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Temperature Difficulty

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Hello, I am ZorroCraft from India. The Temperature Difficulty addon introduces an immersive temperature system to Minecraft, adding a new layer of survival challenge.

Showcase Video:


Temperature Difficulty: Screenshot 1

Temperature Difficulty: Screenshot 2

Temperature Difficulty: Screenshot 3

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How It Works:

The addon has four distinct stages:

  1. Normal - The player is in a comfortable temperature zone with no effects.
  2. Increase/Decrease - The temperature starts shifting slightly, causing minor discomfort. Players may notice reduced stamina or slower health regeneration.
  3. High/Low - At this stage, the effects become more severe. Players experience debuffs like slowness, hunger drain, or mild damage over time.
  4. Very High/Low - The most dangerous stage. Reaching this extreme results in instant death, emphasizing the importance of temperature management.

Temperature Management Tools:

  • Portable Heater: Helps raise your temperature when in cold environments.
  • Cooling Device: Lowers your temperature when exposed to extreme heat.

Environmental Temperature Control:

Players can manipulate their temperature by interacting with the environment:

  • When Cold: Stand near heat sources like campfires, lava, or use a Portable Heater.
  • When Hot: Cool down by standing on snow blocks, ice, or in water, or by using a Cooling Device.

This system encourages strategic thinking and environmental awareness, making survival more dynamic and challenging in different biomes.

If you look for Water + Temperature Difficulty, check this:

Download links
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40