Ultimate Smartphone

Ever wanted to bring modern technology into your Minecraft world? Now, with this innovative addon, you can! Introducing the Ultimate Smartphone addon!
- Camera with teleportation feature
- Clock with alarm
- Marketplace with player trading and OP items
- Banking with vault
- Chat anyone even offline
- Play music
- Take notes with billboard holographic feature
- Track statistics
- Check and change weather
- And more!
- No player.json
- No custom UI
- Non-experimental
You can sell the following items to the wandering trader in the marketplace app:
- Arrow
- Saddle
- Name Tag
- Rotten Flesh
- Feather
- Egg
- String
- Rabbit Hide
- Phantom Membrane
- Lead
- Bone
- Coal
- Turtle Scute
- Nautilus Shell
- Spider Eye
- Nether Quartz
- Glowstone Dust
- Raw Iron
- Iron Nugget
- Iron Ingot
- Raw Gold
- Gold Ingot
- Gold Nugget
- Netherite Scrap
- Netherite Ingot
- Amethyst Shard
- Diamond
- Emerald
Updated on August 25
- Fixed item dupe glitch when selling items.
Fixed enchanted diamond leggings not given when bought.