
Prismarite Addon

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This addon expands the usefulness of netherite by creating a new template. With it, you can create armor and prismarite tools to help with your aquatic experience. With this addon you can explore several oceans and even mine underwater without any worry.

Prismarite Sword

When the player is completely in the water, he receives the strength effect.

Prismarite Sword Recipe

Prismarite Tools

When the player is completely underwater, he receives the haste effect.

Prismarite Shovel Recipe

Prismarite Pickaxe Recipe

Prismarite Axe Recipe

Prismarite Hoe Recipe

Prismarite Armor

When the player equips the full armor, he receives the night vision effect, and when he goes underwater, he receives the conduit power effect.

Prismarite Helmet Recipe

Prismarite Chestplate Recipe

Prismarite Leggings Recipe

Prismarite Boots Recipe


Prismarite Armor and Tools: Screenshot


All items can be obtained in the smithing table, you need to simply combine a prismarite template with any diamond tool and a netherite ingot.

Prismarite Template Recipe

Prismarite Pickaxe Recipe Example

Showcase Video

Updated on February 23

  • Added Prismarite Paxel
  • Removed Linkvertise link
  • Shovels now break the mud and dirt with roots
Download links
Download Addon
Supported versions
1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0