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Floating Texts

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A simple behavior pack that adds a Floating Text Menu, Floating Texts and Floating Scoreboards to your game. Using the menu you can place new texts and manage existing ones that are in loaded chunks.

No experimental toggles needed!

Floating Text Menu

Floating Text Menu

To make the Floating Text Menu UI appear, you right-click/use the Floating Text Menu item which can be found in the creative menu under the Nature tab. You will be greeted with 3 options:

1. New Floating Text

New Floating Text Menu

Here you enter the text that should be displayed and its position in the world. When you submit, it will summon a new Floating Text using the given information.

Note: You can use ⧵n to have multiline floating texts.

Example: "Welcome to⧵nGitHub!"

2. New Floating Scoreboard

New Floating Scoreboard Menu

Here you have settings on how to display the scoreboard, which scoreboard to display and where it should be summoned.

3. Edit Loaded Texts

Edit Nearby Texts Menu

Here you can find every loaded floating text and scoreboard and manage them by changing the displayed text, changing the text's location, changing any other parameter or entirely removing the floating entity.


This pack uses entities for the floating texts. So they are susceptible to the /kill command. The pack uses the minecraft:egg projectile entity as its base, but it does not interfere with the way the vanilla egg projectile functions, it justs uses the same entity. So if your texts are being removed/killed, check for any /kill command blocks and add a [type=!minecraft:egg]

Updated on July 03 2024 (v2.0.0)

  • Made the pack functional for Minecraft v1.20.80+
  • Added a whole new Floaring Text type! Floating Scoreboards
  • Fixed a coordinates bug affecting realms
  • Changed the UI a bit
Changelog for December 14 2023 (1.4.5) / Old Update
  • Made the pack functional for Minecraft v1.20.50
  • Removed the need for Experimental Toggles
Changelog for October 30 2023 (1.3.0) / Old Update
  • Made the pack work for Minecraft v1.20.40
  • Changed the UI icons
Changelog for September 21 2023 (1.2.0) / Old Update
  • Made the pack work for Minecraft v1.20.30
Changelog for July 12 2023 (1.1.0) / Old Update
  • Made the pack work for Minecraft v1.20.10
Download links
GitHub | Latest Version Available
Discord | Support & Updates
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.80
1 278
  1. No avatar image reventern Guest
    Any way you could make these as a craftable consumable so survival players can make and use them? Recipe being something like a Name Tag and a Bottle o' Enchanting would be neat!
    1. DeathSinger profile avatar DeathSinger Author
      That goes kinda against the intendet use of the behavior pack...
      It's more for Operators of a world to decorate their spawn and all and to give directions and so on. Or display important info like scoreboards and maybe rules.

      Everyone having acces to a Floating Text Menu will make the text you create as an Admin in your world vulnerable to being edited or deleted by players with malicious intent. Or create new ones in places you don't want, or create a huge amount that it crashes other players with less preformant devices.

      But if you wish to use this feature in a smaller realm with only the people you trust, it becomes more of a personal feature only you'll be using, so it's up to you to modify the pack in a way it suits you, just don't publish it.
  2. Works amazing! Use these at my world spawn to show the most deaths in the world!
  3. No avatar image jen Guest
    1.21 update please