Craftmon Legacy [V0.5]
![Thumbnail: Craftmon Legacy [V0.5]](/uploads/posts/2024-12/bf82c6ce6a_craftmon-legacy-cover.png)
Welcome to the Minecraft World of Pokémon! Jump into Craftmon Legacy and start your epic adventure catching, battling and evolving Pokémon to become the very best Pokémon trainer you can be.
Pokémon will spawn naturally in all biomes in your world. Craft Poké-Balls and start catching them all.
When you start your adventure you will be given some Poké-Balls, a few dollars and a letter you must deliver to Professor Oak.
Professor Oak can be found walking around Villages doing research, give him his letter in exchange for either Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle.
Wild Pokémon will spawn in all areas of your world and at different times. You can check this file for all the up to date information on all the Pokémon.
You can find Apricorn Trees in every Biome in your world, harvest the Apricorns to craft Poké-Balls.
Apricorn Trees will generate within your world, break the Apricorn Block to receive the Apricorn of that colour. Break the Leaves to for a chance of a Berry.
Some Apricorn Trees will have Mushroom Blocks around them. Break the Mushroom Blocks for a chance of a Mushroom.
Berries can be used to raise the happiness of your Pokémon, they can also be crafted into Berry Soup for you to eat.
All craftable items related to Pokémon will be crafted on a Poké Crafting Table.
All caught Pokémon will be categorized into five star ratings: 0 Star, 1 Star, 2 Star, 3 Star and 4 Star (Perfect). With each Star rating, the Pokémon health will increase by 10%, this will not mean much with baby Pokémon but will make a big difference with fully evolved Pokémon during a battle.
Poke-Ball - 1x Catch Rate
Great Ball - 2x Catch Rate
Ultra Ball - 4x Catch Rate
Premier Ball - 1x Catch Rate
Fast Ball - 4x Catch Rate for Pokémon with a Base Speed stat of 70 or more, otherwise 1x Catch Rate
Heavy Ball - 4x Catch Rate for Pokémon 20kg or more, otherwise 1x Catch Rate
Poké Battles
When you send out a Pokémon near a Wild Pokémon, they will lock onto each other, ready to battle. You can choose the "Fight" option to start a battle. After your Pokémon has attacked, the Wild Pokémon will attack back until there is a winner. During a PvP Battle, each player will send out a Pokémon and spam attacks until there is a winner, very similar to the Pokémon GO! battle system. Each time you use a Fast Attack, your Pokémon will gain energy, when it has enough energy, more powerful Charged Attacks will become available.
When you want to return your Pokémon to their Poké-Ball, choose the "Return" button and the Pokémon will return to your inventory. Upon the return of your Pokémon, it will be fully healed and ready to battle again.
When you faint a Wild Pokémon, they will drop a unique item, this item will be needed for evolution. They also have a chance to drop a piece of EXP Candy XS, these are used to create Pokémon Candy for evolution.
Catching Wild Pokémon is the same as any Pokémon game, just throw a Poké-Ball and hope for the best, the better the Poké-Ball the better your chances.
When you have caught a Wild Pokémon interact with the Poké-Ball to collect your Pokémon
Craftmon Legacy does not use a Level System, instead we have designed it to be more like the Pokémon GO! Star rating system.
When you catch a Wild Pokémon it will have a random Star Rating, 0 being the worst and 4 being the best. A 0 Star Pokémon will have a standard HP stat and with each Star more their HP stat will increase by 10%. A 4 Star Pokémon will 40% more HP then a 0 Star Pokémon meaning a 4 Star Pokémon will last longer in battle.
When you want to battle a Wild Pokémon just send your Pokémon out by throwing their Poké-Ball near the target, when the Pokémon are within a radius they will lock on to each other ready for battle.
When your Pokémon is out of thier Poké-Ball you can access their menu. The menu will allow you to Return your Pokémon to their Poke-Ball.
Run from the battle (which will de-spawn the Wild Pokémon).
Change the mode of your Pokémon to either Battle or Roam.
Whilst in Roam Mode your Pokémon will not lock on to a target instead they will follow you around.
