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8Crafter's Entity Scale, NBT, and Behavior Modifier, Bossbar, and Morph Addon v1.17.0 (1.21.60 UPDATE!)

Thumbnail: 8Crafter's Entity Scale, NBT, and Behavior Modifier, Bossbar, and Morph Addon v1.17.0 (1.21.60 UPDATE!) Go to files

This is an add-on that lets you change entity scale, summon all the secret mobs and entities that normally are not summonable like players, ender pearls, shields, tridents, eye of ender signals, etc. It also allows you to change the max health of an entity, change its lava, water, and ground speeds, make it into an NPC, change what types of blocks that it can breathe in, give it a bossbar, make it into a minecart, and even make it immune to damage or even invincible to /kill (Note: All of these also do work on players too). You can also get the current TPS of a world, realm, or server. You can also get the real-world UTC time. You can also change and also even increase the maximum speed of a minecart. You can also morph into other mobs and entities (Note: the morph mod is currently a work-in progress). You can also tint the color of a player's skin and even make it partially transparent. You can change a player's name tags. You can also get an explorer map for every single type of structures by using some of the custom loot tables in this addon. You can also change whether or not an entity has gravity, and whether or not it collides with blocks and other entities. You can also make an entity act like solid blocks where you can just stand on top of them, and jump on them, similarly to boats and shulkers, and you also can't just walk through them, by running the andexsa:add_is_stackable event on both them and you. You can also make an entity burn in the sunlight like a zombie, or make any entity into its baby variant, so for example you could have a baby creeper, baby skeleton, baby ender dragon, or even a baby minecart. You can also change how much experience is in an experience bottle. You can also ride any mob just by running the andexsa:add_player_family_can_ride_anything_and_player entity event on yourself with the /event command. You can also turn any block into a fully functional chair with the seat entity. This addon also adds custom arrows, TNT cannons, arrow launchers, snowball launchers, etc.

Entity Events and Component Groups (how to change entity behaviors and NBT data)

Show/hide component groups


scale_#x allows you to change the scale / size of an entity, the format or the entity event trigger is andexsa:scale_ + size + x. An example is andexsa:scale_0.5x, the valid values are listed below.

0, 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1, 1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2, 1.25, 1.3, 1.35, 1.4, 1.45, 1.5, 1.55, 1.6, 1.65, 1.7, 1.75, 1.8, 1.85, 1.9, 1.95, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.


is_baby sets whether or not the entity is a baby, this will set the entity's scale to 0.5x and also make any sounds produced by the entity be higher pitched. To add the component group you trigger the entity event andexsa:add_is_baby or andexsa:add_player_is_baby if the entity is a player or cloned player, and to remove it then you trigger the entity event andexsa:remove_is_baby or andexsa:remove_player_is_baby.

rail_movement_# (all entities except for the minecarts, they use the ones listed right below this)

This allows you to make any entity into a minecart.


Maximum Speed: 0.0001


Maximum Speed: 0.01


Maximum Speed: 0.1


Maximum Speed: 0.4/undefined/default/normal


Maximum Speed: 0.69


Maximum Speed: 1.0


Maximum Speed: 50000.0

?_minecart_? (controls the maximum speed of minecarts, minecarts only)

This lets you make a minecart with no speed limit, normally minecarts are super slow on rails, but this allows you to change it's maximum speed. Note: any speeds above andexsa:slightly_fast_minecart or 0.69 of maximum speeds will allows the minecart to go so fast that is can fly off of the tracks when doing a turn, it also might get bounced back when trying to go up, and it might just shoot forwards off of the racks when it's going downwards if it is going too fast. The maximum speed of a normal minecart is 0.4.


Maximum Speed: 0.0001


Maximum Speed: 0.01


Maximum Speed: 0.1


Maximum Speed: 0.4/undefined/default/normal


Maximum Speed: 0.69


Maximum Speed: 1.0


Maximum Speed: 50000.0


This sets the maximum health of the entity.


Setting this value to anything above 0 will cause the entity to become completely invincible, even to /kill, the only way to get rid of it then would be to set this value back down to 0 again, or to instant despawn that entity. WARNING: ALWAYS SET THE HEALTH VALUE TO SOMETHING ELSE BEFORE YOU SET THIS OR THE ENTITY MAY JUST ACTUALLY INSTANTLY DIE! So, for example, you would run the entity event andexsa:health_20, before and then you would run the entity event andexsa:health_minimum_1.



This sets the knockback resistance of the entity.




This makes it so that the entity does not collide with blocks or entities, has no gravity, and gets pushed from blocks when inside of them slightly.


This makes it so that the entity does not collide with blocks or entities, has no gravity, and does not get pushed from blocks when inside of them slightly.


This makes it so that the entity collides with blocks or entities, has no gravity, and gets pushed from blocks when inside of them slightly.


This makes it so that the entity collides with blocks and entities, has no gravity, and does not get pushed from blocks when inside of them slightly.


This makes it so that the entity does not collide with blocks or entities, has gravity, and gets pushed from blocks when inside of them slightly.


This makes it so that the entity does not collide with blocks or entities, has gravity, and does not get pushed from blocks when inside of them slightly.


This makes it so that the entity collides with blocks and entities, has gravity, and gets pushed from blocks when inside of them slightly.


This makes it so that the entity collides with blocks and entities, has gravity, and does not get pushed from blocks when inside of them slightly.




This controls the entity's lava movement speed.


This controls the entity's underwater movement speed.


This controls the entity's ground movement speed.




make_into_boss_type (this adds a bossbar)

This allows you to add a bossbar to any entity, you just have to run and trigger the entity event andexsa:make_into_boss_type, or andexsa:make_into_boss_type_do_not_darken_sky if you don't want it to darken the sky, and to remove the bossbar you just do andexsa:remove_entity_boss_type.


This makes the mob burn in the sunlight, to add this component group run the entity event andexsa:burns_in_daylight, and to remove it you just do andexsa:remove_burns_in_daylight.

Add Event ID: andexsa:burns_in_daylight

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_burns_in_daylight


This allows the entity to fly (may still require that the entity has a behavior for the flying pathfinding).

Add Event ID: andexsa:can_fly

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_can_fly


This allows the player riding the entity to power jump on it, just like with the horses.

Add Event ID: andexsa:can_power_jump

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_can_power_jump



This allows the entity to be able to be controlled by the player while the player is riding it.

Add Event ID: andexsa:input_ground_controlled

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_input_ground_controlled


This allows the entity to have a name and be nametagged.

Add Event ID: andexsa:nametagable

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_name_tag_display


This allows the entity to have a name, but it cannot be nametagged.

Add Event ID: andexsa:can_have_name_not_nametagable

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_name_tag_display


This allows the entity to be put on a leash.

Add Event ID: andexsa:leashable

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_leashable


This allows the entity to have a balloon attached to it.

Add Event ID: andexsa:balloonable

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_balloonable



This allows you to set a modification to the friction of the entity.




This allows you to add an NPC dialogue UI to the entity. To add it you just trigger the entity event andexsa:add_npc_no_skin_variants, and to remove the NPC dialogue or menu you just do andexsa:remove_npc_no_skin_variants. By adding the dialogue you can actually change the nametag of the entity and it will still stay there even after remove the dialogue form the entity. (Note: this one has no skin oiptions)


This allows you to add an NPC dialogue UI to the entity. To add it you just trigger the entity event andexsa:add_npc, and to remove the NPC dialogue or menu you just do andexsa:remove_npc. By adding the dialogue you can actually change the nametag of the entity and it will still stay there even after remove the dialogue form the entity. (The skin options change the variant ID of the entity)


This allows the entity to ride any other entity. Sets the family types of the entity to ["can_ride_anything"].

Add Event ID: andexsa:add_family_can_ride_anything

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_family_can_ride_anything


This allows the player or cloned player to ride any other entity. Sets the family types of the player or cloned player to ["can_ride_anything"].

Add Event ID: andexsa:add_player_family_can_ride_anything

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_player_family_can_ride_anything


This allows the player or cloned player to ride any other entity. Sets the family types of the player or cloned player to ["can_ride_anything", "player"].

Add Event ID: andexsa:add_player_family_can_ride_anything_and_player

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_player_family_can_ride_anything_and_player


Allows the entity to pick up or suck items into its inventory.

Add Event ID: andexsa:add_item_hopper

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_item_hopper


Allows the entity to not be able to go through other entities that also have the is_stackable entity component on them.

Add Event ID: andexsa:add_is_stackable

Remove Event ID: andexsa:remove_is_stackable


Sets the entity's variant.

Add Event ID: andexsa:variant_# (replace # with the variant ID that you want to set it to, valid values range form 0-20 for some mobs and 0-40 for others) (default values is 0).

Remove Event ID: andexsa:variant_0


Sets the entity's mark variant.

Add Event ID: andexsa:mark_variant_# (replace # with the mark_variant ID that you want to set it to, valid values range form 0-20 for some mobs and 0-40 for others) (default values is 0)

Remove Event ID: andexsa:mark_variant_0


Sets the entity's skin id.

Add Event ID: andexsa:skin_id_# (replace # with the skin_id ID that you want to set it to, valid values range form 0-20 for some mobs and 0-40 for others) (default values is 0)

Remove Event ID: andexsa:skin_id_0

?_xp_bottle (for experience bottles only)

This can change how much experience is inside an experience bottle, and it can also make the experience bottle completely silent so that when it hits the ground, it does not make a sound, not even the glass breaking sound.


xp: 30-110


xp: 300-1100


xp: 300-1100


xp: 3-11


xp: 2-5


xp: 1-2


xp: 30-110

silent (makes no sound when it hits the ground)


xp: 300-1100

silent (makes no sound when it hits the ground)


xp: 3000-11000

silent (makes no sound when it hits the ground)


xp: 3-11

silent (makes no sound when it hits the ground)


xp: 2-5

silent (makes no sound when it hits the ground)


xp: 1-2

silent (makes no sound when it hits the ground)

Cloned Player AI

How to make the cloned players act like a wolf.

First, run this entity event on it: minecraft:entity_spawned2b1a.

Then run this entity event on it: andexsa:player_is_as_wolf.

