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More Ores Tools v1.5.3 [1.21+ Fixed Update!] (Compatible With Any Addon)

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We came back with a pretty big update as a lot of things got changed and tool and armor codes were written from scratch. In this update there are many improvements and new features, so stay until the end. "More Ores Tools" is an addon which adds more than +410 tools, items and more than +22 armors with different designs which are made of new minerals that this same addon adds, these new minerals are: Adamantite, Tin, Topaz, Bronze, Jade, Emerald, Copper, Ruby, Amethyst, Cobalt, Migtinio, Silver, Mithril, Paladium, Platinum, Titanium, Onyx, Orichalcum, Aquarium, Tourmaline, Dramantite and Enderite.

By: Dexten Mods




  • Blockblench: for 3D models
  • Bridge: for some components.
  • Paint.net: for textures.
  • Visual Studio Code: to write codes.
  • GAME OVER#7025: help in textures
  • Hammers: based on the "Gravel's Hammers" addon. Credits to ihategravel.



Minerals can now only be broken with a pickaxe added by the addon, it can be broken with others but not at the same speed, that is why when you start your world the addon will automatically give you a "Tin" pickaxe.


¡¡¡Please read the changelog!!!

Required Experiments for More Ores Tools Addon


What's New?🤔

👉--- Update 1.5.2 ---👈


75% of the addon has been fixed for the new version of Minecraft 1.21+, only the special weapons are missing (Great Swords, Great Axes, Daggers, etc.)

- All tools were rebalanced

  • Fixed armor effects issue
  • Fixed ore & structures generation issue



New Durability Stats

Damage & Protection:

New Damage & Protection Stats

Dramantite (New)

It is the new gold of the nether, stronger than adamantite.

Dramantite Armor and Sword: Screenshot

Structure and Ores Generation Fixed

Treasure Cave: Screenshot 1

New Ores Generation: Screenshot

Skeleton Spawner

Spawns "Skeletons" every 30-35 seconds if a player is 20 blocks away (to avoid LAG).

Skeleton Spawner: Screenshot

Treasure Cave

It is a more dynamic way to get the "Gold Coins". It can be found from layer -40 to 20.

Treasure Cave: Screenshot 2

Treasure Cave: Screenshot 3

Barrel with Gold

Interacting with it will drop random gold coins.

Closed Barrels with Gold: Screenshot

Opened Barrels with Gold: Screenshot


Magic [Removed for now]

Magic Info!

Amethyst Book

Amethyst Book

Gold Coin

Gold Coins Recipe

Old Merchant


If you attack him he will summon 3 "Fairies" that will attack you.


Surround a 'Carved Pumpkin' with 'Soul Torches' and interact with the 'Amethyst Book'

Old Merchant Invocation

Old Merchant Sleeping

You can trade 2 new powerful items, using the new 'Gold Coins'

Old Merchant Trades



Fairy Characteristics
  • If they are summoned by the "Elder Merchant" they will attack all the mobs that are not the old man and themselves, the rest will be targets.
  • If they are summoned by the player using the "Fairy Summoner" item, they will attack all non-player mobs and fairies, the rest will be targets to attack.
  • These fairies will live for 60 seconds and then disappear in a magical wake.
  • The Fairies of the "Old Merchant" will appear with a dagger of "Silver". And the Fairies summoned by the player will carry a "Titanium" dagger, which will cause them to have more damage than the Merchant's.
  • They have a low chance of drop their dagger when them dies.

Resistance Totem

  • Using the item will give you the effects of Resistance II and Fire Resistance II.
  • It has 64 uses and has a 20 seconds cooldown to use it again.

Resistance Totem

Fairy Summoner

  • When using the item you will summon 3 Fairies that will protect you and can save you from any trouble.
  • It has 32 uses and has a 30 seconds cooldown to use it again.

Fairy Summoner





The ores are generated from the coordinates X=?, Y="-64","45" Z=?



Cavern Creeper

Cavern Creeper

This new creeper works the same as a vanilla one, only that it has a little more life and when it dies it can leave you different minerals, both vanilla and the addon.

Cavern Creeper in the Cave

Magma Zombie

Magma Zombie

It is stronger and more resistant than a normal zombie, it lives in the depths of the caves and sometimes you can see it on the surfaces. Remember that you are afraid of water!

Now the "Magma Zombie" will only appear in the Nether and can now be equipped with the new weapons and armor.

Magma Zombie in the Cave

Magma Zombie at Night

Magma Zombie in the Nether

Ores Trader

Ores Trader

It is very useful if you want to get emeralds and you have a couple of minerals to spare in your chests!

Ores Trader

Ore Trader Trades


Hammers 3x3 🔨

Hammer Table

Hammer Table

New Texture and UI.

New Hammer Table Texture

New Hammer Table UI



To begin with, the addon adds a new crafting table with which we will make the hammers that the addon adds.

