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Enchanted Books X-Plus

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Allows all vanilla enchantments to surpass their limits in Bedrock. They even work with modded items, too, EVEN FROM THE MARKETPLACE!

Enchanted Books X+

Recipes Update (Part 2)

Allows all vanilla enchantments to surpass their limits in Bedrock.
They even work with modded items, too!

Have you ever thought the enchantment levels are a bit too... limited at times?
Or do you simply want to up your Minecraft game!?
This is extremely helpful for RPG & boss-type worlds, realms, & servers!

Protection goes up to level 20 (XX) so far, to account for high-damage weapons that get enchanted with Sharpness X!

Surpass vanilla limits, works on modded items, too!
These enchantments replicate the vanilla base code, they have their own unique IDs & NBT tags, providing extra enchantment levels! ๐Ÿ˜‰
This will work with most modded weapons & tools inside Bedrock Edition that allow enchantments to be applied to certain levels!
(YES, EVEN MARKETPLACE PACK WEAPONS & ARMORS that allow for enchantments based on vanilla code!)

Available Enchantments

Available Enchantments:

All the vanilla enchanted books with upgraded levels!

  • Sharpness 1-50
  • Protection 1-50
  • Looting 1-10
  • Unbreaking 1-20
  • Efficiency 1-10
  • Fortune 1-10
  • Fire Aspect 1-10
  • Slow Falling 1-10
  • Riptide 1-20

And so on, please enjoy & rate 5 stars!

New Enchanting Mechanism

Enchanting Activation Book Recipe

You must now hold an Activation Book to Render Books "Enchanted"!
This is to use them in an anvil on equipment!
Leave books plain to use for crafting!


Crafting Enchanted Books

Recipes are not final, and are bound to change with updates until balance has been achieved.
Thank you for understanding and your recommendations, suggestions, and feedback!

Recipes require you to grind the game more and make use of late game/end game expensive items!
That way it will make you feel more accomplished when upgrading you Enchantment Levels!

Crafting Unbreaking IV Example

Crafting Unbreaking IV Example

Remember, recipes are not final! They are bound to change in future updates!

View Screenshots:


Enchanted Books X-Plus: Screenshot 1

Enchanted Books X-Plus: Screenshot 2

Enchanted Books X-Plus: Screenshot 3

Enchanted Books X-Plus: Screenshot 4

Enchanted Books X-Plus: Screenshot 5


Protection goes up to Level 20! (XX)


To spawn a book, type /function (enchantment) like so, /function sharpness/vi
This will give you a Sharpness 6 book!

Example of getting a protection book!

Available Protection Enchantments

This will make PvP battles awesome.
It enables Bedrock users to create very high-damage weapons and utilize cooler armors/weapons, etc.

Why make levels so high?

By providing more protection, unbreaking, etc., this allows users, modders, and players to truly embrace the RPG elements and properties Minecraft offers, as well as the potential from other mods/addons and the modding community.

What I mean by this is, creating a boss with 50k HP doesn't seem so unreasonable anymore when (and if) a player has Sharpness 30+ and Protection 20+! :)



Intellectual Property of BlackFire4775 & RebornRPG!



Future Plans:

  • Make Enchantments Achievable in Vanilla Structures โœ…
  • Make Addon Prettier With Unique Fonts โŒ (PROGRESS)
  • Make Post Prettier โœ…
  • Possibly Higher Level Enchantmentsโ“ (maybe)
    Crafting Recipesโ“
    For example, I would make some enchantment books craftable, doing it like Sharp II + Sharp II = Sharp IV, & so on.

For RPG servers to utilize and really bring in aspects of Runescape, World of Warcraft, Dark Souls, and many other RPG games with high-tier level and damage weapons/armors!

Suggestions are open, please rate 5 stars!

Please leave feedbackโ€”should there be recipes (such as Sharpness 5 + 5 makes Sharpness 10), or should I leave it solely to be found in structures in the next update?
Let me know in the Discord or the comments. Thanks, guys!



โ€ข Thanks for viewing, thanks for downloading, enjoy!

Updated on March 24

Version 2.9 available!

  • Various bug fixes.
  • More enchantment levels.
  • More vanilla-based balancing done.
Changelog for March 07 / Old Update
  • Recipes updated!
  • Addon updated and now 100% stable!
  • Thank you everybody for the patience in the recipes update part 1!
  • Linktree added!
Changelog for March 05 / Old Update

Recipes Update Part 1 Released!

  • Recipes are being added, as requested!
  • Recipes are not final, and are bound to change/become harder are levels progress!

Thank you!

Download links
Download BP
Download RP
RebornRPG Linktree
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.0 1.17.0 1.16
2 118
  1. The recipes are too much
    1. Reborn RPG profile avatar Reborn RPG Author
      would you want a 2.9.5 version to reduce recipe costs? i can do that, but version 3 will definitely do that.
  2. No avatar image Bny Guest
    The recipes are too expensive ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ’”
    1. No avatar image Bny Guest
      Is it okay if I rewrite the recipes?
    2. Reborn RPG profile avatar Reborn RPG Author
      The recipes were coded for my realm, i realize they are a bit too expensive for VANILLA worlds, and not realm worlds with built in shops (like mine ..) Sorry i made them overly expensive,

      Good news though, version 3 will overhaul/balance/and also add so much more.

      thank you everybody.
      in the meantime you can learn some coding by opening the recipe files and changing them how you like. IF YOU REALLY WANT TO HELP the Reborn RPG community and be one of us, you could also share each recipe you change to help the addon update quicker!

      Cheers guys <3
  3. Reborn RPG profile avatar Reborn RPG Author
    New enchanting and books activation mechanism. hold crafting table to activate books to be used on equipment. leave books out of your inventory when holding an enchanting table to leave books you dont want to use yet un-enchanted.
  4. No avatar image Guess Guest
    Can it obtain in survival mode ?
    1. Reborn RPG profile avatar Reborn RPG Author
      Yes. books can be found in vanilla structures and do not change anything vanilla, ONLY adds :) you can now craft some of the major enchantments now, too! hold an enchanting table in your hand to activate books to be used on armor, PUT ASIDE books you do NOT want enchanted out of your inventory when holding an enchanting table, because you will need plain books (UN ENCHANTED VERSIONS) to use for crafting!
  5. No avatar image Mega Guest
    - Suggestion -
    (For when you add the enchantments to vanilla structures)

    Only make them go up to 10 levels when found on vanilla structures.

    - Suggestion -
    ( Netherite enchantment table )

    The Netherite Enchantment Table allows you to craft the enchantments from this add-on, and can be made using the following recipe:

    1 - Netherite ingot
    2 - Nether Star
    3 - Enchantment table

    1 2 1
    2 3 2
    1 2 1
  6. No avatar image Mega Guest
    Can you make a sub-pack that only includes Sharpness 1-10 and Unbreaking 1-10? That'd be nice