How to make it attack other players and cloned players.

First, run this entity event on it: andexsa:player_is_as_wolf.

Then run this entity event on it: andexsa:player_ai_auto_attack_players.

If it breaks and stops attacking other players, then just run the andexsa:player_ai_auto_attack_players entity event on it again. (You can just put it in a repeating command block).


Show/hide items
Custom Arrows

Custom Arrows

Note: The custom arrows require you to use the super bow or custom bow item.

  • Ice Arrows
  • Fire Arrows
  • Instant Teleport Arrows
  • TNT Arrows
  • Fire TNT Arrows
  • Ender Pearl Arrows
  • Homing Arrows
  • Random Arrows
  • Anti-Gravity Arrows
  • Lightning Arrows


  • Dragon Fireball
  • Speedy Dragon Fireball
  • Fireball
  • Speedy Fireball
  • Super Speedy Fireball
  • Super Super Speedy Fireball
  • Super Super Super Speedy Fireball
  • Small Fireball
  • Instant Teleport (instantly teleports you to the block that you are looking at, slightly faster than instant teleport 2, but may teleport you inside of blocks if the destination block is really far away)
  • Instant Teleport 2 (instantly teleports you to the block that you are looking at, slightly slower than instant teleport, but won't teleport you inside of blocks)


  • TNT Cannon
  • TNT Arrow Cannon
  • Speedy TNT Cannon
  • Arrow Cannon
  • Fire TNT Arrow Cannon
Spawn Eggs

Spawn Eggs

Note: These do actually work in mob spawners and dispensers as well.

  • Agent Spawn Egg
  • Player Spawn Egg
  • Shield Spawn Egg
  • Tripod Camera Spawn Egg
  • Chalkboard (andexsa:board)
  • Board (andexsa:chalkboard_large)
  • Poster (andexsa:chalkboard_medium)
  • Slate (andexsa:chalkboard_small)
  • Blank Spawn Egg
  • Mask Spawn Egg
  • Null Spawn Egg
  • Spawn Egg Overlay
  • Lightning Bolt Spawn Egg
  • Ender Pearl Spawn Egg
  • Falling Block Spawn Egg
  • Moving Block Spawn Egg
  • Balloon Spawn Egg
  • Ice Bomb Spawn Egg
  • Arrow Spawn Egg
  • Armor Stand Spawn Egg


Space Suit

Space Suit

Space Helmet
Space Helmet
  • Protection: 5
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.4
  • Durability: 300
  • Repair Materials: [{"minecraft:glass": 100}]
  • Enchantable Type: All
  • Enchantability: 10
  • Armor Slot: Head
Space Suit Chestplate
Space Suit Chestplate
  • Protection: 5
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.4
  • Durability: 400
  • Repair Materials: [{"minecraft:leather": 100}]
  • Enchantable Type: All
  • Enchantability: 10
  • Armor Slot: Chestplate
Space Suit Leggings
Space Suit Leggings
  • Protection: 5
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.4
  • Durability: 400
  • Repair Materials: [{"minecraft:leather": 100}]
  • Enchantable Type: All
  • Enchantability: 10
  • Armor Slot: Legs
Space Suit Boots
Space Suit Boots
  • Protection: 3
  • Knockback Resistance: 0.4
  • Durability: 350
  • Repair Materials: [{"minecraft:leather": 100}]
  • Enchantable Type: All
  • Enchantability: 10
  • Armor Slot: Feet
Hazmat Suit

Hazmat Suit

Hazmat Suit Helmet
Hazmat Suit Helmet
  • Protection: 3
  • Knockback Resistance: ?
  • Durability: 300
  • Repair Materials: [{"minecraft:stained_glass": 100}]
  • Enchantable Type: Helmet
  • Enchantability: 10
Hazmat Suit Chestplate
Hazmat Suit Chestplate
  • Armor Slot: Chestplate
Hazmat Suit Leggings
Hazmat Suit Leggings
  • Armor Slot: Legs
Hazmat Suit Boots
Hazmat Suit Boots
  • Armor Slot: Feet


Admin Sword

Admin Sword

  • Damage: 2147483583
  • Durability: infinite
  • Enchantable Type: All
  • Enchantability: 214748364




Photo Item


Show/hide blocks

Anti-Light Block

This block can be used to block a specific amount of light, it is like tinted glass but you can change how much light can go through it and also it is invisible. You can set its values by using block states, you can also adjust the amount of light dampening (how much light that it blocks) by clicking on it with the anti-light block dampening setter item. Then if you need to check the current values of how much light that it is blocking then you can just click on it with another anti-light block but as an items and then it will toggle whether the value is visible on it or not.

List of block states:

  • "andexsa:light_dampening": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
  • "andexsa:light_dampening_reference": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
  • "andexsa:is_invisible": [ true, false ],
  • "andexsa:has_collision": [ true, false ],
  • "andexsa:has_selection": [ true, false ],
  • "andexsa:sequence_is_currently_running": [ false, true ]

Black Nether Reactor Core

Camera Alias

List of block states:

"andexsa:alias_mode_is_enabled": [ true, false ]

Camera Pro

Like the vanilla camera block, except you can change what direction that it is facing and it is not just randomly rotated, and also by using block states you can set it to have a red indicator light that either stays off, stays on, or just continuously blinks, you can also set it so that when you click use on it then it actually takes a picture. (It doesn’t actually take it, but the middle part of the camera does flash and it also plays the sounds that the cameras make when they do take the pictures)

List of block states:

  • "andexsa:alias_mode_is_enabled": [ false, true ],
  • "andexsa:indicator_on": [ "disabled", "false", "true" ],
  • "andexsa:interact_enabled": [ false, true ],
  • "andexsa:is_blinking": [ false, true ],
  • "andexsa:taking_photo": [ "false", "true", "indicator_off_false", "indicator_on_false", "indicator_off_true", "indicator_on_true" ],
  • "andexsa:taking_photo_activator_mode": [ "false", "true", "in_progress", "indicator_off_false", "indicator_on_false", "indicator_off_true", "indicator_on_true", "indicator_off_in_progress", "indicator_on_in_progress" ]

Client Request Placeholder Block Alias (also known as the X-Ray block)

This block, when placed, will turn into the secret "minecraft:client_request_placeholder_block" block, which is also sometimes called the x-ray block, because it will make any blocks connected to it invisible when viewed through it. It acts the same way as using x-ray glitches, it is also invisible, and when you try to hit it, you just end up hitting whatever is behind it instead. You can't walk through it, and the only way to get rid of it is through the /setblock or the /fill commands. With it, you can also use it to make 1-way glass. The "andexsa:alias_mode_is_enabled" block state controls whether the block will be turned into the client request placeholder block.

List of block states:

"andexsa:alias_mode_is_enabled": [ true, false ]

Custom Friction Settings Block

This block allows you to change how much friction it has. You can also change the texture, collision box, selection box, geometry file, whether or not it blocks light. You can set these through the use of block states, the valid block states are listed down below.

  • "andexsa:friction": ["0", "0.02", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"],
  • "andexsa:visibility_mode": [ "invisible", "visible1", "visible2", "visible3" ],
  • "andexsa:collision_type": [ "default", "full_block", "none" ],
  • "andexsa:selection_type": [ "default", "full_block", "none" ],
  • "andexsa:blocks_light": [ false, true ],
  • "andexsa:geometry_type": [ "undefined", "full_block", "none", "default" ]



End Gateway Alias

List of block states:

"andexsa:alias_mode_is_enabled": [ true, false ]

Glowing Obsidian Alias

List of block states:

"andexsa:alias_mode_is_enabled": [ true, false ]

Invisible Bedrock Alias

List of block states:

"andexsa:alias_mode_is_enabled": [ true, false ]

Nether Reactor Core Alias

List of block states:

"andexsa:alias_mode_is_enabled": [ true, false ]

Old Stonecutter Alias

List of block states:

"andexsa:alias_mode_is_enabled": [ true, false ]

Red Nether Reactor Core

Sculk Jaws

The sculk jaws that were going to be part of the deep dark but just ended up getting cancelled, there are 4 different variants, one that does nothing to you but just closes the jaw and plays the sounds, one that damages you, one that gives you the darkness 1000 effect for 30 seconds, and finally one that damaged you and gives you the darkness effect for 30 seconds.


  • andexsa:sculk_jaw
  • andexsa:sculk_jaw_activated
  • andexsa:sculk_jaw_damage
  • andexsa:sculk_jaw_damage_activated
  • andexsa:sculk_jaw_damage_effect
  • andexsa:sculk_jaw_damage_effect_activated
  • andexsa:sculk_jaw_effect
  • andexsa:sculk_jaw_effect_activated

Toxic Waste Barrel

List of block states:

  • "andexsa:block_rotation": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  • "andexsa:inventory": [0, 1, 2],
  • "andexsa:texture": ["default", "open", "overflowing", "overflowing_32x32", "overflowing_extreme"]

id: andexsa:toxic_waste_barrel

Wax Block

id: andexsa:wax_block

Redstone Display

Only in versions 1.4.0+

The redstone display block is an LCD number display block, it has 6 different redstone control modes, input_power displays the highest redstone power value of any of the 6 adjacent blocks, pulse_counter makes the counter on the display go up by one every time the block, reversed_pulse_counter makes the counter on the display go down by one every time the block, sides makes each number on the display choose a value based on certain adjacent blocks, double_behind makes the left number display a value based on the block directly behind it, and it also makes the right number display a value based on the block that is behind that other block, and disabled disables the redstone inputs (if these blocks are causing lag then try just setting some of them to disabled). To set the mode of the redstone display just click use on it while holding another redstone display block in your main hand, to turn the backlight on or off just click use of the redstone display block with a level, torch, or a redstone lamp in your main hand.

List of block states:

  • "andexsa:enable_redstone": [ "input_power", "pulse_counter", "reversed_pulse_counter", "sides", "double_behind", "disabled" ],
  • "andexsa:digit_1": [10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
  • "andexsa:digit_2": [10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
  • "andexsa:previous_power": [ false, true ],
  • "andexsa:backlight": [ false, true ]
  • "andexsa:enable_redstone": [ true, false ],
  • "andexsa:digit_a": [10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
  • "andexsa:digit_b": [10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

id: andexsa:redstone_display

Show/hide image

Redstone Display


Show/hide entities

New Entities

Cloned Player


This seat entity can be placed anywhere in the world, it does not take damage, and you can sit on it, so this allows you to turn any block into to be a fully functional chair / seat. The identifier is andexsa:seat_interactable_1 (or just andexsa:seat in the addon versions of 1.3.0+).

