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Vanilla RTX
Vanilla RTX is the most popular PBR resource pack for Minecraft RTX, allowing you to use Minecraft's ray tracing features while remaning
Explorer Texture Pack - V2
A texture for vanilla Minecraft lovers. This texture changes several things in the game to make the survival experience much more beautiful
Ultimate Survival Texture Pack v3.9.6 | USTP
USTP is the Best Default Edit Texture Pack you'll ever find with 55+ Features. It makes Minecraft Clearer, Less Obstructive, and More
Max's Better Mobs v1.8 - 1,100+ Mob Variations! | Bedrock Edition
This pack is a compilation of my bedrock ports of creepermax123's Java Edition packs that aims to give Minecraft more life by adding mob
Better Mob Animations Resource Pack v2.4.5 | 27 Mobs with New Realistic Vanilla-style Animations!
Are you tired of the default, boring vanilla mob animations? This add-on will enhance your experience with new and improved Minecraft
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