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Astraliyte's Animated Textures v5 | Bedrock Edition

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Welcome to another Bedrock port that I made! "Astraliyte's Animated Textures" is a resource pack that adds animation to some items in Minecraft. This pack was originally created by Astraliyte for Java Edition and was ported by me to Bedrock Edition.

"Some textures are kinda stationary when they don't need to be so I gave them all their own special animation" -Astraliyte

What's New:

  • Fixed Broken Images
  • Fixed Broken Model
  • Mace
  • Breeze Rod
  • Wind Charge

All Animated Textures

Animated Diamond Texture

Animated Gold Ingot Texture

Animated Honeycomb Texture

Animated Spider Eye Texture

Animated Water Bucket Texture

Animated Lava Bucket Texture

Animated Milk Bucket Texture

Animated Bucket of Cod Texture

Animated Bucket of Salmon Texture

Animated Bucket of Tropical Fish Texture

Animated Bucket of Axolotl Texture

Animated Bucket of Pufferfish Texture

Animated Redstone Dust Texture

Animated Glowstone Dust Texture

Animated Slimeball Texture

Animated Magma Cream Texture

Animated Ender Pearl Texture

Animated Ender Eye Texture

Animated Glistering Melon Slice Texture

Animated Golden Carrot Texture

Animated Golden Apple Texture

Animated End Crystal Texture

Animated Netherite Ingot Texture

Animated Fire Charge Texture

Animated Prismarine Crystals Texture

Animated Bucket of Tadpole Texture

Animated Echo Shard Texture

Animated Blaze Rod Texture

Animated Blaze Powder Texture

Animated Phantom Membrane Texture

Animated Glow Ink Sac Texture

Animated Bottle o' Enchanting Texture

Animated Shulker Shell Texture

Animated Lapis Lazuli Texture

Animated Nether Star Texture

Animated Sniffer Egg Texture

Download more of my contents here

ModBay | PlanetMinecraft | MCPEDL

Owner's Permission

Astraliyte's Permission for Parzival_

NOTE: Copyright does not apply to bedrock porting. We, the Bedrock Porters, put in the effort to make a Java Edition resource pack or mod available for Bedrock Edition players to enjoy while keeping the credits for the owner at the same time. All bedrock ports of mine have permission to be ported and are allowed to use a link shortener.

Terms of Use


  • Showcase the Addon/Texture Pack in videos with proper credit to me, Parzival_ and a link to MCPEDL/Modbay/PlanetMinecraft or Linkvertise/Boostellar.
  • Modify the Addon/Texture Pack for personal use.
  • Share the texture pack using the MCPEDL/Modbay/PlanetMinecraft link.


  • Claim the Addon/Texture Pack as your own.
  • Modify the Addon/Texture Pack for public use.
  • Upload the Addon/Texture Pack on any third-party website (Ex: 9Minecraft, MinecraftMods).
  • Showcase or use the Addon/Texture Pack without providing proper credits.
  • Use mediafire or direct links for downloading the pack.

Legal actions will be pursued against those who fail to comply with these terms of use.

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Download links
Download v5 Here
Download Old Version Here
Java Edition
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0
14 065
  1. This is a cool texture pack, friends👍🏻
  2. No avatar image SKELTO X1 Guest
    Can you update it for 1.21 latest
  3. No avatar image PandaBearJelly Guest
    Hey There! How were you able to contact Astraliyte? I'm looking to confirm permissions to use the pack in a modpack for Java
  4. No avatar image Arthur
    Sorry but the link doesn't work for me bstlar Only an empty white page appears