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Tinkers' Bedrock: Blades of the Forge (v2.1)
Tinkers' Construct is a Java mod, first created by mDiyo, now recreated in Bedrock Edition! This add-on adds a variety of new tools and weapons to the game, along with some extra features.

Mystical Agriculture: Bedrock Edition (v1.4)
As a successor to the Magical Crops mod, this add-on is based around the idea of farming various resources, like diamonds, blaze rods, and even dirt if you'd like, all using crops!

Natura: Regrown
Natura is a popular nature expansion java mod, designed to work along with Tinkers' Construct, with a range of unique and comical trees to find in your world.

Strat's Food Expansion (v1.7.3)
Discover and create new foods to give you the meals that your stomach deserves! This addon was created to give you a challenge and make you eat more.

Strat's Paint Add-on (v1.8.1)
This add-on was made to add a wider variation of blocks to use in survival or creative and give you a plethora of colours your builds deserve!