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Miners Helmet [V0.1]

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Mining can be difficult when it comes to seeing where you are going and figuring which way you came from in the biggest cave you have ever seen. Miners Helmet add-ons solve both those issues.

Mining can be difficult when it comes to seeing where you are going and figuring which way you came from in the biggest cave you have ever seen.

Miners Helmet add-ons solve both those issues.

Craft yourself a Miners Helmet with easy to find materials.

Miners Helmet Recipe

Miners Helmet will allow you to see in the dark as long as it is on your head.

Miners Helmet: Screenshot

Craft some Flag Markers with easy to find materials.

Flag Markers Recipe

Flag Markers can be laid down so you can find your way back home.

Flag Markers: Screenshot

No experimental features are required to use this add-on!

No player.json is used!

100% compatible with any add-on!

Updated on November 16

  • Mining can be difficult when it comes to seeing where you are going and figuring which way you came from in the biggest cave you have ever seen.
  • Miners Helmet add-ons solves both those issues.
  • Miners Helmet will allow you to see in the dark as long as it is on your head.
  • Miners Helmets can be crafted using Iron and Redstone.
  • Flag Markers can be laid down so you can find you way back home.
  • Flag Markers can be crafted using Sticks and Paper.
Download links
Download the add-on directly from the website!
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Supported versions
1.21.40 1.21.30