🍎AppleSkin Bedrock (Unofficial Port)🍎

AppleSkin Bedrock allows you to see the nutritional and saturation values for all types of foods, including those from other addons!
This is an unofficial port of the "Appleskin" mod made by squeek502
Mod License/Port Permission:
The mod is in the public domain and contains the following:
"Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means."
What allows me to make this port
And that means that my addon will also be in the public domain.
For the addon to work properly, move the resource pack to the top, as shown in the image below:
Tested with the foods from:
Farmer's Delight Bedrock (Unofficial Port)
But it is compatible with all addons that add food!
The addon only requires the "Beta APIs" option to be enabled for it to work.
◆ Do you want to use my code to make your own addon? Go ahead!
I'd be very grateful if you give credits :)
◆ Something is not working correctly but you think you have done everything right?
Fill out this form and submit the bug report: Submit Bug Report - PUPY200MINE´S ADD-ONS (weebly.com)
Updated on December 15
- Updated to be compatible with version 1.21.41 (and possibly 1.21.30)
Updated on October 24
- Updated to be compatible with version 1.21.41 (and possibly 1.21.30).
- Updated to make it compatible with 1.21.30.
- Now compatible with Minecraft 1.21.20.
- Fixed the bug that did not allow to grab the food from the chests.
- Added missing values from the suspicious soup.
- Now when opening a loot chest, the nutritional values will be displayed correctly.
- Fixed a bug which did not allow to see the saturation of the enchanted golden apple.