Herobrine Morph

Hi, everyone, today I'll be creating a boss addon. You don't need to activate experiments to install this addon. We will try our best to satisfy your survival game in Minecraft.
To activate Herobrine mode, you need to craft a Herobrine mask. In these pictures from above to bottom, you can see the difference.
From Steve to Herobrine.
This add-on technically changes your skins and also gives you strength.
You can find the Herobrine helmet on the helmet bar.
This add-on is light and recommended to all people who love the Minecraft survival game. This add-on also works perfectly on your potato phone. If you have suggestions and ideas, don't forget to comment down below. Thanks for visiting. See you next week for the new addon.
Always credit me if you use my addon. If you use it for a video, please copy and paste this link into your video description.