Make Entity Rideable Entity

This entity can be ridden by any entity, and it can also ride any type of entity. The identifier is andexsa:make_entity_rideable_entity.

Furnace Minecart

Large Chalkboard

Medium Chalkboard

Small Chalkboard

Custom Arrows

Used for the custom arrow types, such as the lightning arrows and ice arrows.

Identifiers: [ "andexsa:custom_arrow", "andexsa:destruction_arrow", "andexsa:ender_pearl_arrow", "andexsa:lightning_arrow", "andexsa:super_arrow", "andexsa:ice_arrow", "andexsa:fire_arrow", "andexsa:anti_gravity_arrow", "andexsa:instant_teleport_arrow", "andexsa:remove_fire_arrow", "andexsa:super_ice_arrow", "andexsa:small_ice_arrow", "andexsa:mega_ice_arrow", "andexsa:sphere_ice_arrow", "andexsa:sphere_super_ice_arrow", "andexsa:sphere_small_ice_arrow", "andexsa:instant_teleport_2_arrow", "andexsa:darkness_arrow", "andexsa:normal_fire_tnt_arrow", "andexsa:normal_tnt_arrow" ]

Custom Arrows 2

Used for the other custom arrow types, such as the homing arrows, random arrows, and dancing arrows.

Identifiers: [ "andexsa:custom_arrow_2", "andexsa:homing_arrow", "andexsa:random_arrow", "andexsa:dancing_arrow" ]


Used for the toxic waste barrel container block.


Used for the toxic waste barrel container block.


Used for the toxic waste barrel container block.

TNT Projectile

Custom version of TNT that can be used as a projectile when using the TNT cannon.

Tipped Arrow Base

Tipped Arrow Head

Vanilla That Are Normally Non-Summonable That I Have Now Actually Made Summonable


Identifier: minecraft:chalkboard

Small Fireball

Identifier: minecraft:small_fireball


Identifier: minecraft:shield

Falling Block

Identifier: minecraft:falling_block

Moving Block

Identifier: minecraft:moving_block

Eye Of Ender Signal

Identifier: minecraft:eye_of_ender_signal

Ender Pearl

Identifier: minecraft:ender_pearl

Fishing Hook

Identifier: minecraft:fishing_hook

Leash Knot

Identifier: minecraft:leash_knot

Ice Bomb

Identifier: minecraft:ice_bomb


Identifier: minecraft:balloon

Splash Potion

Identifier: minecraft:splash_potion

Lingering Potion

Identifier: minecraft:lingering_potion

Thrown Trident

Identifier: minecraft:thrown_trident


Identifier: minecraft:egg


Identifier: minecraft:snowball

Dragon Fireball

Identifier: minecraft:dragon_fireball

Fireworks Rocket

Identifier: minecraft:fireworks_rocket

Area Effect Cloud

Identifier: minecraft:area_effect_cloud

Morph Mod

Method 1, Manual

To morph, you either must hold one of the morph items in your mainhand or offhand, or you can just use the /playanimation command to set the entity_type variable. Note: if you remove the item from your mainhand or offhand, or you used the /playanimation command to do it, then only people who were within your simulation distance at the time you took the item out or used the commands will be able to see the morphed form of you, and once they go out of your simulation distance and come back in again then to them, you will not look like you are morphed, but if you want to use the /playanimation command to set your morph types and have everyone be able to see your morphed form no matter what, then you just need to use a command block to use the /playanimation command on repeat, because once the player goes out of the simulation distance then the previously used animation controllers will now work again, so you will only need to switch out the animation controller when you want to change what variable it is being set to, or if you re-log then you also don't need to change the animation controllers. Here is an example of setting your morph variant with the /playanimation command: {/playanimation @s animation.none.none f 0 "variable.entity_type = 1.0; " l}, note: if you want to set your entity type and maybe some other variables too like maybe the entity_scale variable then you can do it just like this: {/playanimation @s animation.none.none f 0 "variable.entity_type = 1.0; variable.entity_scale = 5.0; " k}, and also don't forget about to put in the semicolons, because otherwise it will just generate a Molang error.

Method 2, Entity Events (requires the player.json file)

To set the entity type of the player, you can either set the variant ID, or the andexpr:entity_type entity property. For the variant ID, you can set it either by making the player into a NPC where the skin picker chooses between different entity variant types with andexsa:add_npc (and also andexsa:remove_npc to remove the npc dialogue again afterwards), or you can also do it by using the entity event andexsa:variant_# (replace the # with the variant ID number). Note: the entity type index used will be the variant ID minus 1. To do it with the entity property, you can set it with the /scriptevent commands, ex. /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setPropertyInt:andexprcentity_type:2.0, the advantage of this method is that it stays set and does not reset when you leave someone's simulation distance or when you re-log.

To set the texture override of the player, you can either set the andexpr: entity_texture_variant_override entity property. Note: the skin override index used will be the skin ID minus 1. To do it with the entity property, you can set it with the /scriptevent commands, ex. /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setPropertyInt:andexprcentity_texture_variant_override:2.0.

Method 3, Automatic (also lets you set entity variables to be set automatically and also on repeat)

To use this method, you first must give yourself the autoMorphScriptingCommands tag and also the playanimation_morph_counter_enabled tag. Then you just do the command listed below, but replace where it says "variables" with a list of entity molang variables to be set on repeats. (Note: you can also replace @s with the target selector of another player if you want it to target them instead of you).

/scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setDynamicProperty:morph_variables:"variables"

Here is an example. (This example turns you into a sheep, with a color tint of (r: 0.5, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 0.25), and uses the spectator material type which allows you to use semi-transparent and / or translucent skins, and also allows for changing the alpha value of the color tints, to change how transparent your skin is, and it sets the texture override value to 5.0 which forces your skin to be the missing textures, and is also sets your visual scale values to be 2.0, which makes you double your normal size without changing your hitbox (if you use the scale entity events then those change your hitbox, but this one does not, and it also can combine and / or stack with the scale entity events)).

/scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setDynamicProperty:morph_variables:"v.entity_type = 1.0; v.texture_override = 2.0; v.entity_scale_value_override = 5.0; variable.color_tint_r = 0.5; variable.color_tint_g = 0.0; variable.color_tint_b = 1.0; variable.color_tint_a = 0.25; variable.material_types = 1.0; "

Here is the list of texture overrides, the texture override variable sets your skin to the skin at the index of the variable minus one, so if you set the texture override variable to 5.0 then it would do the 5th item in the list. (Note: default is your normal skin). (To disable the texture override, just set the variable to 0.0).

Versions 1.3.0-1.4.0
  1. "Texture.default",
  2. "Texture.Andexter8",
  3. "Texture.Steve",
  4. "Texture.Alex",
  5. "Texture.Missing",
  6. "Texture.Zombie",
  7. "Texture.Drowned",
  8. "Texture.Skeppy",
  9. "Texture.Invisible",
  10. "Texture.ASingleBlackPixel",
  11. "Texture.Unknown",
  12. "Texture.resistance",
  13. "Texture.ASingleBluePixel",
  14. "Texture.Herobrine",
  15. "Texture.invisibility",
  16. "Texture.blindness",
  17. "Texture.nightVision",
  18. "Texture.hunger",
  19. "Texture.weakness",
  20. "Texture.poison",
  21. "Texture.wither",
  22. "Texture.healthBoost",
  23. "Texture.absorption",
  24. "Texture.saturation",
  25. "Texture.levitation",
  26. "Texture.turtleMaster",
  27. "Texture.slowFall",
  28. "Texture.enchanted",
  29. "Texture.sheep",
  30. "Texture.sheep_sheared",
  31. "Texture.minecart",
  32. "Texture.minecart_chest",
  33. "Texture.minecart_furnace_on",
  34. "Texture.boat_oak",
  35. "Texture.armor_stand",
  36. "Texture.falling_block",
  37. "Texture.sand",
  38. "Texture.debug",
  39. "Texture.debug2",
  40. "Texture.dirt",
  41. "Texture.stone",
  42. "Texture.stonebrick",
  43. "Texture.sand",
  44. "Texture.red_sand",
  45. "Texture.crafting_table_top",
  46. "Texture.cobblestone",
  47. "Texture.cobblestone_mossy",
  48. "Texture.dragon_egg",
  49. "Texture.obsidian",
  50. "Texture.chest",
  51. "Texture.chalkboard",
  52. "Texture.allay",
  53. "Texture.camera_tripod",
  54. "Texture.chalkboard_medium",
  55. "Texture.chalkboard_large",
  56. "Texture.chest",
  57. "Texture.double_chest",
  58. "Texture.cape",
  59. "Texture.ender_dragon",
  60. "Texture.ender_crystal",
  61. "Texture.bed",
  62. "Texture.arrows",
  63. "Texture.bat",
  64. "Texture.blaze",
  65. "Texture.bow",
  66. "Texture.bow_pulling_0",
  67. "Texture.bow_pulling_1",
  68. "Texture.bow_pulling_2",
  69. "Texture.cat",
  70. "Texture.all_black_cat",
  71. "Texture.black_cat",
  72. "Texture.wolf",
  73. "Texture.shield",
  74. "Texture.vex",
  75. "Texture.vex_charging",
  76. "Texture.wither_skull",
  77. "Texture.wither_boss",
  78. "Texture.wither_boss_invulnerable",
  79. "Texture.wither_boss_armor",
  80. "Texture.wither_boss_armor_blue",
  81. "Texture.wither_skeleton",
  82. "Texture.skeleton",
  83. "Texture.stray",
  84. "Texture.stray_overlay",
  85. "Texture.fishing_hook",
  86. "Texture.experience_orb",
  87. "Texture.fireworks_rocket",
  88. "Texture.fireball",
  89. "Texture.evocation_fang",
  90. "Texture.item_sprite",
  91. "Texture.apple",
  92. "Texture.apple_golden",
  93. "Texture.bone",
  94. "Texture.brick",
  95. "Texture.broken_elytra",
  96. "Texture.book_written",
  97. "Texture.book_enchanted",
  98. "Texture.book_normal",
  99. "Texture.book_portfolio",
  100. "Texture.book_writable",
  101. "Texture.agent",
  102. "Texture.ender_dragon",
  103. "Texture.skeleton_head",
  104. "Texture.creeper_head",
  105. "Texture.wither_skeleton_head",
  106. "Texture.zombie_head",
  107. "Texture.irongolem",
  108. "Texture.quadruped"
Versions 1.0.0-1.2.0
  1. "Texture.default",
  2. "Texture.Andexter8",
  3. "Texture.Steve",
  4. "Texture.Alex",
  5. "Texture.Missing",
  6. "Texture.Zombie",
  7. "Texture.Drowned",
  8. "Texture.Skeppy",
  9. "Texture.Invisible",
  10. "Texture.ASingleBlackPixel",
  11. "Texture.Unknown",
  12. "Texture.resistance",
  13. "Texture.ASingleBluePixel",
  14. "Texture.Herobrine",
  15. "Texture.invisibility",
  16. "Texture.blindness",
  17. "Texture.nightVision",
  18. "Texture.hunger",
  19. "Texture.weakness",
  20. "Texture.poison",
  21. "Texture.wither",
  22. "Texture.healthBoost",
  23. "Texture.absorption",
  24. "Texture.saturation",
  25. "Texture.levitation",
  26. "Texture.turtleMaster",
  27. "Texture.slowFall",
  28. "Texture.enchanted",
  29. "Texture.sheep",
  30. "Texture.minecart",
  31. "Texture.boat_oak",
  32. "Texture.armor_stand",
  33. "Texture.falling_block",
  34. "Texture.chest",
  35. "Texture.chalkboard",
  36. "Texture.allay",
  37. "Texture.camera_tripod",
  38. "Texture.chalkboard_medium",
  39. "Texture.chalkboard_large",
  40. "Texture.chest",
  41. "Texture.double_chest",
  42. "Texture.cape",
  43. "Texture.ender_dragon",
  44. "Texture.ender_crystal",
  45. "Texture.bed",
  46. "Texture.arrows",
  47. "Texture.bat",
  48. "Texture.blaze",
  49. "Texture.bow",
  50. "Texture.cat"

