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Reckon New Fun Blocks Addon v2

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Reckon soul presents you another add-on, "Reckon New Fun Blocks". There are 50+ blocks with realistic texture. You can use it to design or decorating floors and walls. Without changing the game default blocks textures… Even you can use default blocks with new blocks.

Make your structures with it... Design your home, make fake sky with stars using Night sky blocks with Moon Blocks. Use Danger Signs for zombie apocalypse or any maps. Use it as your creativity. In New version More New Blocks with slabs etc. can be added.

It’s not craft able blocks only you can get it from creative inventory or using functions. It’s totally different from original.


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Reckon New Fun Blocks Sceenshot 1

In-Game Screenshot 1

In-Game Screenshot 2

In-Game Screenshot 3

In-Game Screenshot 4

In-Game Screenshot 5

In-Game Screenshot 6

In-Game Screenshot 7

In-Game Screenshot 8

In-Game Screenshot 9

In-Game Screenshot 10

For More and Latest Addon: Click Here

Full Blocks list:

  1. Auracube
  2. Fireandwater
  3. Waterblocks
  4. Legoblocks1
  5. Renders
  6. Squaresdesign
  7. Waterblocks2
  8. Purplebars
  9. Waterbubbles
  10. Autumns
  11. Golden
  12. Sadlegohead
  13. Glossybrickwallred
  14. Brickwall
  15. Greentitles
  16. Brickwallwhite
  17. Vintagewood
  18. Masonarystone
  19. Brickwallred
  20. Blockchain
  21. Frame
  22. Modernabstract
  23. Legowall
  24. Rugsblock
  25. Darkblueblock
  26. Woodblocks
  27. Brickswall2
  28. Lumberblocks
  29. Vinylblock
  30. Aquadesign
  31. Nightsky
  32. Pinkroses
  33. Chainblock
  34. Nightshie
  35. Retropattern
  36. Kalied
  37. Abstractd
  38. Fabric
  39. Patternj
  40. Floralblock
  41. Woodlogs
  42. Papered
  43. Afric
  44. Paisly
  45. Purplenight
  46. Floraldesign
  47. Rainbowm
  48. Glowleafs
  49. Greenbiohazardsign
  50. Hazardsign
  51. Radioactive
  52. Warning
  53. Zodiac_Aquarius
  54. Zodiac_Aries
  55. Zodiac_Taurus
  56. Zodiac_Cancer
  57. Zodiac_Capricorn
  58. Zodiac_Sagittarious
  59. Zodiac_Pisces
  60. Zodiac_Libra
  61. Zodiac_Leo
  62. Zodiac_Scorpio
  63. Zodiac_Gemini
  64. Zodiac_Virgo
  65. Opensign
  66. Moon_Full_Night_Sky
  67. Moon_Sky_Luna
  68. Space_Universe
  69. Moon_Craters
  70. Northernlightaura
  71. Moonfullsea
  72. Halloweenwithchmoo


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  • You are NOT allowed to upload this ANYWHERE ELSE. If anyone uploaded it anywhere without taking permission, then either you remove it by yourself or we will remove it. Strong actions are going to be taken.
  • These restriction are applied for our every addon and maps.
  • If you are using this add-on for your content (YouTube video, etc.), PLEASE give us credit for the add-on.
  • You are not allowed to edit the code.
  • Don't download our any addon from any other creepy website because they can contain viruses.
  • Ignorance of these restrictions does not excuse breaking them, respect us add-on creators please, we do our best to provide you the best experience with our add-ons.

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  • Just download the mcaddon file from the link and open with Minecraft PE or Bedrock
  • Create a New World or choose your World (Be sure to backup your old world)
  • Add Resource pack first and then add Behavior pack
  • Enable the experiments feature
    • Holiday creator feature
    • Additional Modding Capabilities
    • Upcoming Creator Features
  • Start the game Enjoy!
Download links
Reckon New Blocks Addon v2
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Supported versions
1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.18.10 1.17.30 1.17.11