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Ex Nihilo: Sequentia BE

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This Addon Adds a New Way to progress the game!

This Addon is Inteded to be used for Modded Skyblock/Skyfactory series...

Create things from nothing, I mean from a Tree


!! Attention !!


This Addon is Not Fully an Unofficial Port of a Java Mod named "Ex Nihilo: Sequentia" made by NovaMachina

The reason of why the mod is mentioned is only because this addon uses the mod name & some of the mod textures

So here is the Permission to use the mod textures in this addon:

Permission from NovaMachina

This means that this addon is Allowed to use the mod textures as long as the owner of the mod textures given the credit!


NovaMachina Channel

Credit to NovaMachina for the mod textures used in this addon!


"Everything else... except the mod textures, are made from scratch by myself"


Back to the Addon Description...



◆ Crooks:

This type of tool replaces shears for collecting leaves in the early game, also the leaves rarely drops String if harvested with this tool


◆ Wooden Crook:

Wooden Crook Recipe

The Basic crook, it is easily ontainable by crafting it with sticks from breaking the leaves

◆ Bone Crook:

Bone Crook Recipe

Better than Wooden Crook (Faster breaking speed & More durability points), craft if you have killed some Skeletons

◆ Blaze Crook:

Blaze Crook Recipe

Better than Bone Crook (Faster breaking speed & More durability points), craft it if you still need to break leaves after progressing into the Nether dimension

◆ Meshes:

This item alone does nothing... but if attached to the Sieve, it allows the block to sift Dirt/Gravel/Sand into Resources


◆ String Mesh:

String Mesh Recipe

Sifting Uses?

Dirt into 1-2 Bonemeal, 1-2 Gravel Dust & (Any) Sapling/(Any) Seeds/(Any) Pebble/Carrot/Potato/Sweet Berries/Bamboo
Gravel into 1-2 Sand Dust & Flint/Amethyst Shard
Sand into Sugar Cane/Cactus/Cocoa Beans

◆ Flint Mesh:

Flint Mesh Recipe

Sifting Uses?

Gravel into 1-2 Sand Dust & Flint/Amethyst Shard/Coal/Ore Pieces/Lapis Lazuli
Can't be used for sifting Dirt & Sand

◆ Iron Mesh:

Iron Mesh Recipe

Sifting Uses?

Gravel into 1-2 Sand Dust & Amethyst Shard/Redstone Dust/Diamond/Emerald
Sand into Sugar Cane/Cactus/Cocoa Beans/(Rarely) Magma Cream
Can't be used for sifting Dirt

◆ Dusts:

4 of these items can be combined into the respective block


Gravel Dust - Sand Dust

Can be obtained from Sieving Dirt/Gravel

◆ Pebbles:

4 of these items can be combined into the respective block


Andesite Pebble - Calcite Pebble - Deepslate Pebble - Diorite Pebble - Dripstone Pebble - Stone Pebble - Granite Pebble - Tuff Pebble

Can be obtained from Sieving Dirt

◆ Ore Pieces:

4 of these items can be combined into the respective raw ore items

Ore Pieces

Copper Pieces - Gold Pieces - Iron Pieces

Can be obtained from Sieving Gravel

◆ Animal Crop Seeds:

Animal Crop Seeds

These items are used for planting the animal crops


◆ Chicken Crop Seeds:

Chicken Crop Seeds Recipe

◆ Pig Crop Seeds:

Pig Crop Seeds Recipe

◆ Sheep Crop Seeds:

Sheep Crop Seeds Recipe

◆ Cow Crop Seeds:

Cow Crop Seeds Recipe




◆ Wooden Barrel:

Wooden Barrel

Unlike the vanilla counterpart, this one is used for creating dirt from leaves

How to Use it?

Fill it with (Any) Leaves until it's full (4 Leaves)
Wait for a moment for the Leaves to convert into Dirt
Interact the block to pick the Dirt


Wooden Barrel Recipe

◆ Sieve:


This block alone does nothing... but if attached with the Mesh, this block is used for sifting Dirt/Gravel/Sand into Resources

How to Use it?

Attach it with Mesh
• If it's empty, Fill it with Dirt/Gravel/Sand
Interact the block to sift the Dirt/Gravel/Sand until it's empty
• The block will Drop Loots based on the sifted block when it's empty


Sieve Recipe

◆ Wooden Crucible:

Wooden Crucible

Although this looks like a wooden cauldron, this block is used for creating water from leaves

How to Use it?

