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Farmer's Delight Bedrock (Unofficial)

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This add-on is an unofficial port of the Farmer's Delight Mod to Bedrock Edition, meticulously reproduced to match the original as closely as possible. It enhances gameplay by adding a variety of new crops, recipes, and cooking mechanics, bringing a richer and more immersive farming experience to Minecraft Bedrock players.

Farmer's Delight Bedrock Logo

Port Permission

The Farmer's Delight mod on Java edition is under the MIT License. This license allows me to port it to bedrock edition. Here is the license link: FarmersDelight: A lightweight farming expansion for Minecraft. (github.com)

Special thanks to Vectorwing for creating this excellent mod!

โ—† Extension Mods

Bedrock Delight Addons Page | BedrockDelights

โ—† Foods and Drinks

Lots of foods and drinks that have been added:

Foods and Drinks: Screenshot 1

Foods and Drinks: Screenshot 2

Foods and Drinks: Screenshot 3

Foods and Drinks: Screenshot 4

โ—† Cutting Board

The Cutting Board is a functional block without a GUI that can hold certain blocks and items and can be processed using tools.

Cutting Board: Screenshot

โ—† Stove

The Stove is a functional block without a GUI that provides heat for the Skillet and Cooking Pot when active, and can also smelt certain items on its own. When smelting items, it can simultaneously smelt up to 6 different items of the same or different types. While active, the Stove can be extinguished using a shovel or water bucket. When extinguished, it can be reignited using flint and steel.

Stove: Screenshot

โ—† Cooking Pot

The Cooking Pot is a functional block with a GUI that can be used for cooking and storing food.

To prepare food, the Cooking Pot must have a heat source below it. You can determine the presence of a heat source by observing bubbles or smoke rising above the Cooking Pot or flames in the GUI. Heat sources can be fire (including soul fire), lava, campfires (including soul campfires), lit stoves, or any block with the tag farmersdelight:heat_source.

  • The Cooking Pot has six input slots, one display slot, one container slot, and one output slot.
  • The Cooking Pot has a recipe display UI, accessible by opening the Cooking Pot.
  • The Cooking Pot recipes are all shapeless recipes; once the ingredients are placed, and it is heated, the food will automatically start synthesizing.
  • Items in the display slot cannot be taken directly; you need to put a suitable container in the container slot to transfer them to the output slot before they can be taken out.

Cooking Pot: Screenshot

Cooking Pot: UI

โ—† Skillet

The Skillet is a functional block without a GUI. Its role differs in item and block forms.

In block state, the Skillet can cook food when there is a heat source below it. Right-click to place food on the Skillet, and it can hold a maximum of one set of ingredients.

Skillet: Screenshot

In item state, the Skillet has additional attack damage.

โ—† Crops

This mod adds four new crops: Tomatoes, Onions, Cabbages, and Rice. These crops, along with vanilla crops, can generate as wild crops around the world.

โ–ถ Tomatoes can be obtained by breaking tomato crops, breaking wild tomato shrubs, or cutting wild tomato shrubs on the cutting board. Tomato shrubs generate in hot biomes. When tomato crops have no linked rope above them, tomatoes will grow along the rope, reaching a maximum height of two blocks.

โ–ถ Cabbages can be obtained by breaking cabbage crops, breaking wild cabbages, or cutting wild cabbages on the cutting board. Wild cabbages generate in beach biomes.

โ–ถ Onions can be obtained by breaking onion crops, breaking wild onions, or cutting wild onions on the cutting board. Wild onions generate in temperate biomes.

โ–ถ Rice can be obtained by breaking rice crops, breaking wild rice, cutting rice panicles on the cutting board, or cutting wild rice on the cutting board. Wild rice generates in river biomes.

Wild Carrot Crops: Screenshot

โ—† Knife

  • When you use a knife to destroy grass or tall grass, you will drop extra straw.
  • Knives speed up digging: cakes and pies; all wool blocks; leaves (but will not drop leaves); web; wheat related blocks.
  • Killing a chicken with a knife will increase the upper and lower limit of the number of feathers dropped by 1.
  • Killing a hoglin that is not on fire with a knife will definitely drop 1 ham.
  • Kill a pig that is not on fire with a knife, and there is a 50% chance of dropping a ham. Each level of the looting enchantment increases the drop rate by 10%.
  • Kill cows, mooshrooms, donkeys, horses, mules, alpacas, and trader alpacas with a knife, and the upper and lower limits of the amount of leather dropped will be increased by 1.
  • Killing a rabbit with a knife will increase the upper and lower limits of the number of rabbit skins dropped by 1.
  • Kill shulker shells with a knife, and the upper and lower limits of the number of shulker shells dropped will be increased by 1.
  • Killing a burning hoglin with a knife will definitely drop a smoked ham.
  • Kill a burning pig with a knife, and there is a 50% chance of dropping a smoked ham. Each level of the looting enchantment increases the drop rate by 10%.
  • Kill spiders and cave spiders with a knife, and the upper and lower limits of the amount of String dropped will increase by 1.

