Cave Dweller Addon

If you like addons that add scary creatures to play with in your survival world, this addon is for you!
This addon adds a new monster called "Cave Dweller"
Cave Dweller: This monster lives in caves and it was programmed to hunt mining players there.
On the surface you will be completely safe since he cannot be spawned, but when you want to explore a cave, be ready, because you will probably run the risk of encountering him!
The Cave Dweller's goal is to end your life, but if you defeat him, he will return shortly at any time.
And if you encounter him, Cave Dweller will start screaming loudly and will advance towards you to eliminate you, either you fight him, run a lot or hide somewhere.
Or if you hear footsteps, you are probably very close to meeting him.
- Its emitter is loud enough to be heard even on the surface.
- Cave Dweller is usually a great swimmer.
- He doesn't run faster than you, but he runs as fast as you!
- Cave Dweller makes his way to hunt mining players.