What is achieved like this:

Hammers Table Recipe

Inside this you will find the crafting of all the things added by the addon except some things that I will show later.

Hammers 3x3🔨

List of Hammers

Hammers function as combat weapons and mining tools.

To use the hammers is very easy, you just have to break a block, and the hammer will break it in 3x3. Each one has a different durability.

Hammer: Demonstration 1

Hammer: Demonstration 2


Tools and Armors


Copper Armor



Added "Copper" equipment.

Copper Equipment

Amethyst Armor



Added "Amethyst" equipment.

Amethyst Equipment

Emerald Armor



Added "Emerald" equipment.

Emerald Equipment



Silver Armor



Silver Equipment

Orichalcum Armor



This armor can shine in the night:

Orichalcum Armor Shining at Night

Titanium Armor



Titanium Equipment

Aquarium Armor



Aquarium Equipment

Topaz Armor



A new mineral, its characteristics are similar to those of Bronze.

Topaz Equipment

New Tools

New Topaz Tools

Paladium Armor



A new mineral, its characteristics are similar to those of Migtinio.

Paladium Equipment

Mithril Armor



A new mineral, its characteristics are similar to those of Migtinio.

Mithril Equipment

New Tools

New Mithril Tools

Platinium Armor



A new mineral, its characteristics are similar to those of Paladium.

Platinium Equipment

New Tools

New Platinium Tools

Adamantite Armor



A new mineral, its characteristics are similar to those of Cobalt.

Adamantite Equipment

Tin Armor



Added "tin" weapons that are not very strong but serve to survive while you reinforce the rest.

Tin Equipment

Tourmaline Armor



New mineral, has better characteristics than "Onyx".

Tourmaline Equipment

Bronze Armor



Bronze Equipment

Ruby Armor



Ruby Equipment

Jade Armor



Jade Equipment

Onyx Armor



Onyx Equipment

Cobalt Armor



Cobalt Equipment

Enderite Armor



Enderite Equipment

Migtinio Armor



Migtinio Equipment


Apples and New Weapons!



16 new apples have been added to the game, each with different effects.

List of Apples

1 of them has special abilities:

Enderite Apple

By crouching down and eating the apple, raise 1 mobs near you in a 22 block radius.

Enderite Apple Ability: Screenshot 1

Enderite Apple Ability: Screenshot 2

New Weapons [Removed for now]
  • Dagger
  • Great Axe
  • Great Sword
  • Hammer
  • Battleaxe

New Weapons


Generation 🌎

Nether Ores (New)

Now some ores (for the moment) will appear in the Nether.

Generation in the Nether


Generation in the Overworld


Generation in the End



People who download the add-on many times do not read the characteristics and terms to review this add-on. If you are a content creator, please use the MODBAY link and you cannot leave the DIRECT link or make your own link. If you don't comply, I will take action.


Don't be afraid if you get this warning:

More Ore Tools Resource Pack

Required Experiments for More Ores Tools Addon

If you want to have the custom interface for the Hammers Table, you will have to activate the "Ui Custom [Plus]" extension.

Ui Custom (Plus) Extension

Updated on March 07

Fixed Update!

  • Compatible with last version
  • Fixed scripts
  • All tools will be rebalanced in Durability, Protection & Damage.
  • Fixed armor effects issue
Changelog for August 23 / Old Update

Major Update!

Pop-ups were not activated in this update!

  • Links fixed
  • All tools will be rebalanced in Durability, Protection & Damage
  • Fixed armor effects issue
  • Fixed ore & structures generation issue
Changelog for May 14 / Old Update
  • Links fixed
  • Almost half of the new mineral tools and armor were rebalanced
Changelog for March 12 / Old Update

Pop-ups were not activated in this update

  • All tools will be rebalanced in version "5.0"
  • Textures that will be used in version "5.0" were removed
  • Fixed armor effects issue
  • Fixed ore & structures generation issue
Changelog for August 29 / Old Update
  • Added "Skeleton Spawner"
  • Added "Treasure Cave"
  • Added "Barrel with Gold"
  • Added the Custom UI link again
  • Fixed several bugs
  • Fixed the bug that caused the game to slow down when more than two people were wearing the Enderite armor
Download links
Download v1.5.3 [RP] (Linkvertise)
Download v1.5.3 [BP] (Linkvertise)
Download v1.5.3 [RP] (Fixed Update!)
Download v1.5.3 [BP] (Fixed Update!)
Hammers Table Custom UI+
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50
9 747
  1. No avatar image Guest Red Guest
    Can you make it able to download straight from here because it is blocked by a thing called securely thanks
  2. No avatar image minecraftplayer32 Guest
    How do i make Raw Migtinio i can't melt it in the stove. I need an advice please!
  3. dosent work for me in 1.18.45 .it ses outputlog. its somthing about an engine'

    othorwise it looks good