Feesh38 profile avatarFeesh38
For some reason, I really love this concept
albertocasado37 profile avataralbertocasado37
hey, for me, the gold thing with netherrack and mossy cobblestone doesn't work, herobrine or any of the entities are nowhere to be seen, I only get the jumpscares with Steve cursed and Alex, i waitied for more than an hour with lvl 4 spawn rate and nothing happened I have tried every command and, spawned and respawned herobrine and nothing still happened then i started using the unlocked command and still nothing happened, after all that I started to look in the code maybe I could find the issue or perhaps make it work idk and obvs i didn't do any better, please help me.
Top cara
Halo333X profile avatarHalo333X
thx :)
Feesh38 profile avatarFeesh38
I saw your posts on the add-ons discord server, and I'm so happy this is released now! Congratulations!
DolphinMasterMB profile avatarDolphinMasterMB
That's a good tip indeed! Minecraft can be buggy sometimes lol!😅😆😁👍😉
SSTmcbe profile avatarSSTmcbe
I am actually looking into using those but the scripts are goin d bit above my head XD
(still just a beginner ya know)
D profile avatarD
Hmmm, they're all very cute, but for now armadillo is my favorite. Wolf armor will be very useful in my survival. But the crab also looks interesting, the claw will be very useful for building 🤔

Why devs can't just add them all 😔
D profile avatarD
This addon doesn't use player.json file, but make changes to the Illager mobs files. So, it should be compatible with other addons if they don't affect these files.
D profile avatarD
This is a frequent and unknown issue of Minecraft itself. I recreated mcaddon, and now it should be imported correctly. If this doesn't happen, then I recommend installing via zip
thirphaphkhlangrahad profile avatarthirphaphkhlangrahad
Is it compatible with other add-ons? There are many expansions that add new Illager mobs.
Shroomking profile avatarShroomking
Okay thanks! I just thought it might be fun to try out some of the old versions for some fun since I have been with this map before it even added its own addon, and was just texture packs and command blocks.
DolphinMasterMB profile avatarDolphinMasterMB
The website admin adjusted the zip to mcaddon format! I don't know what went wrong unfortunately! Maybe try the other method! Cheers!