DeathGod profile avatarDeathGod
Can you add more Boss and creature. And i love yours other mode.
LuisR profile avatarLuisR
Gracias brod
Shroomking profile avatarShroomking
I hope there will be a Halloween update that just decorates some maps and stuff. Also, I absolutely love playing this map with my sibling and friends. Question is there any way for me to download previous versions of this map?
DolphinMasterMB profile avatarDolphinMasterMB
Thank you very much for helping me with this great release admins! Cheers!
No avatar imageviperjd3
Great pack with a lot of items. Many errors are showing on load though due to missing references. Needs a decent debugging.
No avatar imageviperjd3
Great pack, but needs to be updated for 1.20.30. A lot of errors showing on load and several models not loading.
No avatar imagePhrozin
Bug on Mojang's end? Meaning the potions? that is fine though and can live with it, could the items be fixed as "BlackHoleSpace0" suggested to change item format version.Please, because me and the other players can't play for now on realm world due to scyth sword not showing up and the other items disappear from player inventory when exit and enter game again.
Juacoarzola18 profile avatarJuacoarzola18
Muy lindo la verdad bien optimisado
DeadVoxelx profile avatarDeadVoxelx
Bc yes
Thank you very much for your valuable and helpful ideas and thoughts!

Yes, I have thought of adding sounds to the Hollow. There are sounds not that have been released yet due to "Technical Difficulties" which I have tried to fixed. I hope that in the next update, these sounds will be added.

The biome implementation is kinda tricky for me right now and I have thought about creating a Biome for the Hollow. But just like the sound difficulty I have not been able to add it yet.

I hope to address these issues very soon and I hope for your patience and understanding. Thank you!
Qopi profile avatarQopi
Too often, structures spawn. Make them rare (they clutter up the world, you have to constantly clean them up)
Change the "format_version" to 1.20.20 for the items that used 1.16.100
It'll fix the problem.
No avatar imagePhrozin
Thanks for structure fix,Raboy and your support towards your followers,but still have a problem:
As of update 1.20.30 on bedrock it seems addon is broken and lost that was in player inventory(that what was there is gone now) or creative menu and I see in creative the mob drops(the jade heart and phoenix feather is invisible icon),but example white spike scythe sword is totally gone now ,but white spike teeth is there and poison sword is in creative selection etc. Could you be kind to update mod,please.When you select poison sword you can use it,but exit game and back in the game the sword or armor will be gone from player inventory as well as armor and you have to get it again from creative or create again...the mobs are spawning fine though. And in minecraft version 1.20.15 I had this weird bug that potion of the deep and phoenix potion crashes the game. I hope you can find a fix for us please,thanks in advance