Here is the list of entity types, the entity type variable sets the entity type that you morph into to the entity type at the index of the variable, so if you set the entity type variable to 5.0 then if would do the 6th item in the list (The falling block type) (Note: default is a normal player).

Versions 1.4.0
  1. "Geometry.default",
  2. "Geometry.sheep",
  3. "Geometry.minecart",
  4. "Geometry.camera_tripod",
  5. "Geometry.armor_stand",
  6. "Geometry.falling_block",
  7. "Geometry.chest",
  8. "Geometry.chalkboard",
  9. "Geometry.allay",
  10. "Geometry.camera_tripod",
  11. "Geometry.chalkboard_medium",
  12. "Geometry.chalkboard_large",
  13. "Geometry.chest",
  14. "Geometry.double_chest",
  15. "Geometry.cape",
  16. "Geometry.ender_dragon",
  17. "Geometry.ender_crystal",
  18. "Geometry.bed",
  19. "Geometry.arrow",
  20. "Geometry.bat",
  21. "Geometry.blaze",
  22. "Geometry.bow_standby",
  23. "Geometry.bow_pulling_0",
  24. "Geometry.bow_pulling_1",
  25. "Geometry.bow_pulling_2",
  26. "Geometry.cat",
  27. "Geometry.wolf",
  28. "Geometry.shield",
  29. "Geometry.vex",
  30. "Geometry.wither_skull",
  31. "Geometry.wither_boss",
  32. "Geometry.wither_boss_armor",
  33. "Geometry.wither_skeleton",
  34. "Geometry.fishing_hook",
  35. "Geometry.experience_orb",
  36. "Geometry.fireworks_rocket",
  37. "Geometry.fireball",
  38. "Geometry.evocation_fang",
  39. "Geometry.item_sprite",
  40. "Geometry.agent",
  41. "Geometry.player_head",
  42. "Geometry.mob_head",
  43. "Geometry.dragon_head",
  44. "Geometry.irongolem",
  45. "Geometry.quadruped"
Versions 1.3.0-1.3.1
  1. "Geometry.default",
  2. "Geometry.sheep",
  3. "Geometry.minecart",
  4. "Geometry.camera_tripod",
  5. "Geometry.armor_stand",
  6. "Geometry.falling_block",
  7. "Geometry.chest",
  8. "Geometry.chalkboard",
  9. "Geometry.allay",
  10. "Geometry.camera_tripod",
  11. "Geometry.chalkboard_medium",
  12. "Geometry.chalkboard_large",
  13. "Geometry.chest",
  14. "Geometry.double_chest",
  15. "Geometry.cape",
  16. "Geometry.ender_dragon",
  17. "Geometry.ender_crystal",
  18. "Geometry.bed",
  19. "Geometry.arrow",
  20. "Geometry.bat",
  21. "Geometry.blaze",
  22. "Geometry.bow_standby",
  23. "Geometry.bow_pulling_0",
  24. "Geometry.bow_pulling_1",
  25. "Geometry.bow_pulling_2",
  26. "Geometry.cat",
  27. "Geometry.wolf",
  28. "Geometry.shield",
  29. "Geometry.vex",
  30. "Geometry.wither_skull",
  31. "Geometry.wither_boss",
  32. "Geometry.wither_boss_armor",
  33. "Geometry.wither_skeleton",
  34. "Geometry.fishing_hook",
  35. "Geometry.experience_orb",
  36. "Geometry.fireworks_rocket",
  37. "Geometry.fireball",
  38. "Geometry.evocation_fang",
  39. "Geometry.item_sprite",
  40. "Geometry.agent",
  41. "Geometry.player_head",
  42. "Geometry.mob_head",
  43. "Geometry.dragon_head",
  44. "Geometry.irongolem",
  45. "Geometry.quadruped"
Versions 1.0.0-1.2.0
  1. "Geometry.default",
  2. "Geometry.sheep",
  3. "Geometry.minecart",
  4. "Geometry.camera_tripod",
  5. "Geometry.armor_stand",
  6. "Geometry.falling_block",
  7. "Geometry.chest",
  8. "Geometry.chalkboard",
  9. "Geometry.allay",
  10. "Geometry.camera_tripod",
  11. "Geometry.chalkboard_medium",
  12. "Geometry.chalkboard_large",
  13. "Geometry.chest",
  14. "Geometry.double_chest",
  15. "Geometry.cape",
  16. "Geometry.ender_dragon",
  17. "Geometry.ender_crystal",
  18. "Geometry.bed",
  19. "Geometry.arrow",
  20. "Geometry.bat",
  21. "Geometry.blaze",
  22. "Geometry.bow_pulling_1",
  23. "Geometry.cat"


Show/hide particles

These are for use with the /particle command.

Snowstorm Sample Particles

  • snowstorm:billboard
  • snowstorm:billboard2
  • snowstorm:fire
  • snowstorm:fire2
  • snowstorm:fire3
  • snowstorm:fire4
  • snowstorm:loading
  • snowstorm:magic
  • snowstorm:rain
  • snowstorm:rainbow
  • snowstorm:snow
  • snowstorm:trail

Vanilla 1.8.0 Removed Particles

  • minecraft:example_beziercurve
  • minecraft:example_blendmode_add
  • minecraft:example_blendmode_alpha
  • minecraft:example_blendmode_blend
  • minecraft:example_bounce
  • minecraft:example_bounce_60 (custom version of minecraft:example_bounce where the particle actually last for 60 seconds or a full minute)
  • minecraft:example_catmullromcurve
  • minecraft:example_colorcurve
  • minecraft:example_colorcurve2
  • minecraft:example_combocurve
  • minecraft:example_directional_sphere
  • minecraft:example_entity_sparkle_box
  • minecraft:example_entity_sparkle_aabb
  • minecraft:example_expire_on_contact
  • minecraft:example_flipbook
  • minecraft:example_highrestitution
  • minecraft:example_highrestitution_60 (custom version of minecraft:example_highrestitution where the particle actually last for 60 seconds or a full minute)
  • minecraft:example_linearcurve
  • minecraft:example_particle_event_system
  • minecraft:example_smoke_puff
  • minecraft:example_spiral
  • minecraft:example_spiral_10x
  • minecraft:example_spiral_20x
  • minecraft:example_vertexrandom
  • minecraft:example_watertest
  • minecraft:fireworks_events_demo
  • minecraft:fireworks_pop_part
  • minecraft:fireworks_rocket_part
  • minecraft:fireworks_trail
  • minecraft:fireworks_twinkles


Show/hide fogs

These are for use with the /fog command.

  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_black_blind
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_black_close
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_black
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_blue
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_cyan_close
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_cyan
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_dark_gray
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_green_blind
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_green_close
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_green
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_light_blue_blind
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_light_blue_blind_instant
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_light_blue_close
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_light_blue
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_light_gray
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_orange_close
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_orange
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_pink_close
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_pink
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_purple_close
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_purple
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_white_blind
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_white_close
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_white
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_yellow_blind
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_yellow_close
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_yellow
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_yellow_green_blind
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_yellow_green_close
  • andexrp:fog_andexrp_yellow_green


Show/hide volumeareas

These are for use with the /volumearea command.

  • andexsa:black_blind_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:black_close_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:black_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:green_blind_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:green_close_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:green_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:hell_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:light_blue_blind_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:light_blue_blind_instant_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:light_blue_close_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:light_blue_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:orange_close_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:orange_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:the_end_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:white_blind_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:white_close_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:white_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:yellow_blind_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:yellow_close_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:yellow_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:yellow_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:yellow_green_blind_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:yellow_green_close_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:yellow_green_close_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:yellow_green_fog_area_volume
  • andexsa:yellow_green_fog_area_volume


Show/hide animations

These are for use with the /playanimation command.