When having a Battle with a Wild Pokémon it will work on a turn based system, you choose your attack then the Wild Pokémon will attack back.
As your Pokémon uses attacks they will earn Charge Energy, once it has enough they will recieve more powerful attack options.
If your Pokémon faints, you can interact with it to send it back to it's Poké-Ball.
EXP Candy
EXP Candy will be dropped from Wild Pokémon or upon catching a Pokémon, these will be used to create EXP Candy XL which are used for Pokémon evolution.
Using the unique item dropped from the Pokémon you want to evolve plus some EXP Candy XL, you can craft Pokémon Candy.
To evolve a Pokémon, you will need Pokémon Candy and a Poké Crafting Table.
A Pokémon that has more than one evolution within it's family will need one Pokémon Candy for the first stage.
Then four Pokémon Candies for the last evolution.
A Pokémon that has one Evolution within its family will need two Pokémon Candies.
A Pokémon that requires an item to evolve, will need the required Pokémon Candy plus that item.
Battle/Roam Mode
Using your Pokémon UI, you can choose to place your Pokémon in Battle Mode or Roam Mode.
Roam mode will allow your Pokémon to follow you around freely and ignore any Wild Pokémon you come across.
Battle Mode will make your Pokémon ready for battle and get locked when it sees a Wild Pokémon, while in Battle Mode your Pokémon will gain happiness points. When your Pokémon get happy enough, it will generate an EXP Candy S every 8 minutes or so. If you change back to Roam Mode, it faints or you return it to it's Poké-Ball, the happiness timer will reset. You can use Potions while in Battle Mode, simply throw a Potion at an injured Pokémon and it will heal accordingly.
Pokémon Happiness is gained whilst in Battle Mode, you can raise the happiness of your Pokémon faster by giving them Berries or Vitamins. Simply throw a Berry or a Vitamin at your Pokémon to raise its Happiness.
Healing Machine
You can craft a Healing Machine to heal your fainted Pokémon. Simply interact with the Healing Machine, and any Pokémon in your Inventory will be healed.
If you ever want to move your Healing Machine, just Sneak and Interact at the same time to pick it up.
Lost Poké-Ball
Lost Poké-Balls can be found around your world, interact with them to get some useful items.
Shadow Pokémon
Shadow Pokémon can be summoned using a Shadow Orb (Purchased from Professor Oak). Throw a Shadow Orb down and a random Shadow Pokémon will appear for you to battle. These Pokémon will be hard to beat and will heal back up after 3 minutes unless defeated. Shadow Battles are now the only place you can earn Herba Mystica for Sandwiches.
Head to the nearest village to find some of the add-ons traders.
Poké-Mart Clerk
Deli Clerk
Professor Oak
You can also earn extra Poké-Coins by converting Pokémon drop items in a Poké Converter.
Just place any Pokémon drop item in the grid and it will convert into a Poké-Coin.
All fully evolved Pokémon will be able to breed to create baby Pokémon. Shiny Pokémon will be more common than Pokémon Eggs so if you are a Shiny Pokémon hunter, then Breeding would be the way to do it.
You will only need one Pokémon to be able to breed, rather than two Pokémon hitting off each other with hearts popping out of their heads.
While your Pokémon is in Free Roam mode, you can feed them a Special Sandwich by dropping it next to them (like you do with the Potions).
Each Sandwich will last 10 minutes, within this time, your Pokémon will produce a random number of Eggs. If you return your Pokémon, it's Poké-Ball, or change to Battle Mode, the effects of the Sandwich will be lost.
Pokémon will only be able to accept the Sandwich of their type to start producing eggs, you will need the Sandwich of the type you are breeding, not the type the baby is, so if you are breeding an Umbreon to get an Eevee, you will use a Dark type Sandwich, not a Normal one.
When your Pokémon drops an egg, place it on the ground to start the hatching timer, this is around 20 seconds. The egg will hatch and your Pokémon will appear (already tamed to you).
