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Charcoal+ BE

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This Addon Adds 1 Block & 2 Items into the game!

It is Charcoal Block, Charcoal Piece & Coal Piece

These features makes the use of fuel to be More Efficient...

This Addon is an Unofficial Port of a java mod named "Charcoal+" made by Apis035
The mod is MIT Licensed


โ—† Charcoal Block:

Charcoal Block



Charcoal Block Craft Recipe


Charcoal Block Uncraft Recipe

โ—† Charcoal Piece & Coal Piece:

Charcoal Piece & Coal Piece



Charcoal Piece & Coal Piece Craft Recipes


Charcoal Piece & Coal Piece Uncraft Recipes

โ—† More Charcoal Recipes:

More Charcoal Recipes

Stick & Bamboo can be smelted into Charcoal Piece



Required Experimental Feature:

Required Experiments for Charcoal+ BE Addon

โ—† Working on 1.19.40+!

Enjoy the Fuel Efficiency!


> My Discord <

For Addon Progression, Support, Suggestion, Bug Report & Hang-Out!

Download links
[Mediafire] Default
[Mediafire] with Itemtips
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50 1.19.40
1 comment
  1. No avatar image zeroracer Guest
    Please update this add-on.
    Due to the removal of the "Holiday Creator Features" being removed, addons that required this toggle no longer work above v1.21.2
    As a result, Microsoft has made special block tools to get around this. Look at the changelog and link to said block tools on Minecrafts official website in the "Technical Changes" section in the v1.21.20 changelog.

    ...also the block of charcoal couldn't be used for fuel before this, can you fix this bug?