  • animation.none.none
  • animation.cloned_player.crawling.v0.1
  • animation.cloned_player.crawling2
  • animation.cloned_player.new
  • animation.cloned_player.backwards_body
  • animation.cloned_player.backwards_head
  • animation.cloned_player.backwards_waist
  • animation.cloned_player.block.hat_flush_with_skin
  • animation.cloned_player.block.hat_flush_with_skin_no_z-fighting
  • animation.cloned_player.block
  • animation.cloned_player.block_2
  • animation.cloned_player.crawling
  • animation.cloned_player.crawling_2
  • animation.cloned_player.death
  • animation.cloned_player.faceplant
  • animation.cloned_player.faceplant_2
  • animation.cloned_player.fall_apart
  • animation.cloned_player.fell_apart_complete
  • animation.cloned_player.holding_head
  • animation.cloned_player.no_hat
  • animation.cloned_player.no_jacket
  • animation.cloned_player.no_left_pants
  • animation.cloned_player.no_left_sleve
  • animation.cloned_player.no_right_pants
  • animation.cloned_player.no_right_sleve
  • animation.cloned_player.only_head
  • animation.cloned_player.only_head_2
  • animation.cloned_player.pile_of_body_parts
  • animation.cloned_player.sideways_body
  • animation.cloned_player.sideways_head
  • animation.cloned_player.sitting
  • animation.cloned_player.swapped_hands_and_arms
  • animation.cloned_player_0.1x_size
  • animation.cloned_player_10x_size
  • animation.custom_head.hold_first_person
  • animation.custom_head.hold_third_person
  • animation.custom_head.item_is_on_head
  • animation.custom_head.hold_first_person_2
  • animation.custom_head.hold_third_person_2
  • animation.custom_head.item_is_on_head_2
  • animation.skeleton_head.hold_first_person
  • animation.skeleton_head.hold_third_person
  • animation.custom_head_2.hold_first_person
  • animation.custom_head_2.hold_third_person
  • animation.steve_head.hold_first_person
  • animation.steve_head.hold_third_person

Custom Emojis

Show/hide custom emojis

To get the Unicode Code for them you just format it like this 0x + (sprite sheet ID) + (vertical row) + (horizontal column), for example for sprite sheet glyph_E4.png if you wanted the apple emoji then it would be 0xE40A because the sprite sheet ID is E4, the row is row 0, and the column is column 10 which is A in hexadecimal, so 0x + E4 + 0 + A = 0xE40A.

Sprite sheet glyph_E0.png, 512x512 px, Unicode values 0xE000-0xE0FF.

Sprite sheet glyph_E0.png, 512x512 px

Sprite sheet glyph_E1.png, 256x256 px, Unicode values 0xE100-0xE1FF.

Sprite sheet glyph_E1.png, 256x256 px

Sprite sheet glyph_E2.png, 1024x1024 px, Unicode values 0xE200-0xE2FF. Same as E0 but double the size.

Sprite sheet glyph_E2.png, 1024x1024 px

Sprite sheet glyph_E3.png, 256x256 px, Unicode values 0xE300-0xE3FF.

Sprite sheet glyph_E3.png, 256x256 px

Sprite sheet glyph_E4.png, 128x128 px, Unicode values 0xE400-0xE4FF. The symbols from the enchanting tables and bookshelves, note: if you can't see this one it is because the symbols are white.

Sprite sheet glyph_E4.png, 128x128 px

Loot Tables

Show/hide Loot Tables

These loot allow you to get explorer maps for every single type of structures in the whole entire game by using the /loot command.

Here is an example command(this one will give you an ancient city explorer map): /loot give @s loot "loot_tables/maps/andexsa/ancientcity"

  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/ancientcity
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/bastionremnant
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/blank
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/burriedtreasure
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/endcity
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/fortress
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/jungle_temple
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/mansion
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/mapdatavalue7
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/mineshaft
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/monument
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/pillageroutpost
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/randommap
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/ruinedportal
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/ruins
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/shipwreck
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/stronghold
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/swamp_hut
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/temple
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/trailruins
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/unknown
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_desert
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_jungle
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_plains
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_savanna
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_snowy
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_taiga

Special Entity Molang Variables

Player Components And Properties (can be set through entity events or the /scriptevent command)

Player Components And Properties (can be set through entity events or the /scriptevent command)

These have priority over ones set through molang variables. If they are set to their default values then they will not affect anything, and it will use the values from other sources (such as for entity type it might use if you are holding morph items, or if you are setting the molang variables then it will also just use that instead).

  • andexpr:entity_type (-1 == default) -> variable.entity_type (if the andexrp:entity_type property is set to -1 then if the variant ID is not equal to 0 then the variable.entity_type variable will be set to the variant ID minus 1, and if the variant ID is also equal to 0 then it will just use the molang variables)
  • andexpr:use_alphablend_player_materials (-1 == default) -> variable.material_types
  • andexpr:entity_texture_variant_override (-1 == default) -> variable.texture_override
  • andexpr:color_tint_r - 1 (0 == default) -> variable.color_r
  • andexpr:color_tint_g - 1 (0 == default) -> variable.color_g
  • andexpr:color_tint_b - 1 (0 == default) -> variable.color_b
  • andexpr:color_tint_a - 1 (0 == default) -> variable.color_a
Molang Variables (can be set through the /scriptevent commands)

Molang Variables (can be set through the /scriptevent commands)

How to set:

You type the command listed below but replace "variables" with a list of all the variables that you want set.

/scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setDynamicProperty:morph_variables:"variables"

Here is an examples.

/scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setDynamicProperty:morph_variables:"v.entity_type = 1.0; v.texture_override = 2.0; v.entity_scale_value_override = 5.0; variable.color_tint_r = 0.5; variable.color_tint_g = 0.0; variable.color_tint_b = 1.0; variable.color_tint_a = 0.25; variable.material_types = 1.0; "

List Of The Variables


Sets the entity type for the player to morph into. This can be manually set but it will also automatically set to the variant ID minus 1 whenever the variant ID is not equal to 0.0.


Here is the list of texture overrides, the texture override variable sets your skin to the skin at the index of the variable minus one, so if you set the texture override variable to 5.0 then if would do the 5th item in the list. (Note: default is your normal skin). (To disable the texture override just set the variable to 0.0).

Versions 1.3.0-1.4.0
  1. "Texture.default",
  2. "Texture.Andexter8",
  3. "Texture.Steve",
  4. "Texture.Alex",
  5. "Texture.Missing",
  6. "Texture.Zombie",
  7. "Texture.Drowned",
  8. "Texture.Skeppy",
  9. "Texture.Invisible",
  10. "Texture.ASingleBlackPixel",
  11. "Texture.Unknown",
  12. "Texture.resistance",
  13. "Texture.ASingleBluePixel",
  14. "Texture.Herobrine",
  15. "Texture.invisibility",
  16. "Texture.blindness",
  17. "Texture.nightVision",
  18. "Texture.hunger",
  19. "Texture.weakness",
  20. "Texture.poison",
  21. "Texture.wither",
  22. "Texture.healthBoost",
  23. "Texture.absorption",
  24. "Texture.saturation",
  25. "Texture.levitation",
  26. "Texture.turtleMaster",
  27. "Texture.slowFall",
  28. "Texture.enchanted",
  29. "Texture.sheep",
  30. "Texture.sheep_sheared",
  31. "Texture.minecart",
  32. "Texture.minecart_chest",
  33. "Texture.minecart_furnace_on",
  34. "Texture.boat_oak",
  35. "Texture.armor_stand",
  36. "Texture.falling_block",
  37. "Texture.sand",
  38. "Texture.debug",
  39. "Texture.debug2",
  40. "Texture.dirt",
  41. "Texture.stone",
  42. "Texture.stonebrick",
  43. "Texture.sand",
  44. "Texture.red_sand",
  45. "Texture.crafting_table_top",
  46. "Texture.cobblestone",
  47. "Texture.cobblestone_mossy",
  48. "Texture.dragon_egg",
  49. "Texture.obsidian",
  50. "Texture.chest",
  51. "Texture.chalkboard",
  52. "Texture.allay",
  53. "Texture.camera_tripod",
  54. "Texture.chalkboard_medium",
  55. "Texture.chalkboard_large",
  56. "Texture.chest",
  57. "Texture.double_chest",
  58. "Texture.cape",
  59. "Texture.ender_dragon",
  60. "Texture.ender_crystal",
  61. "Texture.bed",
  62. "Texture.arrows",
  63. "Texture.bat",
  64. "Texture.blaze",
  65. "Texture.bow",
  66. "Texture.bow_pulling_0",
  67. "Texture.bow_pulling_1",
  68. "Texture.bow_pulling_2",
  69. "Texture.cat",
  70. "Texture.all_black_cat",
  71. "Texture.black_cat",
  72. "Texture.wolf",
  73. "Texture.shield",
  74. "Texture.vex",
  75. "Texture.vex_charging",
  76. "Texture.wither_skull",
  77. "Texture.wither_boss",
  78. "Texture.wither_boss_invulnerable",
  79. "Texture.wither_boss_armor",
  80. "Texture.wither_boss_armor_blue",
  81. "Texture.wither_skeleton",
  82. "Texture.skeleton",
  83. "Texture.stray",
  84. "Texture.stray_overlay",
  85. "Texture.fishing_hook",
  86. "Texture.experience_orb",
  87. "Texture.fireworks_rocket",
  88. "Texture.fireball",
  89. "Texture.evocation_fang",
  90. "Texture.item_sprite",
  91. "Texture.apple",
  92. "Texture.apple_golden",
  93. "Texture.bone",
  94. "Texture.brick",
  95. "Texture.broken_elytra",
  96. "Texture.book_written",
  97. "Texture.book_enchanted",
  98. "Texture.book_normal",
  99. "Texture.book_portfolio",
  100. "Texture.book_writable",
  101. "Texture.agent",
  102. "Texture.ender_dragon",
  103. "Texture.skeleton_head",
  104. "Texture.creeper_head",
  105. "Texture.wither_skeleton_head",
  106. "Texture.zombie_head",
  107. "Texture.irongolem",
  108. "Texture.quadruped"
Versions 1.0.0-1.2.0
  1. "Texture.default",
  2. "Texture.Andexter8",
  3. "Texture.Steve",
  4. "Texture.Alex",
  5. "Texture.Missing",
  6. "Texture.Zombie",
  7. "Texture.Drowned",
  8. "Texture.Skeppy",
  9. "Texture.Invisible",
  10. "Texture.ASingleBlackPixel",
  11. "Texture.Unknown",
  12. "Texture.resistance",
  13. "Texture.ASingleBluePixel",
  14. "Texture.Herobrine",
  15. "Texture.invisibility",
  16. "Texture.blindness",
  17. "Texture.nightVision",
  18. "Texture.hunger",
  19. "Texture.weakness",
  20. "Texture.poison",
  21. "Texture.wither",
  22. "Texture.healthBoost",
  23. "Texture.absorption",
  24. "Texture.saturation",
  25. "Texture.levitation",
  26. "Texture.turtleMaster",
  27. "Texture.slowFall",
  28. "Texture.enchanted",
  29. "Texture.sheep",
  30. "Texture.minecart",
  31. "Texture.boat_oak",
  32. "Texture.armor_stand",
  33. "Texture.falling_block",
  34. "Texture.chest",
  35. "Texture.chalkboard",
  36. "Texture.allay",
  37. "Texture.camera_tripod",
  38. "Texture.chalkboard_medium",
  39. "Texture.chalkboard_large",
  40. "Texture.chest",
  41. "Texture.double_chest",
  42. "Texture.cape",
  43. "Texture.ender_dragon",
  44. "Texture.ender_crystal",
  45. "Texture.bed",
  46. "Texture.arrows",
  47. "Texture.bat",
  48. "Texture.blaze",
  49. "Texture.bow",
  50. "Texture.cat"

