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WorldEdit: Bedrock Edition [Landscaping Update]

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This is a Minecraft Bedrock addon port of the famous WorldEdit mod for Minecraft: Java Edition. The addon comes with custom commands to make building easier, and more fun! Not only that; there are also custom items to make it easier for anyone on any device to use this.
Note: This addon relies on experimental features.

Creations made with WorldEdit

By: Hemuli - YouTube

Creation by Hemuli

By: Gliese 118HD - YouTube

Creation by Gliese 118HD


Creation by MATHVR1

By: HuaLian (@HuaLian5459) / Twitter

Creation by HuaLian5459

By: SlagBluecup

Creation by SlagBluecup

Join the Discord to get YOUR creation featured on this page!


Please read the quick start section in Settings > How to Play while playing in a WorldEdit enabled world, for a short guide on how the addon works.

WorldEdit Documentation in Game

For more extensive information, please visit the addon's online documentation site (https://worldedit-be-docs.readthedocs.io). If you have questions, please visit the doc's FAQ page.


WorldEdit: Bedrock Edition has many of the important features that the original mod has. This includes, but not limited to:

  • Clipboard manipulation (Cut, Copy, Paste)
  • A convenient WorldEdit kit to access common features
  • Stacking and moving blocks and regions
  • Rotating and flipping regions
  • Powerful block patterns and masks
  • Navigation commands
  • Generating shapes; built-in and custom
  • Creating walls, lines and outlines
  • Smoothing terrain
  • Undo and redo
  • Filling and replacing blocks
  • Painting with brushes
  • Saving and loading structures (app required to happen between worlds)
  • Modify biomes (app required)

WorldEdit App

There is an app for WorldEdit that allows you to do more things than the addon can do alone! Currently it can help you with exporting structures to other worlds and changing biomes.

Download for Windows here.

Documentation here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it work on consoles?

Yes, as long as you have a way of getting the addon on those devices.

Why isn't the addon working for me?

There are four possible reasons why your addon may not be working.

  1. You didn't enable the "Beta APIs" experiment.
  2. You didn't apply both the behaviour pack and resource pack to your world.
  3. You are not playing on the right version of Minecraft. As of writing, the addon supports 1.20.50.
  4. The addon may be broken for you. You can try three things.
    • Reload with /reload
    • Restart Minecraft
    • Redownload the addon
    • Reinstall Minecraft

If the problem persists, you may come to the Discord for support, or report it as a bug here.

Can I use WorldEdit with other addons?

It should be compatible with any other addon you have in your world, but said compatibility is not guaranteed.

How do I make coloured blocks, different types of wood, etc...?

How Minecraft works is that some blocks are just variations of a base block. Red wool for example is just a variation of the default white wool, and granite is just a variation of stone. To define these variations, you can use either data values, or block states. For more information on using blocks in commands, go to this docs page.

Note that Mojang are in the process of flattening these blocks as of writing, meaning that they will all eventually have their own separate IDs like on Java.

How do I remove selection particles?

That depends on the outcome you want.

  • Use ;drawsel to toggle the visibility of the selection. The selection is still there, so you can still use your usual selection-based commands.
  • Use ;desel to clear your selection (not the blocks inside. Use ;cut for that). As soon as you start making your selection it will once again be highlighted with particles, unless you used ;drawsel to disable it.
How do I uninstall the addon from the world?
Are you affiliated with the original mod creators?

Nope! I developed this addon on my own.

Where else can I ask questions?

I have a Discord server for this addon. You can go there, hangout, and ask away.


Bug Reports and Feature Requests

If you've encountered a bug, or have a suggestion for this addon, please go to the issues page to see if your bug or request has already been reported. If not, feel free to do so!


Speak another language? Help the addon become more localized by going to the addon's Crowdin page here.


This addon is under the GPLv3 license. This means that you:

  • CAN modify, copy and distribute this addon.
  • CAN use it privately or for commercial use.
  • CAN'T change the license of your modified version.
  • CAN'T make the modified source code closed.
  • HAVE TO indicate any changes in the modified version.

Videos of the addon are also allowed, but you must link to this page, or the one in CurseForge for downloading. And remember. Plagiarism is still plagiarism.