โ—† Language Contributor

  • Sanjy (es_ES)
  • Lintha (es_US)
  • Emeraldx392 (it_IT)
  • HamzaMsrc(tr_TR)
  • ่ฏญ็ฟŒๅˆถไฝœ็ป„ (zh_TW)

โ—†Subsidiary mods

โ—† Our Discord

โ—† Sponsor us for better work

โ—†ย Updated on March 09

  • Updated to support 1.21.60 MC version
V3.1.5 / March 02 / Old Update

New features:

  • Added safe net recipe.
  • Changed Farmer's Delight book texture.
  • When crashing on BDS, the script will be reloaded.
  • Added rice crops that can contain water.
  • Mushrooms can be planted on organic compost to grow into colonies and can accelerate the conversion of organic compost into rich soil.
  • Added Tatami item group.


  • (BREAKING CHANGE) Unified the ID of half tatami mats item and block.
  • Reduced the probability of generating some wild crops from 5% to 2.5%. The affected crops are: wild beets, wild cabbages, wild carrots, wild onions, wild potatoes, and wild tomatoes.


  • Fixed a bug where placing a stove and skillet would result in the block's direction being wrong.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong item to be added to the player when placing the Cooking Pot.
  • Fixed a rendering error when planting rice.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the state to be reset when eating a pie with hands at the last stage.
  • Fixed a bug that caused wild rice to not be placed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused potatoes to be placed when planting carrots on Rich Soil Farmland.
  • Fixed a bug that caused carrots to be placed when planting potatoes on Rich Soil Farmland.
V3.1.3 / February 17 / Old Update

V3.1.3 Update Log:

New features:

  1. When Rich Soil Farmland ripens crops, particles will be spawned.
  2. Added item groups.
  3. Crops can be destroyed by water.


  1. Fixed Stuffed Pumpkin block model, which has the wrong UV.
  2. Fixed the bug when eating pie with an empty hand; the pie cannot be consumed.
  3. Fixed the bug that some cooking pot recipes can't return the right count of items.


  1. Optimized code.
V3.0.0 / October 26 / Old Update
  1. Updated to Minecraft 1.21.40.
  2. Fixed some bug.
  3. No need for any experiments.
V2.0.5 / September 20 / Old Update
  1. Updated to Minecraft 1.21.30.
  2. Fixed some renderer bugs.
V2.0.4 / August 14 / Old Update
  1. Updated to 1.21.20.
  2. Quartz block can now be placed on a cutting board.
  3. Fixed the bug that tomato crop state transition error when harvesting tomato crops.
  4. Fixed the bug that breaking ferns and grass would not drop straw.
V2.0.1 / August 06 / Old Update
  1. Fixed the bug that clicking the stove with a cooking pot would consume extra cooking pot.
  2. Fixed the bug that eating food will not slow you down.
  3. Fixed the bug that destroying wild crops with hands does not drop items.
  4. Fixed the bug that dark oak sign cannot be cut.
  5. Added Traditional Chinese language file (by ่ฏญ็ฟŒๅˆถไฝœ็ป„).
  6. Fixed the bug that the cutting board returned the wrong item when cut jungle log and bamboo block.
V2.0.0 / July 29 / Old Update
  1. Adapted to 1.21.0 and 1.21.1.
  2. All functions no longer rely on HCF and are incompatible with HCF. (Just enable the Beta APIs)
V1.6.2 / May 05 / Old Update
  1. Fixed Skillet and Rope having wrong sound.
  2. Added Italian language (by Emeraldx392).
V1.5.3 / April 26 / Old Update
  1. Updated to 1.20.80.

Finally, thanks for downloading!

Download links
Farmer's Delight Bedrock V3.1.6 [1.21.60+]
Farmer's Delight Bedrock V3.0.0 [1.21.40+ 1.21.50+]
Farmer's Delight Bedrock PBR Pack [Ray Tracing or Deferred]
Our Discord
Sponsor Us
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70
130 054
  1. No avatar image Big Guest
  2. Moaswies profile avatar Moaswies Author
    if you cant open the cooking pot ui, pls make sure Farmer's delight is below any other delight addons.
  3. Will this modpack have another update to its latest version? 1.21.60 or Did it actually worked?
  4. No avatar image sdsssazxcg Guest
    does it work on version 1.21.51?
    1. No avatar image Quira Guest
      Hi! i just have the same version as yours and i tried it. IT WORKED!
      1. No avatar image sdsssazxcg Guest
        hii!! thanks for the answer!
      2. No avatar image Hanami Guest
        which version did you use ?
  5. No avatar image Poppy Guest
    I think its need update so i can use in MC 1.21.51
  6. The pot UI is Not working for me
  7. No avatar image potato Guest
    how the fuck do i download this???
    1. No avatar image Boyah Guest
      Bro you blind
  8. butchers delight Add-On Can you do it brother? It's a mod that I want to have because it Love the new way of cooking along with your other mods.
  9. Bagai mna cara mendownload nya
  10. No avatar image IAnk Guest
    Nice Port. I was trying it but the chord's recipe doesn't work then all its craftings doesn't appear, actually you can craft them but you can't see their recipes. Good job :)
  11. No avatar image Ueyshw7ued Guest
  12. No avatar image Ueyshw7ued Guest
  13. No avatar image isaiah Guest
    Great!! All I need know is Framerโ€™s Respite.๐Ÿ˜Š
  14. No avatar image venus Guest
    No me aparece el arroz unu
  15. No avatar image bubba tea Guest
    I have downloaded the add on in Minecraft PE ver 1.21 but why is nothing working? I donโ€™t have the cooking pots, skillet, rich soil and the book wonโ€™t open