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Better Dogs v1.1 | MCPE/BE - 30+ Wolf Textures

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Unleash a whole new level of canine companionship with the "Better Dogs" texture pack! This pack introduces a delightful array of new dog breeds, each waiting to become your loyal and lovable companion. Originally made by Mrblueyeti for Java Edition and was ported by me to Bedrock Edition.

Better Dogs Logo

Default Wolf Variants

Default Wolf Variants

How it works?

Put a name tag on an anvil. Rename it like this: "Corgi" or "Border Collie" . Make sure the first letter of the name is uppercase and other letters are lowercase, be aware of the spaces, and don't include the quotes (""). Use the nametag on a tamed wolf and finish!

Obtainable Nametag Variants

"Snood" Dog Variants


"Husky" Dog Variants


"Corgi" Dog Variants


"Border Collie", "Collie" or "BC" Dog Variants

"Border Collie", "Collie" or "BC"

"Afghan Hound" or "Afghan" Dog Variants

"Afghan Hound" or "Afghan"

V1.1 Update is now Available!

New Nametag Variants:

"Lab", "Labrador" or "Labrador Retriever" Dog Variants

"Lab", "Labrador" or "Labrador Retriever"

"Golden" or "Golden Retriever" Dog Variants

"Golden" or "Golden Retriever"

"Pug" Dog Variants


"Shih Tzu" or "Shihtzu" Dog Variants

"Shih Tzu" or "Shihtzu"

Additional dog variants will be introduced in future updates!

Owner's Permission

Owner's Permission

NOTE: Copyright does not apply to bedrock porting. We, the bedrock porters, put in the effort to make a Java Edition resource pack or mod available for Bedrock Edition players to enjoy and keeping the credits for the owner at the same time.

Visit my Profile HERE for 100+ Bedrock Edition Texture Packs!

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Updated on November 10

Update v1.1:

  • Added Labrador (4 variants)
  • Added Golden Retriever (3 variants)
  • Added Pug (2 variants)
  • Added Shihtzu (3 variants)

More variants will be added soon...

Download links
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Java Edition
Supported versions
1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50 1.19.40 1.19.30 1.19.20 1.19.10 1.19.0
1 359
  1. No avatar image Griv Guest
    Do you know why in 1.21 that when I name them a breed, they turn invisible? If I name them back to something else, they reappear. Any help would be greatly appreciated. We just lost our Shih Tzu and were going to use this to make a memorial world for her.

    Thank you!
  2. No avatar image vampyrka Guest
    These look awesome, if I may suggest a breed.. Maltese. Had one for this month would be 14 years and best doggie I’ve ever had (well one of the best)…
  3. Add more dogs and don't change the wolf variants with different species in My zoo include black wolf, Arctic wolf,Eurasian wolf,gray wolf and Timber wolf and don,t glitch My animals of cuter vanilla animals and Equestria horses please
  4. Perfect, I love this! ❤️