Miner Chestplate with Dynamic Light
Ever wanted Dynamic Light just like Java's Optifine? Well, this add-on is for you because it makes every light source emit real light in your chestplate.

New armor will be added to Minecraft 1.16 Nether Update with the help of Mods and Add-ons. Protect your character while exploring the dangerous biomes of the Nether and mining ancient debris.
Ever wanted Dynamic Light just like Java's Optifine? Well, this add-on is for you because it makes every light source emit real light in your chestplate.
Ever wanted Dynamic Light just like Java's Optifine? Well, this add-on is for you because it makes every light source emit real light in your helmet. This makes cave exploration much more
Allows all vanilla enchantments to surpass their limits in Bedrock. They even work with modded items, too!
Get ready for a new Minecraft Bedrock Edition challenge with the Crouching Gives OP Loot addon/mod - obtain amazing loot by simply crouching in-game!
Did you get tired of your old tools? Did you just find an Ocean Monument with lots of prismarine and Minecraft doesn't offer you much to do with them? Then you found the right place.
Enjoy the beauty of having even more things to do with your survival map! This addon will give you a new option. STEEL!