Bug Type Sandwich
Dark Type Sandwich
Dragon Type Sandwich
Electric Type Sandwich
Fairy Type Sandwich
Fighting Type Sandwich
Fire Type Sandwich
Flying Type Sandwich
Ghost Type Sandwich
Grass Type Sandwich
Ground Type Sandwich
Ice Type Sandwich
Normal Type Sandwich
Poison Type Sandwich
Psychic Type Sandwich
Rock Type Sandwich
Steel Type Sandwich
Water Type Sandwich
No experimental features are required to use this add-on!
No player.json is used!
If you are using another add-on that uses the NPC UI, you may find this add-on's UI different from the images or videos unless you place this add-on above all others.
Updated on December 03
- A few things to note about the Pokémon modes. In Battle Mode, Fully evolved Pokémon will no longer follow their owner, they will come out ready to battle. In Free Roam they will follow their owner. In Breed Mode (Fully evolved Pokémon only) Pokémon will not follow their owner.
- A new Breed option is available for fully evolved Pokémon, use this mode when you want to Breed your Pokémon.
- Breeding has changed it is now more like the system introduced in Violet & Scarlett. First of all you will need a Ditto to breed.
- Wild Ditto will spawn like any other Pokémon, When it gets within a certain Radius of another Wild Pokémon it will transform into that Pokémon for 30 seconds, then transform onto another Wild Pokémon if there is one around. When Ditto is transformed it is still a Normal Type Pokémon and keeps it base states. Ditto is a rare Pokémon look out for purple particles when a Pokémon spawns as that will be a Ditto transforming.
- When you have a Ditto you can breed any fully evolved Pokémon using Ditto as the breeding partner.
- For the best result create yourself some type of pen to keep your Pokémon in, create a hopper and chest system to collect the eggs and send out your Ditto and the Pokémon you would like to breed, place them both in Breed Mode. Give your Ditto a Sparkle Power Sandwich and sit back. Each Sandwich will last 20 minutes, within this time Ditto will start producing Eggs, If you change Mode or return you Pokémon the timer will stop and you will need to craft another sandwich and start again.
- When you have an Unhatched Pokémon Egg place it in your 8th slot on your Hot bar, the 8th slot is indicated by a flame symbol. After a bit of time your Unhatched egg will change to an egg ready to hatch, place that egg on the ground and wait 3 seconds and a Pokémon will hatch. Place another egg in the 8th slot and repeat. The 8th slot acts as you incubator. Pokémon Egg hatching updated.
- Wild Ditto can only transform into other Wild Pokémon, an owned Ditto can only transform into any other owned Pokémon. When you enter a Battle with Ditto, it will have the Attack Transform. Once your Ditto is Transformed it will have the Charged Attack Struggle.
- Ditto Goo is useless as Ditto does not evolve but there may be some people who are interested in trading it, mainly Professor Oak.
- Professor Oak now wants Ditto Goo instead of Diamonds for Shadow Orbs and the Rotom Phone.
- All entities navigation has been updated, you should not see Pokémon just bouncing in water anymore (for the most part).
- Change the colour of the Apricorn Tree Leaves to green so the trees blend in better with the woods and forests.
- A Rotom Phone has been added.
- The Rotom Phone will follow you around (Unless placed in your inventory) and be there for whenever you may need some spare Poké-Ball.
- The Rotom Phone will be your own personal Poké-Mart, always around when you need it.
- Interact to access the Shop.
- Sneak and Interact to place it back in your inventory.
- Voltorb can now spawn in the Mesa as well as the Desert.
- The Charged Attack Body Slam has been added.
- The Charged Attack Weather Ball has been added.
- The Fast Attack Mud Shot has been added.
- The Charged Attack Rock Slide has been added.
- The Fast Attack Karate Chop has been added.
- The Charged Attack Cross Chop has been added.
- The Charged Attack Brick Break has been added.
- The Charged Attack Dynamic Punch has been added.
- The Fast Attack Counter has been added.
- The Charged Attack Close Combat has been added.
- Vulpix & Shiny Vulpix has been added.
- Ninetales & Shiny Ninetales has been added.
- Ditto has been added.
- Sandshrew & Shiny Sandshrew has been added.
- Sandslash & Shiny Sandslash has been added.
- Machop & Shiny Machop has been added.
- Machoke & Shiny Machoke has been added.
- Machamp & Shiny Machamp has been added.