste II Effect
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to equip Shovel!
- Level 1: Stone Shovel
- Level 2: Golden Shovel
- Level 3: Iron Shovel
- Level 4: Nothing
- Level 5: Diamond Shovel
- Level 6: Netherite Shovel
- Level 7: Stone and Wooden Shovel with Haste I Effect
- Level 8: Iron and Golden Shovel with Haste I Effect
- Level 9: Diamond Shovel with Haste I Effect
- Level 10: Netherite Shovel with Haste I Effect
- Level 11: Stone and Wooden Shovel with Haste II Effect
- Level 12: Iron and Golden Shovel with Haste II Effect
- Level 13: Diamond Shovel with Haste II Effect
- Level 14: Netherite Shovel with Haste II Effect
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to equip Shears!
- Level 1: Shears
- Level 2: Shears with Haste I Effect
Fishing Rod
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to equip Fishing Rod!
- Level 1: Fishing Rod
- Level 2: Fishing Rod with Water Breathing Effect
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to equip Trident!
- Level 1: Nothing
- Level 2: Trident
- Level 5: Trident with Speed I Effect
- Level 10: Trident with Conduit Power I Effect
Upgrade this skill and you'll be able to equip Sword!
- Level 1: Stone Sword
- Level 2: Golden Sword
- Level 3: Iron Sword
- Level 4: Nothing
- Level 5: Diamond Sword
- Level 6: Netherite Sword
- Level 7: Stone and Wooden Sword with Strength I Effect
- Level 8: Iron and Golden Sword with Strength I Effect
- Level 9: Diamond Sword with Strength I Effect
- Level 10: Netherite Sword with Strength I Effect
- Level 11: Stone and Wooden Sword with Strength II Effect
- Level 12: Iron and Golden Sword with Strength II Effect
- Level 13: Diamond Sword with Strength II Effect
- Level 14: Netherite Sword with Strength II Effect
You should turn on:
Updated on June 06
- Support for Minecraft 1.20.80
- Support for Minecraft 1.20.72
- Support for Minecraft 1.20.60+
- Fixed bug about enchanted apple and baked potatoes
- Fixed bug about tough skills!
- Vietnamese update!
- Support for Minecraft 1.20.50+
- Support for Minecraft 1.20.30
- Fast UI updateeeeeeeeeeeeeee