Fill it with (Any) Leaves until it's full (4 Leaves)
Wait for a moment for the Leaves to convert into Water
• If you have Iron Bucket, Interact the block to pick the Water into the Iron Bucket


Wooden Crucible Recipe

◆ Stone Crucible:

Stone Crucible

Similar to it's wooden sibling, this block is used for creating lava from cobblestone

How to Use it?

Fill it with Cobblestone until it's full (4 Cobblestone)
Wait for a moment for the Cobblestone to melt into Lava, it is twice longer than Wooden Crucible
• If you have Iron Bucket, Interact the block to pick the Lava into the Iron Bucket

Extra Use!

• Once the cobblestone melt into lava, Fill it with Water Bucket to turn the Lava into Obsidian
Interact the block to pick the Obsidian, this method of obtaining obsidian doesn't require diamond pickaxe


Stone Crucible Recipe

◆ Cake of The End:

Cake of The End

Take a bite, and you will be teleported into The End dimension


Cake of The End Recipe

◆ Animal Crops:

Animal Crops

Crops that based on Animals!

How to Farm them?

• Plant the respective seeds [Requires Grass Block to be planted]
• Just like Vanilla crops, Bonemeal can be used for increasing the growth stages
• Once it Full-Grown, It Summons the respective baby mob when harvested!


Now with all those items & blocks...



Note: These steps leads straight to end the game... you don't have to do exactly the same & you can do anything along the way...


Punch tree to get Log, then craft it into Planks
Craft Stick, then craft the Wooden Crook
Break the Leaves with the Wooden Crook to get Leaves & String

Craft the Wooden Barrel, then fill it with Leaves to get Dirt
Craft the Sieve & String Mesh, then attach them both together
Sieve the Dirt on the (String Mesh) Sieve to get Gravel Dust, then combine them into Gravel

Sieve the Gravel on the (String Mesh) Sieve to get Flint
Craft the Flint Mesh, then replace the String Mesh on the Sieve with it

Sieve the Gravel on the (Flint Mesh) Sieve to get Iron Pieces, then combine them into Raw Iron
Smelt the Raw Iron into Iron Ingot
Craft the Iron Mesh, then replace the Flint Mesh on the Sieve with it

Craft the Wooden Crucible, then fill it with Leaves to get Water
Craft the Iron Bucket, then pick the Water

Sieve the Gravel on the (Any Mesh) Sieve to get Sand Dust, then combine them into Sand
Sieve the Sand on the (Iron Mesh) Sieve to get Magma Cream, then combine them into Magma Block
Craft the Stone Crucible

Fill the Stone Crucible with Cobblestone to get Lava
Turn the Lava with the Water Bucket into Obsidian
Pick the Obsidian, then build the Nether Portal to travel into Nether
Kill the Blaze to get Blaze Rod, then craft Blaze Powder

Kill Enderman to get Ender Pearl, then combine it with Blaze Powder to craft Eye of Ender
Craft the End Cake, then eat it to travel into The End
Kill the Dragon to end the game



◆ Starter Kit:

Starter Kit

Once you enter the world for the first time, you will be given these items (Toch, Cookie & Bread), these might will be helpful

◆ QoL Recipes:


◆ Logs to Chests:

Logs to Chests Recipe

◆ Crafting Hopper without Chest:

Crafting Hopper without Chest Recipe

◆ Logs to Sticks:

Logs to Sticks Recipe

◆ Craftable Nametag:

Craftable Nametag Recipe

◆ Ender Dragon:

Ender Dragon

• Her health point has been Doubled, from 200 to 400
• Now she drops Cake, 32 Oak Saplings & End-Game loots



Ex Nihilo: Sequentia BE Integrations Settings

This Addon can be Integrated with Tinker's Legacy, Mystical Agriculture BE & Modern Machinery!

◆ Tinker's Legacy, Integration Features:

• Tin Pieces, Silver Pieces, Lead Pieces & Cobalt Pieces
Obtainable Ruby from Sieving Gravel

◆ Mystical Agriculture BE, Integration Features:

Obtainable Prosperity Shard & Inferium Essence from Sieving Gravel

◆ Modern Machinery, Integration Features:

• Nickel Pieces, Silicon Pieces, Magnesium Pieces & Yttrium Pieces



Required Experimental Feature:

Required Experiments for Ex Nihilo: Sequentia BE Addon

Working on 1.20.30 & Above!

Enjoy the Progression!


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For Addon Progression, Support, Suggestion, Bug Report & Hang-Out!

Download links
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Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30
1 017