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Items Carrier 1.21.70 (supports addons items) 🔥

Thumbnail: Items Carrier 1.21.70 (supports addons items) 🔥 Go to files

This addon will help you move items from one chest to another. It also works with other addons and is simple to use. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel: @shadowgamer100k

Items Carrier Logo

- How to use it?

Just hold the item in your hand, sneak, and click on the first chest or container from which you want to take the items. Then you go to the other empty chest or container in which you want to put the items that you took from the first chest. Then click on it too, and a menu will appear for you containing a button with the confirmation of the transfer. Press the button. The items will be transferred automatically :)

Items Carrier UI: Screenshot

I told you that addon is easy, the way to work with it is easy, it is also useful, and its size is small, so it will benefit you a lot :)

If you have a report, contact me in my channel or my Discord:

- Click to Subscribe to My YouTube Channel -

- Click to Join My Discord Server -

Updated on March 27

  • Made it work with Minecraft 1.21.70. 
Changelog for February 14 / Old Update
  • The addon is working right now on the last Minecraft Bedrock version 1.21.60.
Download links
Get Items Carrier From My Website 🔥
Supported versions
1.21.70 1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80
  1. No avatar image Guest Daniel Guest
    The resource link does not work
  2. No avatar image Eduardo cruz Guest
    The second link does not work
  3. No avatar image Ana lisa Guest
    Resource pack link not working
  4. No avatar image Juan vazquez Guest
    The resource pack link does not work
  5. No avatar image eduardo cruz Guest
    Ya no sirve!! Actualizenlo