
This addon can be converted into the official Numberblocks characters 0~100 and times tables characters of the Numberblocks.
Method for turning into a Numberblock character:
Press and hold the screen or right-click while holding the morph item to morph Numberblocks characters (does not consume items).
Use the Morph Ten item to switch back and forth between 2×5 and 1×10 forms, use the Morph Fifteen item to switch back and forth between stair and 3×5 forms, use the Morph Twenty-Eight item to switch back and forth between standard and 4×7 forms, use the Morph Forty-Five item to switch back and forth between stair and 5×9 forms, use the Morph Fifty-Five item to switch back and forth between stair and 5×11 forms, use the Morph Three Times Table item to switch back and forth between no-hat and hatted forms.
Use the Morph Ten item: form Twenty, Thirty, Forty, Fifty, Sixty, Seventy, Eighty, Ninety, One Hundred will morph to Ten 1×10 morphology; otherwise, it will morph to 2×5 morphology.
Use the Morph Fifteen item: form Ten 2×5, Twenty, Twenty-Five, Thirty, Thirty-Five, Forty, Fifty, Twenty-Eight 4×7, Forty-Five 5×9, Fifty-Five 5×11 will morph to Fifteen 3×5 morphology; otherwise, it will morph to stair morphology.
Use the Morph Twenty-Eight item: form Seven, Fourteen, Twenty-One, Thirty-Five, Forty-Nine, Sixty-Three, Seventy, Fifteen 3×5, Forty-Five 5×9, Fifty-Five 5×11 will morph to Twenty-Eight 4×7 morphology; otherwise, it will morph to standard morphology.
Use the Morph Forty-Five item: form Nine, Eighteen, Twenty-Seven, Thirty-Six, Fifty-Four, Sixty-Three, Seventy-Two, Eighty-One, Ninety, Fifteen 3×5, Fifty-Five 5×11 will morph to Forty-Five 5×9 morphology; otherwise, it will morph to stair morphology.
Use the Morph Fifty-Five item: form Five, Eleven, Twenty-Two, Fifty, Fifteen 3×5, Forty-Five 5×9 will morph to Fifty-Five 5×11 morphology; otherwise, it will morph to stair morphology.
Crafting recipes for morph items:
Crafting with concrete:
Combine crafting with Numberblocks:
*Crafting Numberblock Zero does not consume Numberblock One.
Terrible Numberblocks crafting recipes:
*Crafting Terrible Two/Twenty blue will give extra Terrible Two/Twenty pink.
Crafting recipes for times tables:
Split numberblocks:
Numberblocks can be split on crafting table, but Octonaghty cannot be split
Remove Morph:
Press and hold the screen or right-click while holding remove morph item can remove morph (does not consume items).
Crafting recipe for remove morph item:
Numberblocks Characters Pictures:
And this addon has Numberblobs mobs:
How to get Numberblob Spawn Eggs:
Through the Wandering Trader, you can trade 1 emerald to get 8 Numberblob One Spawn Eggs, every Wandering Trader can trade up to 8 times
Numberblob One Spawn Egg and Numberblock morph item can be crafted to other Numberblob Spawn Egg (crafting does not consume Numberblock morph items).
Updated on March 01, 2025
1.5.5 Update:
- The morph method of the multi-modal Numberblocks has been changed to switch back and forth using items, and there will also be a special morph mechanic.
- The Numberblob Spawn Egg can be obtained by trading emeralds with the Wandering Trader. The Numberblob One Spawn Egg and the Numberblock morph item can be used to craft other Numberblob Spawn Eggs (crafting does not consume Numberblock morph items).
- Changed Twelve's wrong texture.
- Changed Four Times Table's texture.
- Changed Twelve, Octonaghty's textures.
- Added Ten 1×10, Fifteen 3×5, Twenty-Eight 4×7, Forty-Five 5×9, Fifty-Five 5×11 morphology.
- Morph method change to press and hold the screen or right-click.
- Changed all Numberblocks' textures.
- Numberblocks can be crafted from any two Numberblocks in the crafting table (the sum of the two Numberblocks is the official Numberblock for craft).
- Changed most of the Numberblocks textures.
- Fixed Numberblocks first-person hand.
- Add Fifty-Four's back texture.
- Add Twenty-Seven's cube icon.
- Changed stair Numberblocks' textures.
- Octonaghty can't attack Twenty-Seven.
- Corrected fifty-six's model.
- Added ones and tens additional crafting recipes.