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8Crafter's World Height Limit Modifier v1.0.0

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Have you ever wanted to change the height limit of your world in Minecraft Bedrock Edition? Well, this behavior pack lets you do that.

This pack has many sub-packs, each for a different height range, you just scroll through them and find the one for your desired height limit range. This behavior pack actually does modify the height range, you can make even make the height range smaller than it normally is.

The smallest range that you can set it to is 16 blocks in total, the maximum range is a total of 1,024 blocks. You can make the minimum world height limit go all the way down to -512 blocks and the maximum go all the way up to 512 blocks. You can set the minimum and maximum values to any multiples of 16 that are between -512 and 512, as long as the maximum value is at least 16 blocks higher than the minimum value is.

Sadly, there is currently no way to modify the height range of the nether and the end, only the overworld, so this pack only affects the overworld.

NOTE: Blocks that are outside of the height range will not get deleted, they just won't get loaded, and once you increase the height range again then they will come back into the world again.

WARNING: This add-on will also cause any new unsaved chunks generated while the add-on is active to generate as void chunks!

Updated on July 10

  • Updated the list of compatible versions to include 1.21.10 and 1.21.20.
Changelog for June 13 / Old Update
  • Updated the list of compatible versions to include 1.21.0.
Changelog for April 28 / Old Update
  • Updated the list of compatible versions to include 1.20.80.
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v1.0.0 (work.ink)
Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50 1.19.40 1.19.30 1.19.20 1.19.10 1.19.0 1.18.31 1.18.30
5 311
  1. No avatar image Memester Guest
    Does it work in the nether? So i can create farms
  2. 8Crafter's World Height Limit Modifier v1.0.0 1.22 (Year 2025?)
    1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      The add-on is probably gonna be functional for a very long time, probably for at least a few more years.
  3. Do you mind updating this please, if itโ€™s still possible? Thank you :)
    1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      It does not need an update, this works in ANY version of minecraft bedrock edition since 1.18.30.
  4. No avatar image lyticlsb Guest
    Does this change the height limit also in existing minecraft world or in flat world?
    1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      It works in both existing and flat worlds.
  5. IAMAMF profile avatar IAMAMF
    Wondering if this could be updated or edited in a way to adjust your world more like in java where you can set the different block layers... ๐Ÿค”
    1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      No, sadly there is no way to change the height limit without also setting the generator type of the world to void, though you can set different block layers with a custom superflat which you can do on bedrock.
  6. I was wondering if it was possible to create a world border add-on, Using this Add-On you will not be able to leave a Certain Area such as 1000 by 1000
    1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      Well, it would be possible, but not by using this add-on, this add-on only controls the height limits, not the width and length limits. Though I probably could create a world border add-on.
      1. gio1135 profile avatar gio1135
        pls we need one for realms. the world gets buggy at 131,072 blocks out
        1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
          Okay maybe I will make one very soon.
        2. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
          it is now part of my debug sticks add-on
      2. Yup i know! I was wondering if you could create a world border addon too (that's what I meant sorry, English is not my first language)
  7. Could you please use another link instead of work.ink
    1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      work.ink is the only non-shady link monetization company that i know of. (linkvertise, lootlabs, and boostellar all say that you got less downloads than you actually got and give you way less money than you should actually be getting for it). if you are having issues with it then just use a work.ink bypasser (one i know of is thebypasser.com though if you plan to use that one, do not use it without your ad blocker enabled as the ads in it are glitchy and may be invisible and the clickable part of them will be right next to the button to bypass the link)
  8. gsif profile avatar gsif
    Can i build in the nether up in the bedrock?
    1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      No, sadly it is currently not possible to change the height limits of the nether and end dimensions, only the overworld dimension.
  9. gnaha597 profile avatar gnaha597
    Also just wondering, how did you get the thumb nail image?
    1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      I just created a world and built a line of blocks covering a few chunks to save those chunks, then added the world height limit changer behavior pack so that the other chunks would turn into void, then i took a screen shot of the chunks, then I put it into google drawings and overlayed all the other stuff on top of it.
  10. gnaha597 profile avatar gnaha597
    Can you do this with the nether, so that you can build on the nether roof?
    1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      Sorry, but currently it is only possible to modify the height limits of the overworld dimension, with the nether and end you are able to make it generate as void but currently they do not support changing their height limits. :(
      1. gnaha597 profile avatar gnaha597
        Hopefully they will add it in a future update. Thank you :)
  11. But how do i use this and still have the whole minecraft world without it turning into void ๐Ÿค”
    1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      You canโ€™t, when Microsoft added the ability to change the overworld height limit to minecraft they also made it so that when you change it then the world generator type is set to void.
    2. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      Well actually, if you placed or broke at least a single block in every chunk then those chunks would be saved and would not be turned into void, so before you add the behavior pack just modify all the chunks that you want to keep and not have turn into void.
  12. W this a mod the community needs
  13. This is possible???!!
    1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
      Yes, it has been possible since 1.18.30 lol.