Minecraft Earth Cows

Minecraft Earth Cows texture pack contains 15 cow textures (default cow included) and also three new extra textures. The twelve textures in this pack will be a part of randomized spawning, and the six other textures are only obtainable using a nametag. Some of them have emissive (glow in the dark) textures too.
- Creator: Parzival_
- Parzival_ Discord Server
Randomized Cows
Textures are randomized, but you can keep their textures using nametags:
- 'Cow' or 'Default Cow'
- 'Albino' or 'Albino Cow'
- 'Ashen' or 'Ashen Cow'
- 'Cookie' or 'Cookie Cow'
- 'Cream' or 'Cream Cow'
- 'Dairy' or 'Dairy Cow'
- 'Moobloom'
- 'Moolip'
- 'Pinto' or 'Pinto Cow'
- 'Sunset' or 'Sunset Cow'
- 'Umbra' or 'Umbra Cow'
- 'Wooly' or 'Wooly Cow'
"Nametag-Only" Textures
Is also from Minecraft Earth, but only obtainable using nametags (The Magma cow is based on the Minecraft Earth snapshots and the Recrafted Mobs java texture pack):
- 'Magma' or 'Magma Cow'
- 'Sheared Wooly' or 'Sheared Wooly Cow'
- Sheared Umbra' or 'Sheared Umbra Cow'
Extra textures
You can get them by using a nametag to a cow:
- 'Ender' or 'Ender Cow'
- 'Strawberry' or 'Strawberry Cow'
- 'Cake' or 'Cake Cow'