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Newb X Spooky

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Ever wanted to make Minecraft visually terrifying? Then here is your solution. This shader adds spooky lighting and fog, and I recommend playing with 30 brightness in day and night. And when raining at night, set brightness to 70 or more, or else it will be dark.


Newb X Spooky: Screenshot 1

Newb X Spooky: Screenshot 2

Newb X Spooky: Screenshot 3

Newb X Spooky: Screenshot 4

Newb X Spooky: Screenshot 5

Newb X Spooky: Screenshot 6

Newb X Spooky: Screenshot 7

Newb X Spooky: Screenshot 8

Newb X Spooky: Screenshot 9

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Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20
1 200
  1. It would be super cool if you made a texture that puts the life hearts, food saturation bar and armor stuff at the bottom, above the experience bar, just like in java, which only changes that and not the player's inventory ("I know this can be done by changing the UI in the game's video settings, but on many mobile devices this changes the player's menu and inventory and makes it too small and believe me you can't increase that size and it's annoying.")
  2. It would be great if you could make a texture that removes the dark edges of the screen, when entering the negative layers, it would be very cool and unique, also a texture that gives back the shine to the potions would be great.
  3. Cool
  4. bitcode profile avatar bitcode
    normal mc or patched?
  5. No avatar image ano Guest
    change the websites used to download. awful choices