Cursed Snow Monster Golem

Get ready for a new chilling winter challenge with the Cursed Snow Monster Golem! This fearsome boss is a tough opponent!
Cursed Snow Monster Golem
A Minecraft Winter Boss
Version 1
Note to Creators:
You are free to use this in modpacks, etc!
Have fun!
Main Features:
- Healing Abilities: The Cursed Snow Golem can heal itself, making it a strategic fight for any player daring enough to face it. Whilst healing, it may or may not have already summoned a barrage of enemies as a distraction, forcing you to either run to avoid the chaos or to embrace the chaos and farm the crystallized mutant silverfish minions. Beware of the snow monster's thunderous roar, harnessing the powers of weather, it can summon lightning occasionally.
- Minions: When attacked, it spawns snowman minions (not pictured to not spoil :P), which can also then summon Frozen Crystal Silverfish (pictured below) to fight for them!
Risk of getting overcrowded if you spend too long right under the monster... be careful, he gets mad when you're close! ๐
- Unique Loot: The frozen silverfish drop a variety of goodies, adding a rewarding element to the battle, but in large numbers can do quite some damage, so it's recommended to have some strength and speed potions on hand!
- IF YOU CAN GET CLOSE ENOUGH, they can be sheared to farm pumpkins & will make them "nice" for a short time, unless attacked!
- Challenging Boss Fight: Defeat the boss and its minions for a satisfying and tough victory!
- The Cursed Snow Monster Golem can be found spawning in the ice spikes, ice/snow plains, & mutant snowy biomes. Be wary, as they are strong, with chances of having 800-1500 HP with up to 38 attack damage!
(3 variations, including a baby one, the babies are quick, beware! - They will wander the icy & snowy tundras and ice spike biomes looking for their next meal, which is essentially you... so be careful out there! :)
- Has multiple attacks, from weak, mediocre, strong, & rare but not limited... charges... &... heavy big hits that do up to 38 damage!
- Can summon cursed snowmen & minions!
- You'll need golden apples and some good iron+ armor with protection II+ and maybe a strength potion too, at least!
- Once defeated, you'll get a nice, fancy block explosion animation, as well as a final mini-boss battle of snowman minions (the last resort to protect the treasure).
- A chest will spawn, kill it to claim various treasures!
Version Updates:
Uploaded to:
- CurseForge
- VANILLA FRIENDLY! (Achievements still work!)