Special Thanks

The backbone of this addon's code is a heavily modified version of notbeer's GameTest API Wrapper.

And thanks to the original creator of the WorldEdit mod "sk89q" and EngineHub as a whole. They developed and excellent mod, and I'm just simply making a version of it work on bedrock. They're the real heroes. :)


It took time and effort to make this addon, so if you can, please support me by donating via PayPal! You can also join Discord or follow me on Twitter to be notified of any new additions to the addon.


Firstly, go to the download section link appropriate for your Minecraft version. You'll be going through Linkvertise, but it's fine! Just go through as instructed and a file called "WorldEdit.mcaddon" should be downloaded.

Locally (and Realms)

After downloading the addon, you open it with Minecraft, and it will be imported into your game.

  • Android users need to use a third-party file explorer such as CX File Explorer to open the file.
  • iOS users should use Documents.

Once there, choose a world you want to apply this addon to, and add the behaviour pack and resource pack together. The "Beta APIs" experiments must also be enabled.

Required Experiments for WorldEdit Addon

And that's it! Your world is now ready for WorldEdit.

Third Party Servers

The version for third-party server is "WorldEdit.server.zip" and it contains the behaviour pack folder, resource pack folder, and the addon's "variables.json" file which is used to customize the addon's function. Installing the packs depends on the server, and it's method hosting, but "variables.json" must be placed in the server's "config/default" folder or "config/<module uuid>" folder, where the uuid is the addon's uuid defined in its behaviour pack manifest file.

Aternos Server

Note: Aternos doesn't seem to accept json files, so you may need to use the normal mcaddon version of the addon with it.

To properly add this addon to an Aternos server, you first need to upload an already existing world with the required experimental features enabled. Do not upload a world with the addon already applied on it! You must then install the addon separately in the server's packs folder. Read more about how Aternos handles addons and experimental features here and here.

WorldEdit App

The app is currently for Windows only. The download link is in the page description, as well as documentation for running and using it.

Updated on February 11, 2025

Supported version: 1.21.60

The fill operations of WorldEdit will be getting some love and care this update.

What's Changed:

  • Added fill tool ;tool fill <pattern> <radius> [depth] [direction]. For example, ;tool fill water 5 Fills a body of water in a 5 block radius.
  • Optimized the flood fill algorithm used by operations like the ;fill and ;drain commands.
    • It can now place blocks beyond loaded chunks as well.
  • Fixed negative rotations not working correctly.
  • Fixed large structure imports not working.

Full Changelogv0.9.5...v0.9.6

v0.9.5 / December 27 / Old Update

Supported version: 1.21.50

Hotfix! Hotfix! This update fixes some bugs with 0.9.4 and introduces a performance boost for certain operations.

What's Changed:

  • Attempted to fix rotations and flips of structures being the wrong orientation.
  • Fixed advanced rotations of large structures not placing the right blocks.
  • Fixed undo and redo not working for overlay and erosion brush operations.
  • Optimized generation with simple patterns for non-cuboid shapes.
  • Slightly improved erosion brush performance.
v0.9.3 / December 02 / Old Update

Supported version: 1.21.50

This update brings lots of improvements to how the add-on handles regions in the world, and more importantly some new features thanks to these improvements!

What's Changed:

  • Added ;revolve command! This command makes copies of your selection in circles around you.
  • Added #shadow mask! This will match with blocks that are not in the player's line of sight.
    • It's best used in combination with another mask so it doesn't match air (example: ;replace "#shadow #surface" stone)
  • Added a new gradient direction $gradient.lit! The gradient acts like a radial gradient, but starts from the center of the player to the farthest point the pattern is affecting.
  • Significantly improved structure transformations. Now arbitrary rotations won't make holes in the structure.
  • Clipboards now support arbitrary rotations and #clipboard patterns when performance mode is enabled.
    • In performance mode what will happen is that some blocks won't retain their "NBT" data.
  • Optimized simple masks with negations and lists of blocks.
v0.9.2 / September 17 / Old Update

Supported version: 1.21.30

What's Changed:

