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Cave Dweller Addon

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If you like addons that add scary creatures to play with in your survival world, this addon is for you!

This addon adds a new monster called "Cave Dweller"

Cave Dweller: Screenshot 1

Cave Dweller: This monster lives in caves and it was programmed to hunt mining players there.

On the surface you will be completely safe since he cannot be spawned, but when you want to explore a cave, be ready, because you will probably run the risk of encountering him!

Cave Dweller: Screenshot 2

The Cave Dweller's goal is to end your life, but if you defeat him, he will return shortly at any time.

And if you encounter him, Cave Dweller will start screaming loudly and will advance towards you to eliminate you, either you fight him, run a lot or hide somewhere.

Cave Dweller: Screenshot 3

Or if you hear footsteps, you are probably very close to meeting him.


  • Its emitter is loud enough to be heard even on the surface.
  • Cave Dweller is usually a great swimmer.
  • He doesn't run faster than you, but he runs as fast as you!
  • Cave Dweller makes his way to hunt mining players.

Cave Dweller: Screenshot 4

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Cave Dweller Addon
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1 107
  1. No avatar image GerrBear916 Guest
    Can you make the newest goatman next (Btw make sure its ported instead of hand made)
  2. Yay finally btw can u pls make
    midnight lurker
    The one who watches (old)
    And goatman
  3. No avatar image Eric Guest
    yo bro, can you make it that it can climb stalk you and give it a little more health but also make it faster but also it spawns less plz
  4. Teru profile avatar Teru
  5. No avatar image Eric Guest
    Yo bro, I liked your cave dweller mod. I hope itโ€™s like the updated one like the stalking.jar update Cave dweller but first off can you update your man from the fog add on into the man from the fogโ€™s latest version plz
    1. Loozeenti profile avatar Loozeenti Author
      Hello bro, I'm not a professional programmer, I only know the basics but I'm glad you liked the Addon, I'm happy to hear that :), and about The Man From The Fog, unfortunately after the 1.21.20 update the Addon was broken, the functions no longer trigger that allowed it to invoke lightning and give it Despawn, it was already planned to make it more similar to Java, but after the update I couldn't fix the bug anymore so it won't be promised that the update It will come, but don't rule out the idea of giving up, maybe one day they can fix the bug or find a solution for it!
      1. My minecraft isnt 1.2.20 so