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SIEGED! Round 2

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MBLH Studios presents: SIEGED!

FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN WAY TOO HAPPY RECENTLY. This addon adds literal torture to your Minecraft experience! This addon is small in size but has a HUGE impact on the gameplay! Welcome to Hell! ; )

Quote by FearMasterLH:

Quote by FearMasterLH


Some people suffered literal death while testing this addon!

SIEGED: Screenshot

This addon is best played on simulation distance of 4 to reduce lag!

Recommend playing in Hardcore mode for a real quick adrenaline boost! Your daily dose of FUN!!!


Thanks to FearMasterLH for the idea of making this addon! He always wanted to play something similar to Nightmare epic siege Java on Minecraft Bedrock! He made an Epic original Title, Trailer and Art! He's also a great community manager! He helps me with stuff I don't have time for! Being as busy as I am, lmao!

Thanks to DolphinMasterMB for making an actual Minecraft torture machine that might ruin many Minecraft lives! He died while testing this cursed masterpiece! Rest in peace...

Showcase Trailer SIEGED! Round 2 by DolphinMasterMB:

Trailer by FearMasterLH:

SIEGED! in brief:

This evil addon makes various vanilla Minecraft monsters super smart! Adding new advanced AI for many mobs: Zombie, Skeleton, Spider, Creeper, Husk, Drowned, Bogged, Stray, Enderman, Cave Spider, Zombie Pigman, Witch, Blaze, Piglin, Pillager, Wither Skeleton, Ghast, phantom and various new jockeys! They will always know where you are and make their way there hunting you to absolute death! They literally dig from the depths of Minecraft to the surface to ambush you! Hearing them actually dig is a traumatic experience for many who died playing this addon! You are never safe! Even in other dimensions! When you start thinking you are finally safe, you will eventually hear those terrible noises again! This addon is proven to be more intense and effective than most horror mods/addons already! You are warned! Good luck! We are not responsible for any problems this addon causes! ; )

Warning: Definitely don't use this addon in any of your favorite worlds ever! The mobs literally Siege you! Not recommended for weak devices! We already had to take some action reducing possible lag! Simulation distance of 4 recommended!

Invitation by FearMasterLH:


Today I am introducing you all to SSP!

((Super Secret Plan)) for (SIEGED Speedrun Program))

This program is so anyone who speedruns any% on SIEGED and submits it as a YouTube video to the speedrun channel on our DC will get a massive shoutout from us in a video! People with the fastest time may even get a mod early if they don’t share it! Happy speedrunning!

On a minor note, you can also submit videos, such as surviving a night and we can still approve it for less if any of a reward but we still appreciate and will comment on any YouTube content we find on our add-ons! (:

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any harm this addon causes! Good luck! You will need it!

Cheers! ; )

Updated on January 20

  • Removed the zip file version, because it was outdated and it's better to use an mcaddon or mcpack file in my opinion! Cheers! ; )
Changelog for January 19 / Old Update

Changelog Huge Round 2 update:

  • You are almost never safe!
  • No more sky base safety!
  • Crazy new jockeys!
  • Deep gameplay mechanics!
  • Sounds giving players literal traumas!
  • Guaranteed action gameplay!
Download links
Mediafire Mirror
Dropbox Mirror
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20
4 441
  1. No avatar image JoeMama Guest
    Omg this is perfect if I add the Jojo add-on that give some mobs stands
  2. isso funciona na versão 1.21.41?
  3. No avatar image Drack Guest
    Hey dolphin before i try your addon. Does it really need to turn on experimentals in order to work and the other horror addons you made? I hope you see this cause this is crucial to me
    1. sim você precisa ativar todos os experimentos
    2. No avatar image FearMasterLH Guest
      You need to.
  4. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
    Admin, Could you please remove the zip file version? It's outdated! We prefer to use the external links! Cheers! ; )
    1. No avatar image HorrorMinecraftLover Guest
      Hello again Dolphin :D This is my second time asking for another scary mod!! I love scary mods on my worlds since my Roblox on Xbox doesn't work anymore (I love scary games) and I personally think the Anomaly or the Mimicer would be great! Those 2 scary mods I believe are on the top 10 most scary mods. So can you add another scary mod soon??
  5. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
    The SIEGED! addon will receive a massive update real soon! ARE YOU READY TO DIE IN ROUND 2?! Ha ha ha! ; )
    1. D profile avatar D
      😮 can't wait 🔥
      1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
        I hope you like it! Cheers! ; )
    2. hqrryc0x profile avatar hqrryc0x
      You know what else is masive?
      1. No avatar image FearMasterLH Guest
        Your ego
  6. No avatar image HorrorMinecraftLover Guest
    Dolphin, can you please do another scary mod?? Like the Mimicer or the Anomaly?? Those scary mods are really good!!
  7. No avatar image Bree_zes Guest
    Like literally Someone Can cause Actual death using the addon? Nah Thats Sick and scary At the same time
  8. Olá dolphinmaster eu queria dizer que estou tendo dificuldades com ó fearCraft e com ó fearCraft separados não então queria que vc adicionasse mais dwellers separados por que fearCraft está bugado pra mim por favor . obrigado
  9. Hey dolphinmaster, could you update the fearcraft mod and add more dwellers
  10. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
    Quick announcement: The Dropbox and Mediafire link version already got updated and includes a patch for the height/build limit base survival exploit! Happy playing! Cheers! ; )
    1. Please add a MCADDON
      1. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
        The Dropbox/Mediafire version actually are mcpack! The Modbay admins haven't been able to update the default link for some reason yet lol! Cheers! ; )
  11. olá o addon é bom mas ele tem um pouco de lag vocês podem ajeitar isso?
  12. looks sick, it needs experiments enabled to work?
    1. No avatar image FearMasterLH Guest
      Yes it does require experiments, because I can’t give an f on wasting my time seeing what experiments work I’d recommend you do all experiments (if I sound hostile I’m only joking mate, I’m Australian so it’s kinda slang here)
  13. No avatar image Guest Nicemod Guest
    Is it work 1.21.30
    1. No avatar image FearMasterLH Guest
      Uhhh idk I can’t downgrade to test that I’d recommend playing 1.21.51
  14. isso parece divertido vou testar agora!
  15. DolphinMasterMB profile avatar DolphinMasterMB Author
    Admin, could you please help me with adding a mcpack file version?