  • Added ability to toggle the permissions system (on by default), using /function wedit/whitelist/on and /function wedit/whitelist/off.
    • You can see whether it's on or off by running /function wedit/whitelist.
  • Added a couple functions to clear your data for tools and gradients. They are /function wedit/reset_tools_database and /function wedit/reset_gradients_database respectively.
  • Changed the way user data is stored internally. As a consequence, gradients prior to the update will not carry over and will be stored per-player from now on.
v0.9.1 / June 14 / Old Update

Supported version: 1.21.20

What's Changed:

  • Added dome support in ;sphere command. Example: ;sphere stone 5 -d forward
  • Added custom direction to ;cyl command. Example: ;cyl stone 2 5 -d forward
  • Removed the clipboard items from the paste menu, and made them their own items again.
  • Rotate and Flip items work on the clipboard instead of the selection.
  • Added ;torus command for generating toruses. Example: ;torus stone 5 2
  • Shape commands with -h flag now supports the ability to customize the thickness of the hollowed out shape.
  • Upgraded particle visuals to be like the one in WorldBuilder, the add-on's marketplace equivalent.
  • Re-added global outlines as an option in the config file.
v0.9.0 / June 14 / Old Update

Supported version: 1.21.0

What's Changed:

Toolkit improvements!

  • All region tools have been combined into one item (Fill, Wall, Outline, Hollow). Sneak and use the tool to switch between different modes.
  • Stack and Move operations can now be done from this region tool.
  • The line tool has been improved so you no longer need to make a selection before using it.
  • More shape tools have been added and put into a single tool along with the line tool. Just like the region tools, you sneak and use to draw different shapes.
  • Rotating and flipping are now done within the paste tool itself. Sneak and use the tool to find the options.
  • Selection outlines now only show for the player making them.
  • Gradients can now be created, managed and deleted from the config tool.
  • Added error messages to some UI forms.

Command improvements!

  • Inverted the ;contract direction.
  • New blob pattern! Blobs make random patches of blocks based on another pattern. The pattern is formatted #blob[n](pattern) where n is the average size of the patches. For example, ;set #blob5(stone,dirt) Will make patches of stone and dirt.
  • New void pattern! This one simply makes no changes. By itself it's not much, but it can be combined with other patterns like the blob to leave some of the affected area unchanged. Just type void to define it.
  • Gradients can now be radial! It starts from the center of the affected area to the farthest corners. You make gradients radial the same way you adjust their direction ($gradient.rad).
  • ;cancel command has been added to let you cancel any/all operations that you're currently processing. Use it in case there's one that's taking longer than you expected.

General improvments!

  • Chunks now get automatically loaded while performing WorldEdit operations. You will no longer need to load them yourself!
  • Fixed several height limit related errors (by @CrackedMatter in #225).
  • Copying and pasting now supports waterlogged blocks.
  • Using a gradient with no direction specified will now make it go the player's viewing direction by default.
  • Dropping the selection tool now clears the selection.

New Contributors

v0.8.6 / March 14 / Old Update
  • Supported version: 1.20.70
  • Fixed items with tools bounded becoming unusable after removing WorldEdit access from player.
  • Fixed history deletion causing crashes on servers.
v0.8.5 / February 16 / Old Update
  • Supported version: 1.20.60
  • Fixed certain directional blocks not rotating/flipping properly.
Download links
📦 Download WorldEdit (for worlds and realms🌍)
📦 Download WorldEdit (for servers💽)
🔨 CurseForge Page
📖 Documentation
💵 Donate via PayPal
💬 Join the Discord
🧑‍💻 GitHub Repo
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0
16 214
  1. No avatar image Sna1l
    The download gives you version 8.7 instead of 9.0 so it still doesn’t work
  2. No avatar image bluedragooo Guest
  3. Cual debo descargar para servidores me podría decir porfavor agradecería la respuesta
  4. No avatar image guest lucas Guest
    Need ver
  5. satan profile avatar satan
    why i cant change the biome with this addons?
    1. No avatar image bluedragooo Guest
      You need the app which is only for windows
  6. satan profile avatar satan
    its working on bedrock?
    1. No avatar image bluedragooo Guest
      Yes it works on bedrock
  7. Not working for 1.20.71
  8. No avatar image Sna1l
    Still not working
  9. No avatar image Sna1l
    It’s not working on the current version of Minecraft