Core Resource Generator Addon
No longer waste hours of time on resource extraction. A new modern way of resource extraction — this addon adds more than 50 generators to the game.

No longer waste hours of time on resource extraction. A new modern way of resource extraction — this addon adds more than 50 generators to the game.
The Battleaxe Addon adds 9 new battleaxes and 10 leviathan axes to your game. Each axe has at least one ability and has a lot of damage.
Enjoy the beauty of having even more things to do with your survival map! This addon will give you a new option. STEEL!
This guide will show you how to install Minecraft Texture packs for iOS and iPadOS. We'll walk through the installation of mods in .mcpack and .zip & rar extensions.
This guide will show you how to install Minecraft Texture packs for Windows 10 and 11. We'll walk through the installation of mods in .mcpack and .zip & rar extensions.
This guide will show you how to install Minecraft Texture packs for Android. We'll walk through the installation of mods in .mcpack and .zip & rar extensions.
This guide will show you how to install Minecraft Add-Ons and Mods for iOS and iPadOS devices. We'll walk through the installation of mods in .mcpack, .mcaddon and .zip & rar extensions.
This guide will show you how to install Minecraft Add-Ons and Mods for Windows 10 & 11. We'll walk through the installation of mods in .mcpack, .mcaddon and .zip & rar extensions.
This guide will show you how to install Minecraft Add-Ons and Mods for Android. We'll walk through the installation of mods in .mcpack, .mcaddon and .zip & rar extensions.
This guide will show you how to install Minecraft maps and templates for iOS and iPadOS devices (iPhone & iPad). We'll walk through the installation of maps in .mcpack, .zip and .rar