StoneTombs [Compatible with Any Addon] - Realms
![Thumbnail: StoneTombs [Compatible with Any Addon] - Realms](/uploads/posts/2024-02/stonetombs-addon-v1-20-6x-cover.png)
The add-on adds a tomb that will store your things when you die. It will give you a key that will allow you to open your tomb, and it will also allow you to teleport to your tomb to get there faster. In the same way, information will appear in your chat and the key will appear. About where to find your tomb, you can only open your tomb and not those of others since the key only works with tombs that have your name.
Experimental Options🔮
- This addon does not need any experimental options to work correctly.
Update V1.4🔥
- In this new update, the Config Key has been added, an item that allows you to customize the functionality of the graves. Only the world owner can have this item.
When interacting with the item, you will open an interface that provides a variety of options to customize the grave.
- Random Key Enchanted / Always Key Enchanted:
Allows you to choose whether the key is always enchanted or randomly enchanted. - Grave Owner Restriction:
Restricts graves so that only the owner can open them. - Show Grave Owner Name:
Displays the grave owner's name. - Show Death Coordinates in Chat:
Shows the death coordinates in the chat. - Show Death Coordinates on Key:
Displays the death coordinates on the key. - Lose Key When Dying:
Makes the player lose the key upon death. - Generate Grave with Empty Inventory:
Allows graves to generate even when the player has an empty inventory. - Spawn Zombie When Opening Grave:
Introduces a chance for a zombie to spawn when opening the grave. - Generate Bones When Opening Grave:
Introduces a chance for bones to generate when opening the grave.
- At the moment of death, a tomb is generated with the player's name and will also give you a key that will allow you to open the tomb, only if it belongs to you and if the key corresponds to the tomb.
If the key is enchanted, it will allow you to teleport to the tomb that was generated at the time of death and collect the items. To open the tomb, you must hit the tomb with the key, and the stored items will be released.
The key has information that the player can use to guide himself and find his tomb and also to know which tomb the key corresponds to.
The information will also appear in the chat to see it more quickly.
If you die in lava, a bucket of dirt will spawn that will protect the tomb and the player once they teleport to collect their stuff. If you die in lava, don't worry, as the tomb will generate a dirt structure that will protect all your items and the same tomb, and so when you teleport you don't get burned trying to open it.
Updated on March 04
- Compatible wiith current Minecraft version.
- Updated to support Minecraft 1.21
- Tomb functions updated
- Made compatible with versions 1.20.5x and 1.20.6x of Minecraft Bedrock
- Updated the manifest to stop using unnecessary experimental games
- The gametest was updated for current versions
- Fixed bugs with the key when trying to open tombs
- Fixed errors with the dimensions of the tomb
- The error of maintaining inventory was resolved
- Fixed error that the tomb did not give the key when dying
- Errors that appeared in the log were removed
- Made compatible with 1.20.41
- Bug with multi key fixed
- Error of not being able to open grave when dying in lava has been solved
- The addon was made compatible with version 1.20.4x of minecraft bedrock
- Fixed bug that did not save armor on some occasions
- Fixed the error that items were not stored in the grave when dying in water
- Removed zombies and skeletons from appearing when opening tombs
- Keys can now be thrown away if the tomb is not worth opening
- Compatibility with current versions of Minecraft 1.19.50
- Compatibility with current versions of Minecraft 1.19.41
- Compatibility with current versions of Minecraft 1.19.30+
- Added a total of 6 new models for tombs.
- There is now a chance for zombies with player names to spawn when opening graves.
- Added a key that opens all kinds of tombs that can only be obtained in creative mode.
- Removed the addon subpack.
- Fixed bugs on servers.