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Mob Armor Addon V1

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Unlock special effects and abilities with Mob Armor in Minecraft! Craft armor using Mob Essence Gems and key items to gain unique powers like Slow Falling, teleportation, and summoning allies.

Video Trailer:

Mob Armor Addon:

Step into the world of Mob Armor, where you can craft powerful armor sets infused with the abilities of Minecraft's most iconic mobs. Each set offers unique effects and abilities that enhance your gameplay experience.

Crafting Guide:

  • To craft each armor set, combine a key item with a Mob Essence Gem. For example, merge an Echo Shard with a Mob Essence Gem to create Warden Armor.

Mob Essence Gem:

Mob Essence Gem Recipe

Mob Essence Gem

Armor Effects and Abilities:

- Bee Armor:

Bee Armor: Screenshot

Gain Slow Falling and poison mobs you hit.

- Creeper Armor:

Creeper Armor: Screenshot

Summon TNT while sneaking and jumping (Cooldown: 10s).

- Enderman Armor:

Enderman Armor: Screenshot

Teleport in the direction you're facing (Cooldown: 5s).

- Chicken Armor:

Chicken Armor: Screenshot

Gain Slow Falling, lay eggs every 60 seconds, and knock back mobs when sneaking (Cooldown: 3s).

- Glow Squid Armor:

Glow Squid Armor: Screenshot

Water Breathing, Speed, and Night Vision underwater, with dynamic lighting.

- Blaze Armor:

Blaze Armor: Screenshot

Slow Falling, Fire Resistance, ignite mobs on hit, and double jump (Cooldown: 3s).

- Zombie Armor:

Zombie Armor: Screenshot

Gain Night Vision and Hunger. Summon friendly Zombie Armor when attacked, and turn villagers or players into zombies on kill.

- Iron Golem Armor:

Iron Golem Armor: Screenshot

Gain Strength, Resistance, Health Boost, and immunity to fall damage.

- Turtle Armor:

Turtle Armor: Screenshot

Water Breathing and the ability to hide in your shell by sneaking (Cooldown: 10s).

- Villager Armor:

Villager Armor: Screenshot

Gain Hero of the Village, auto-harvest crops, and receive random items when sneaking (Cooldown: 30s).

- Warden Armor:

Warden Armor: Screenshot

Gain Strength, Resistance, Speed, a Darkness Aura when sprinting and jumping (Cooldown: 10s), and unleash a Sonic Boom when sneaking and jumping or when hit (Cooldown: 15s).

- Snow Golem Armor:

Snow Golem Armor: Screenshot

Leave a trail of snow as you walk.

- Phantom Armor:

Phantom Armor: Screenshot

Gain Slow Falling, Night Vision, and the ability to fly when sprinting, holding jump, and looking up.

Required Experiments:

Required Experiments for Mob Armor Addon


Explore and conquer your Minecraft world with the power of Mob Armor!

Download links
Resource Pack
Behavior Pack
Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0
8 135
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