
Survival Helicopters (Painting Update) [V0.4]

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Ever wanted to fly above the tree tops? Soar across the largest oceans? Even if you haven't, You will now! Survival Helicopters allows you to jump into a Helicopter and fly around your world like never before.

Get ready to enhance your Minecraft experience with a craftable Survival Helicopter to fly around your Minecraft world.

Craft yourself the pieces of the Helicopter to create a Survival Helicopter

Helicopter Fuselage Recipe

Helicopter Skids Recipe

Helicopter Rotor Blades Recipe

Helicopter Tail Rotor Recipe

Helicopter Recipe

Once you have your Survival Helicopter you will need to power it, craft together a Redstone Battery.

Redstone Battery Recipe

Each Redstone Battery will give your Survival Helicopter around 20 minutes of flight time, simply interact with the Helicopter holding a Redstone Battery to power it.

You can keep an eye on your Helicopters Power level.

Flying in a Helicopter: Screenshot

You can now paint your Helicopter. Find a Paintbrush and interact with your Helicopter to change the colour.

Painted Helicopters: Screenshot 1

Painted Helicopters: Screenshot 2

When flying around your world as free as a bird, keep your eyes open for a Helipad they have a chest that can contain some useful items, this is the only place you will be able to fins a Paintbrush.

Helipad: Screenshot

Check out our other add-ons

No Experimental features are required to use this add-on!

No Player.json is used!

100% Compatible with any add-on!

Install both the Behaviour Pack and Resource Pack to enjoy this add-on!

Updated on August 29

V0.4 Update Log

  • You can now find black Paintbrushes inside Helipad Chests.
  • You can now find white Paintbrushes inside Helipad Chests.
  • You can now find green Paintbrushes inside Helipad Chests.
  • The Basic "Default" Helicopter can now be painted Black.
  • The Basic "Default" Helicopter can now be painted White.
  • The Basic "Default" Helicopter can now be painted Green.
Download links
Download the add-on directly from our Website!
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