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Minecraft, but a random mob spawns every 30 seconds! By DtA MC

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A random entity spawns every 30 seconds!

Creator 💫

This addon is fully made by DtA MC or Devansh Trivedi 🇮🇳

Any problem, you can contact me on Discord 🤠

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DtA_MC 💫

Minecraft, but a random mob spawns every 30 seconds: Showcase


  • Run fast when any entity spawns.
  • Don't stop when mob is spawning.


You have to kill the ender dragon!


This mod is protected by copyright, and redistribution without my specific consent is strictly prohibited. You are allowed to make videos of this mod, but in return, I require you to give me proper credit. Please include my name and a link to the mod's official download page in your videos. For any other experiments or questions, it is suggested to contact me directly.

Download links
Download this mod! 👈🏼
Supported versions
1.21.20 1.16