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Trees Plus+ Better Trees Texture Pack

Thumbnail: Trees Plus+ Better Trees Texture Pack Go to files

Trees in minecraft are pretty bland and boring but this texture pack fixes that! This texture pack improves leaves, logs and colors of trees. Now the leaves are bushier and denser, the logs are more detailed and trees have different colors depending upon the biome they are in!



Trees Plus: Screenshot 1

Trees Plus: Screenshot 2

Trees Plus: Screenshot 3

Trees Plus: Screenshot 4

Trees Plus: Screenshot 5

Trees Plus: Screenshot 6

Trees Plus: Screenshot 7

Trees Plus: Screenshot 8

Trees Plus: Screenshot 9

Trees Plus: Screenshot 10


Improved Leaves
  • The leaves have a 3D model and look bushy:

Improved Leaves: Screenshot

Improved Logs
  • Logs have a more detailed texture:

Improved Logs: Screenshot

Improved Tree Colors

Trees will have different colors depending upon the biome they are in:

  • Birch trees will be pink in forest biomes, orange in cold biomes and yellow in all other biomes.
  • Oak trees will be orange in cold biomes and green in all other biomes.
  • Dark Oak trees will be red in all biomes.
  • Swamp trees and Acacia trees are greener.
Item Textures

Item Textures: Screenshot


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Terms of use!

  • If you want to use this pack in a video, share the link to THIS PAGE, NOT the direct link or any custom link.
  • You are not allowed to use any of the textures, code or modify this pack except for personal use.
  • You are not allowed to publish this on ANY other website without my permission.

If you do not follow, I WILL find you and sue you.

Please report any bugs, give suggestions or contact me on my YouTube: @FusedBolt or Discord: fusedbolt

Lightning Border

Want to spice up your trees even more? Then check out Fused's Falling Leaves Addon!

Fused's Falling Leaves Addon Cover


Updated on June 29

  • Updated to support Minecraft 1.21
Changelog for December 10 / Old Update
  • Added a new item texture for oak leaves
  • Added a new item texture for birch leaves
  • Added a new item texture for dark oak leaves
  • The item colors now represent the different colors of the leaves
Changelog for November 06 / Old Update
  • Upon the request of several people, the pack now also supports lower versions.
Download links
Download from CurseForge
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0
10 010
1 comment
  1. No avatar image yanzmoel Guest