Craft The Uncraftable

"Craft The Uncraftable V1" mod lets you craft rare items like Chainmail Armor, Totems, Elytra, and more, making hard-to-find items accessible, saving you time and effort in Minecraft!
Mod Explanation ๐
If you're a Minecraft fan and love collecting everything in the game, you've probably come across items that can't be crafted and are only found in chests or dropped by mobs. With the "Craft The Uncraftable" mod, you can now craft many of these items, like Chainmail Armor, Totems, Elytra, and much more. This mod adds crafting recipes for these rare items to save you time and effort.
What can you craft?
Chainmail Armor:
These armor pieces have been available in the game for a long time but couldnโt be crafted. Now, thanks to this mod, you can craft them using Iron Chain in a crafting table.
- Chainmail Boots
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Chainmail Helmet
- Chainmail Leggings
Horse Armor:
- Diamond Horse Armor
- Gold Horse Armor
- Iron Horse Armor
Totem of Undying:
A legendary item that saves you from dying in the game. Now you can craft it instead of waiting to find one.
One of the most popular items that allows you to fly in the game. Instead of searching for it in the End, you can now craft it.
Enchanted Golden Apple:
One of the strongest foods in the game, which you can now craft with specific resources.
Bottle o' Enchanting:
A useful item that gives you XP when you break it. You can now craft it.
Name Tag:
Allows you to name mobs or your pets in the game.
Used to ride horses or pigs.
A strong material used to craft Nether portals. Now you can craft it using a Water Bucket and a Lava Bucket.
Images from the Mod ๐ท
Updated on November 14
- Trident
- Grass Block
- All Heads & Skulls
- Obsidian
- The Golden Horse Armor has been fixed, and the crafting recipe for horse armor has also been updated.
- The XP Bottle has been fixed.