Os' Inverted Armor Trims | Bedrock Edition
This pack inverts the template of your armor trims so there's more fun color on your armor!

This pack inverts the template of your armor trims so there's more fun color on your armor!
This pack adds a lot of new Fox Variants themed around Minecraft Earth Mobs. "Earth Foxes" texture pack is originally created by Nayru for Java Edition and was ported by me to Bedrock
If you're looking for a way to enhance your Minecraft GUIs, the Colorful Containers texture pack is an excellent choice.
This resource pack / texture pack for the Minecraft Bedrock Edition highlights all kinds of waxed copper blocks in your inventory to make it easier to distinguish them from unwaxed copper blocks.
Changes the cow texture to Cottagecore Highland Cow. This pack is originally created by sadcanofspam as a mob skin for Java Edition and was ported by me to Bedrock Edition.
Replaces the allay model with Chao from Sonic the Hedgehog! Hello and welcome to another Bedrock port that I made.
Hello, I'm back with my second texture pack on ModBay. The title describes it all, it is a great addition to your survival packs. Works with shaders and RTX packs.
Do you feel that the original dripstone is not very appealing to you? Well now I present you my new simple 3D dripstone texture pack. This pack changes the blockshape of dripstone and makes it 3D.
Better mobs is a functional texture pack which makes animations and sound effects better, like heck, even villagers talk!