The variant of the morphed mob, can be set between 0.0 to 9.0.


When set to 0.0 (default value of this), then it uses the entity_alphatest_change_color materials, which allows from transparency but not translucency, and the alpha channel of the color tints do not work with this one (in spectator it uses the player_spectator material, no matter what, so the alpha channel of the color tints will always work when you are in spectator modes), but when set to 1.0, then it uses the player_spectator material, which allows you to have semi-transparent skins, and also you can use the alpha channel of the color tints. Use this command if you want it to always be set to 1.0.

/scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setPropertyInt:andexprcuse_alphablend_player_materials:1.0


Sets the scale of the entity, set it to -1.0 to set it back to normal.


Sets whether or not you hover slightly above the ground to match the same height as if you were sleeping on a player while sleeping when you are as a cat, set it to -1.0 to set it back to normal to be actually automatic.


Controls what you are doing when you are as a cat, 0.0 == sneaking, 1.0 == sprinting, 2.0 == sitting, 3.0 == walking and / or standing, and 4.0 == sleeping.


Forces the variable.state variables to stay set as a very specific specified values. Set it to -9999.0 to set it back to normal to be actually automatic.


This toggles every time that you hit the sneak buttons, it is used to control whether or not you are sitting and / or sneaking when you are a cat. (Default value is 0.0).

  • variable.color_tint_r (color tint red values)
  • variable.color_tint_g (color tint green values)
  • variable.color_tint_b (color tint blue values)
  • variable.color_tint_a (color tint alpha values, Note: requires the variable.material_types variable to be set to 1.0 or for the player to be in spectator mode for the alpha channel of th ecolor tint to actually be functioning)

These 4 variables are used to apply a color tint to the player. They just adjust the color channels, they don't apply an overlay, it sets each color channel of each individual pixel to be a certain precent of the original values. 0.0 = 0%, and also 1.0 = 100%, you can go above 1.0 and / or 100% though, when you do that then instead of decreasing the brightness of color channels or keeping them the same, it will just increase them instead. Here is an example command that will just remove any green from your skins.

/scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setDynamicProperty:morph_variables:"variable.color_tint_r = 1.0; variable.color_tint_g = 0.0; variable.color_tint_b = 1.0; variable.color_tint_a = 1.0; variable.material_types = 1.0; "


Controls how what percentage laying down you are when you are a cat. Set it to -9999.0 to set to back to normal to actually be automatic.


Controls how what percentage laying down that your tail is when you are a cat. Set it to -9999.0 to set to back to normal to actually be automatic.


Sets whether you sit or sneak when you are sneak as a cat. 0.0 == Sneaking, 1.0 == Sitting.

/scriptevent Command

Show/hide text


Format: /scriptevent andexsa:setPlayerNameTag playerName|newPlayerNameTag

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setPlayerNameTag Steve|Herobine

The above example will set the nametag of the player Steve to Herobrine, note: the name used to choose the player to change the name tag of does not change when you change the nametag, as this only changes the name tag so even though the name above the players head will change, and the name that appears when using the /say command will change, the name used for the name target selector filter and the name displayed in the player list will not change, note: if you set this to grumm or dinnerbone it will actually turn you upside-down.


<targets: quotedTargetSelector>|<option: optionName>:<optionValue: optionValue>{list: list; listObject: |[<option: optionName>:<optionValue: optionValue>]}

Options: triggerEvent, setProperty, setPropertyInt, setPropertyBool, setDynamicProperty, setDynamicPropertyInt, setDynamicPropertyBool, setDynamicPropertyVector3

Here is an example that uses multiple options: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@e[r=5]"|triggerEvent:andexsacscale_0.75x|setPropertyInt:andexprcentity_type:5.0|triggerEvent:andexsacadd_npc_no_skin_variants

The above example triggers the entity events andexsa:scale_0.75x, and andexsa:add_npc_no_skin_variants on all entities within a 5 block radius of the player or entity executing the /scriptevent command causing those entities to get scale to 0.75x scale and have an npc dialogue added to them, it also attempts to set the andexpr:entity_type actor property of those entities to 5.0, if there are any non-player entities within the 5 block radius then it will generate content log errors because the actor property andexpr:entity_type only exists on player entities.

triggerEvent - triggers an entity event (in the name of the entity event replace the : with c)

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|triggerEvent:andexsacscale_0.5x

The above example triggers the andexsa:scale_0.5x entity event on the player or entity executing the /scriptevent command, it is very similar to using the /event command.

setProperty - sets the value of and actor property on that entity (in the identifier and value of the actor property replace the : with c, can only be used on actor properties of type enum)

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setProperty:examplectest_property:example

The above example sets the example:test_property actor property on the player or entity executing the /scriptevent command to the string "example".

setPropertyInt - sets the number value of and actor property on that entity (in the identifier of the actor property replace the : with c, also this one can only be used on entity properties that are of type integer or float, only include the decimal point if the entity property is of type float)

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setPropertyInt:andexprcentity_type:2.0

The above example sets the andexpr:entity_type actor property to the float value of 2.0 on the player or entity executing the /scriptevent command.

setPropertyBool - sets the boolean value of an actor property on the entity (in the identifier of the actor property replace the : with c, also this one can only be used on entity properties that are of type boolean, only acceptable values are true and false)

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setPropertyBool:andexprentity_scale_variable_override_enabled:true

The above example sets the andexpr:entity_scale_variable_override_enabled actor property to the boolean value of true on the player or entity executing the /scriptevent command.

resetProperty - resets the value of an actor property on the entity (in the identifier of the actor property replace the : with c)

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|resetProperty:andexprentity_scale_variable_override_enabled

The above example resets the andexpr:entity_scale_variable_override_enabled actor property to the default value of it on the player or entity executing the /scriptevent command.

setDynamicProperty - sets the string value or clears the value of a Script API dynamic property on that entity

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setDynamicProperty:test_property:example

example of clearing value: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setDynamicProperty:test_property

The above example sets the test_property Script API dynamic property on the player or entity executing the /scriptevent command to the string "example", not putting in any value will reset it.

setDynamicPropertyInt - sets the number value of a Script API dynamic property on that entity

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setDynamicPropertyInt:test_property:2.0

The above example sets the test_property Script API dynamic property on the player or entity executing the /scriptevent command to the number value 2.0.

setDynamicPropertyBool - sets the boolean value of a Script API dynamic property on that entity

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setDynamicPropertyBool:test_property:true

The above example sets the test_property Script API dynamic property on the player or entity executing the /scriptevent command to the boolean value true.

setTame - set the entity as tamed.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setTame

The above example sets the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command as tamed as tamed. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:tameable" component.

setHealth - set the entity's remaining health.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setHealth:20.0

The above example sets remaining health the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 20.0 health or 10.0 hearts. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:health" component.

setLavaMovement - set the entity's lava movement speed.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setLavaMovement:0.1

The above example sets lava movement speed the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 0.1. To set it to the default amount just type in "/scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setLavaMovementDefault".

setMovement - set the entity's ground movement speed.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setMovement:0.1

The above example sets ground movement speed the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 0.1. To set it to the default amount just type in "/scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setMovementDefault".

setUnderwaterMovement - set the entity's water movement speed.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setUnderwaterMovement:0.1

The above example sets underwater movement speed the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 0.1. To set it to the default amount just type in "/scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setUnderwaterMovementDefault".

setColor - set the entity's color.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setHealth:20.0

The above example sets color of the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 20.0. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:color" component.

setFlyingSpeed - set the entity's flying speed.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setHealth:20.0

The above example sets the flying speed of the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 20.0 blocks per tick. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:flying_speed" component.

setAirSupply - set the entity's current air supply amount.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setAirSupply:20.0

The above example sets the remaining air supply of the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 20.0 ticks or 1 second of breath remaining, a player by default has a maximum of 300.0 ticks or 15 seconds of breath. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:breathable" component.

setAddRider - makes the specified entity ride the entity.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setLeash|"@e[type=zombie,c=1]"

The above example makes the nearest zombie start riding the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command if that zombie is not currently riding the entity. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:rideable" component.

setEjectRider - ejects the specified entity from the entity.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setLeash|"@e[type=zombie,c=1]"

The above example makes the nearest zombie stop riding the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command if that zombie is currently riding the entity. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:rideable" component.

setEjectRiders - ejects all riders from the entity.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setEjectRiders

The above ejects all riders from the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:rideable" component.

setLeash - leashes the entity to the specified entity.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setLeash|"@e[type=villager,c=1]"

The above example leashes the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to the entity to the nearest villager. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:leashable" component.

setUnleash - unleashes the entity from the entity that it is leashed to.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setUnleash

The above unleashes the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command from the entity that it is leashed to. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:leashable" component.

setNameTag - set the entity's name tag.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setNameTag:hi

The above example sets the name tag of the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to "hi". Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:nameable" component.

setNPCDefaultScene - set the entity's NPC default scene.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setNPCDefaultScene:hi

The above example sets the NPC default scene of the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to "hi". Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:npc" component.

setNPCName - set the entity's NPC display name.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setNPCName:hi

The above example sets the NPC display name of the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to "hi". Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:npc" component.

setNPCSkinIndex - set the entity's NPC selected skin index.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setNPCSkinIndex:9

The above example sets the index of the selected NPC skin of the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 9. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:npc" component.

setIsSneaking - sets whether or not the entity is sneaking.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setIsSneaking:true

The above example makes the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command start sneaking.

setFrictionModifier - set the entity's friction modifier.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setNPCSkinIndex:9

The above example sets the friction modifier of the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 9. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:friction_modifier" component.

setGroundOffset- set the entity's friction modifier.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setGroundOffset:9

The above example sets the ground offset of the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 9. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:ground_offset" component.

setMarkVariant - set the entity's mark variant.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setMarkVariant:9

The above example sets the mark variant of the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 9. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:mark_variant" component.

setSkinId- set the entity's skin id.

