Dino profile avatarDino
You can only defeat it by attacking it with food items from vanilla minecraft or the addon. I hope that I helped!
Chippo profile avatarChippo
Still donโ€™t work on realms
D profile avatarD
We have updated the post and supplemented it with info about this ๐Ÿค—
No avatar imageMarition
I'm confused, what exactly do the rings do?
No avatar imageMarition
Hey, I'm having trouble with the addon working with a realm. Both the map and Admin tool appear but do not work. All experimental gameplay is also turned on. Do you have any solution?
Thank u so much โค๏ธ
D profile avatarD
It wasn't necessary to copy and paste the entire site ๐Ÿ˜€

I hope you don't mind our edits that we made to the post ๐Ÿ˜Š
PavelDobCZ23 profile avatarPavelDobCZ23
It's built-in ray tracing with Vanilla RTX pack iirc.
Enzo Alvarado profile avatarEnzo Alvarado
what is the shader called?
D profile avatarD
No, it doesn't use the player.json file
Chippo profile avatarChippo
Does this mod use player.json?
Chippo profile avatarChippo
Do you have the resource pack?
fadingRemembrancer profile avatarfadingRemembrancer
Is this working on 1.19.51?