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty "@s"|setSkinId:9

The above example sets the skin id of the entity or player executing the /scriptevent command to 9. Note: this requires the entity to have the "minecraft:skin_id" component.


Format: /scriptevent andexsa:setWorldDynamicProperty property_name|string_value

Example: /scriptevent andexsa:setWorldDynamicProperty example_property|example_string_test_value


Exactly the same as andexsa:setWorldDynamicProperty except that it sends error messages in chat instead of inside of the content error log.

How to get the current TPS

Method 1: /scriptevent command

To get the TPS using the /scriptevent command then just run one of these two commands:

/scriptevent andexsa:getTPS a

/scriptevent andexsa:getTPSExtraDetails a

Then once you do that it should send you all the TPS information inside of the chat.

Method 2: tags

To get the TPS using tags first add one of these two tags to yourself: display_tps, display_tps_more_detailed. Once you do this it should say the TPS in your actionbar. The display_tps tag displays more simplified and less detailed information on the TPS, it will say it in this format(note: the text on the right of the colons is either green, yellow, or red depending on whether the TPS is good or not):

TPS: tps

Milliseconds: milliseconds since last tick

The display_tps_more_detailed tag displays more simplified and less detailed information on the TPS, it will say it in this format(note: the text on the right of the colons is either green, yellow, or red depending on whether the TPS is good or not):

TPS: tps

Milliseconds: milliseconds since last tick

TPS 1 Second Average: tps 1 second average

Milliseconds: average milliseconds between ticks for the last 1 second

TPS 1 Second Minimum: minimum tps over the last 1 second

Milliseconds: minimum milliseconds between ticks over the last 1 second

TPS 1 Second Maximum: maximum tps over the last 1 second

Milliseconds: maximum milliseconds between ticks over the last 1 second

TPS 5 Second Average: tps 5 seconds average

Milliseconds: average milliseconds between ticks for the last 5 seconds

TPS 5 Second Minimum: minimum tps over the last 5 seconds

Milliseconds: minimum milliseconds between ticks over the last 5 seconds

TPS 5 Second Maximum: maximum tps over the last 5 seconds

Milliseconds: maximum milliseconds between ticks over the last 5 seconds

Method 3: scoreboard

To get the TPS using the scoreboard you can just query the values of the scoreboard just like you do with any other scoreboard that was set up with through the /scoreboard command, the scoreboard identifier is TPS, and the participant names that you query to get the values are "TPS: ", "TPS Milliseconds: ", "§a1 Second Average TPS: §b", "1s Average TPS Milliseconds: ", "1s Min TPS: ", and "1s Min TPS Ms: ".

How to get the real-world UTC time

Show/hide text

To get the real-world UTC time you can use the scoreboard with the id of "datetime", here are some examples:

/execute if score "Day: " datetime matches 28 28 if score "Year: " datetime matches 2023 2023 if score "Month: " datetime matches 12 12 run /say it is 12/28/2023

The above example says "it is 12/28/2023" in the chat if the current date is December 28th, 2023.

/tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text": "Date: "}, {"score": {"name": "Month: ", "objective": "datetime"}}, {"text": "/"}, {"score": {"name": "Day: ", "objective": "datetime"}}, {"text": "/"}, {"score": {"name": "Year: ", "objective": "datetime"}}, {"text": ", Time: "}, {"score": {"name": "Hour: ", "objective": "datetime"}}, {"text": ":"}, {"score": {"name": "Minute: ", "objective": "datetime"}}, {"text": ":"}, {"score": {"name": "Second: ", "objective": "datetime"}}, {"text": "."}, {"score": {"name": "Millisecond: ", "objective": "datetime"}}]}

The above example says the current date and time in the chat in this format "Date: month/day/year, Time: hour:minute:second.millisecond", so for example i it was 12:06:23.09 pm on 12/17/2023 then it would say "Date: 12/17/2023, Time: 12:06:23.09".

Custom NPC Skins

Custom NPC Skins

Required Experimental Toggles

  • Upcoming Creator Features
  • Beta APIs

Terms of Use

You are NOT ALLOWED to:

  • Provide direct download links to my addon, you may only share my work.ink link.
  • Provide your own links to my addon.
  • Use any part of my code in your own addon.
  • Claim any of my code as your own.
  • Upload this addon to different sites without my permission.
  • Make videos about my addon without properly crediting me and linking to this page.

You are FREE to:

  • Make videos about my addon if you properly credit me and link to this page.
  • Make private modifications to my addon, but do not redistribute those modified versions of my


If you experience any issues, or are confused about something in the add-on, feel free to contact me through my discord server or email.

Discord: https://discord.gg/jrCTeHGuhx

Email: [email protected]

Updated on February 10

Version 1.17.0:

  • Updated the add-on to 1.21.60!


Creative Inventory

  • Grouped the items in the creative inventory into item groups. They have been grouped into the following groups in each of these tabs:
    • Construction
    • Block Aliases
    • Utility Blocks
    • Items
    • Abilities
    • Morph Items
    • Misc.
  • Moved the Diamond Crafting Table from the construction tab to the items tab of the creative inventory.



  • Removed the spawn eggs for the Mega Ice Arrow, Sphere Mega Ice Arrow, TNT Arrow, and Fire TNT Arrow. This is because those arrows are only available with a special command because they are dangerous, the ice ones can freeze entire oceans, and the tnt arrows are the ones that are 7.5x the strength of regular tnt.



  • Changed the item id of the Anti-Light Block Collision Toggler Block from andexsa:anti-light_block_collison_toggler to andexsa:anti-light_block_collision_toggler.
Changelog for January 21 / Old Update

Version 1.16.3:



  • Fixed the damage sensor components.
Changelog for January 21 / Old Update

Version 1.16.2:



  • Fixed the iron golem morph again.
Changelog for January 20 / Old Update

Version 1.16.1:



  • Fixed a bug where the iron golem morph did not use the correct animations.
Changelog for January 20 / Old Update

Version 1.16.0:

This changelog will be written later.
Changelog for January 11 / Old Update

Version 1.15.3:

Critical Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where the minecraft:breeze_wind_charge_projectile and minecraft:wind_charge_projectile entities would not explode upon impact, instead they would simply vanish.
Changelog for January 06 / Old Update

Version 1.15.2:

Critical Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where when holding a trident in your hand, it would render as a pig instead of a trident.
Changelog for December 05 / Old Update

Version 1.15.1:



  • Fixed a bug where there was a typo in the item id of the Anti-Light Block Collision Toggler.
Changelog for December 03 / Old Update

Version 1.15.0:

  • Updated the add-on to 1.21.50!

Known Issues:


  • There is a typo in the item id of the Anti-Light Block Collision Toggler (It is andexsa:anti-light_block_collison_toggler instead of andexsa:anti-light_block_collision_toggler.).


  • The E0 sprite sheets has a checkerboard background.


  • The animation.cloned_player.no_waist animation is not functional.
Changelog for December 3 / Old Update

Version 1.14.0:



  • Added the andexsa:adjustable_redstone_lamp block.
  • Added the andexsa:unknown_texture_block block.
  • Added the andexsa:anti-light_block_lite block.
  • Added the andexsa:anti-light_block_old_texture block.


  • Added the andexsa:anti-light_block_selection_remover item.
  • Added the andexsa:anti-light_block_collison_toggler item (The typo in the item id will be fixed in a future update.).


  • Added animation.cloned_player.backwards_left_arm
  • Added animation.cloned_player.backwards_left_leg
  • Added animation.cloned_player.backwards_right_arm
  • Added animation.cloned_player.backwards_right_leg
  • Added animation.cloned_player.no_body
  • Added animation.cloned_player.no_head
  • Added animation.cloned_player.no_left_arm
  • Added animation.cloned_player.no_left_leg
  • Added animation.cloned_player.no_right_arm
  • Added animation.cloned_player.no_right_leg
  • [ ] Added animation.cloned_player.no_waist (Forgot to edit the file for it so this is not functional currently and needs to be fixed.)
  • Added animation.cloned_player.upside_down_head

Add-On Communication:

  • The add-on can now communicate with the debug sticks add-on. This allows debug sticks to do things like know the version of entity scale that is active, and stop certain processes of entity scale.


  • Added a LICENSE.txt file.


  • Added the link to the ModBay page for the add-on to the description of the add-on in the manifest.json files.



  • Updated the E0 and E1 sprite sheets to include the new vanilla emojis. (The E0 sprite sheet file is currently bugged with a checkerboard background, this will be fixed in a future update.).
  • Added the EF sprite sheet.


  • Updated the blocks states of the andexsa:anti-light_block block to make it a lot more customizable.
  • Updated the texture of the anti-light block, now it uses an inverted version of the light block texture.


  • Lots of massive performance improvements.
  • Reworked the entire TPS counter system to make it more efficient. The value to the TPS 1 second average, minimum, and maximum is now only updated once every 20 ticks, and for the 5 second version of that, every 100 ticks. The scoreboard identifier names are now changed to 1sAvgTPS, 1sAvgTPSMs, 1sMinTPS, 1sMinTPSMs, 5sAvgTPS, 5sAvgTPSMs, 5sMinTPS, 5sMinTPSMs, TPS, TPSMs, and tps. The actionbar for the TPS info is now only updated every 5 ticks.
  • The morphplayanimation counter related intervals are now disabled by default and can be enabled/disabled with the andexsa:enableMorphPlayanimationVariableSetter and andexsa:disableMorphPlayanimationVariableSetter scriptevents.



  • Fixed the texture of the andexsa:missing_textue_block block.
  • Fixed the andexsa:invisible_bedrock_alias block not turning into invisible bedrock.
  • Fixed the andexsa:client_request_placeholder_block_alias block not turning into a client request placeholder block.


  • Fixed the entity events for the andexsa:inventory entity.

Content Log:

  • Fixed a bunch of content log errors related to the custom arrows.

Known Issues:


  • There is a typo in the item id of the Anti-Light Block Collision Toggler (It is andexsa:anti-light_block_collison_toggler instead of andexsa:anti-light_block_collision_toggler.).


  • The E0 sprite sheets has a checkerboard background.


  • The animation.cloned_player.no_waist animation is not functional.
Changelog for October 25 / Old Update

Version 1.13.0:

  • Updated the add-on to 1.21.40!
Changelog for October 20 / Old Update

Version 1.12.0:


Custom Arrows:

  • Added the extremely inaccurate arrow.
  • Added the negative accuracy arrow.


  • Added the andexsa:item_display entity.


  • Added the Instant Teleport item (the old instant teleport item was renamed to Instant Teleport++).
  • Added the item for the darkness arrow.
  • Added the item for the destruction arrow.
  • Added the item for the inaccurate arrow.
  • Added the item for the super accurate arrow.
  • Added the item for the zero-gravity arrow.
  • Added the Dyed Giant Stick item.



  • Renamed the Instant Teleport item to Instant Teleport++.
  • Renamed the Instant Teleport 2 item to Instant Teleport+.
  • The quiver can now store a few types of arrows in it.
  • The following items are now dyeable:
    • Admin Sword
    • Space Suit Chestplate
    • Space Suit Leggings
    • Space Suit Boots
    • Giant Stick

Bug Fixes:

Custom Arrows:

  • Fixed the darkness arrow.
  • Fixed the fire arrow.
  • Fixed the fire TNT arrow.
  • Fixed the ice arrow.
  • Fixed the inaccurate arrow.
  • Fixed the instant teleport 2 arrow.
  • Fixed the instant teleport arrow.
  • Fixed the mega ice arrow.
  • Fixed the instant teleport arrow.
  • Fixed the normal fire TNT arrow.
  • Fixed the normal TNT arrow.
  • Fixed the remove fire arrow.
  • Fixed the small ice arrow.
  • Fixed the sphere ice arrow.
  • Fixed the sphere mega arrow.
  • Fixed the sphere small arrow.
  • Fixed the sphere super ice arrow.
  • Fixed the super accurate arrow.
  • Fixed the super arrow.
  • Fixed the super ice arrow.
  • Fixed the TNT arrow.
  • Remove the never_despawn property from the tick_world component of the ender pearl.


  • Fixed the following ability items:
    • Small Fireball
    • Cannon of Ultimate Destruction
    • Fire TNT Arrow Cannon
    • Instant Heal
    • Instant Teleport (now called Instant Teleport++)
    • Instant Teleport 2 (now called Instant Teleport+)
    • TNT Arrow Cannon
    • TNT Cannon
    • Speedy TNT Cannon
  • Fixed the alignment of the Giant Stick item in your hand.
Changelog for September 17 / Old Update

Version 1.11.0:

  • Updated the add-on to 1.21.30!
Changelog for August 21 / Old Update

Version 1.10.0:

  • Updated the add-on to 1.21.20!
  • Added new textures for some of the custom arrows.
  • Added new textures for the diamond crafting table, admin sword, and instant heal.
  • Added new variants of the diamond crafting table to allow for crafting different types of recipes: All(All Recipe Types), Stonecutter(Stonecutter Recipes), and Smithing Table(Smithing Table Recepes).
  • The andexsa:custom_arrow and andexsa:custom_arrow_2 entities have been split up into separate entities for each of the arrow types.
  • Added the following items: Snowball Cannon+, Snowball Cannon++, Arrow Cannon+, Arrow Cannon++, Dancing Arrow, Random Arrow.
  • Added recipes for the following items to the diamond crafting table: Anti-Gravity Arrow, Purple Arrow, Dancing Arrow, Ender Pearl Arrow, Fire Arrow, Ice Arrow, Instant Teleport Arrow, Lightning Arrow, Normal Fire TNT Arrow, Normal TNT Arrow, Random Arrow, TNT Arrow, Fire, Space Helmet, Space Suit Boots, Space Suit Chestplate, Space Suit Leggings, and Fire TNT Arrow.
  • Made a few changes/fixes to a few other items.
Changelog for June 10 / Old Update

Version 1.9.0:

  • Updated the add-on to 1.21.0!
Changelog for April 24 / Old Update

Version 1.8.0:

  • Updated add-on to 1.20.80!
  • Added the missing files for the sniffer, armadillo, frog, breeze, bogged, wind charge projectile, breeze wind charge, and projectile.
  • Updated the wolf file so that the wolves can now wear the wolf armor.
  • Updated a few other entity files to make them work the same as the ones in the current version of Minecraft.
Changelog for March 12 / Old Update

Version 1.7.0:

  • Updated add-on to 1.20.70!
  • Made the 1 second and 5 second TPS average calculations a lot more accurate.
Changelog for February 22 / Old Update

Version 1.6.0:

  • Fixed an issue with the redstone display and combination lock blocks that was causing lower-powered devices to crash either when joining the world or randomly while playing on the world.
Changelog for February 17 / Old Update

Version 1.5.0:

  • Fixed an issue where animations for the cat morph did not play.
Changelog for January 30 / Old Update

Version 1.4.0:

  • Updated for 1.20.60!
  • Removed the agent morph to fix an issue where the player's arm would sometimes float while in the first person perspective.
  • Added an LCD number display block, currently, it can only have the numbers set by setting the block states, but in a future update, you will be able to make it display the redstone power level that it is receiving, the block namespace ID is andexsa:redstone_display.
  • Fixed an issue where shooting the random arrows would cause the game to crash.
  • Added crash arrows.
Changelog for January 19 / Old Update

Version 1.3.1:

  • Fixed an issue where the textures for most blocks, items, particles, etc. were missing.
Changelog for December 15 / Old Update
  • Updated the changelog for the previous update (v.1.3.0) to add some of the missing information.
  • Updated the list of options for the /scriptevent command to include the newly added ones from in version 1.3.0.
  • Added info about how to get the current TPS and real-world UTC time in version 1.3.0.
Changelog for December 04 / Old Update

Version 1.3.0:

  • Updated for 1.20.50!
  • Added 22 new morphs and 58 new skin overrides.
  • Added 2 new scoreboards for getting the current TPS and for getting the real-world UTC time.
  • Fixed the cloned player's AI.
  • Made all the custom spawn eggs able to be used on monster spawners.

Added new spawn eggs:

  • Lightning Bolt
  • Ender Pearl
  • Falling Block
  • Moving Block
  • Balloon
  • Ice Bomb
  • Arrow
  • Armor Stand

Added new options to the andexsa:setEntityDynamicProperty /scriptevent command:

  • setTame
  • setHealth
  • setLavaMovement
  • setMovement
  • setUnderwaterMovement
  • setColor
  • setFlyingSpeed
  • setPushThrough
  • setFrictionModifier
  • setGroundOffset
  • setLeash
  • setUnleash
  • setTamed
  • setNPCDefaultScene
  • setNPCName
  • setNPCSkinIndex
  • setAddRider
  • setEjectRider
  • setEjectRiders
  • setAirSupply
  • setNameTag
  • setIsSneaking
  • clearDynamicProperties
  • resetProperty
Changelog for November 25 / Old Update
  • Added a YouTube mod showcase video.
Changelog for November 18 / Old Update
  • Added a terms of use.
  • Switched the links over from linkvertise to work.ink.
  • Added more info about some of the items.
  • Added info about all of the /scriptevent commands.
Changelog for November 05 / Old Update

Version 1.2.0:

  • Fixed a bug where certain mobs were not tamable (wolf, cat, parrot, etc).

Added new structures that allow you to load in all the secret painting variants (these can be loaded in with a structure block or through the /structure command):

  • andexsapaintings:fire (the secret fire painting)
  • andexsapaintings:earth (the secret earth painting)
  • andexsapaintings:plant_middle (the plant painting, but in the middle of a 4 block square, which normally is not possible)
  • andexsapaintings:water (the secret water painting)
  • andexsapaintings:wind (the secret wind painting)
Changelog for October 30 / Old Update
  • Changed compatible versions to include 1.20.40.
  • Added info about the required experimental toggles.
  • Added more info about a few of the blocks.
  • Added the (“client request placeholder block alias”) blocks to the list of all of the blocks.
Changelog for October 25 / Old Update

Version 1.1.0:

  • Updated for 1.20.40!

Added new explorer map loot tables:

  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_desert
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_jungle
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_plains
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_savanna
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_snowy
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/village_taiga
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/swamp_hut
  • loot_tables/maps/andexsa/jungle_temple
Download links
v1.17.0 (for 1.21.6x) (work.ink)
v1.16.3 (for 1.21.5x) (work.ink)
v1.14.0 (for 1.21.4x) (work.ink)
v1.12.0 (for 1.21.3x) (work.ink)
v1.10.0 (for 1.21.2x) (work.ink)
v1.9.0 (for 1.21.x) (work.ink)
v1.8.0 (for 1.20.8x) (work.ink)
v1.7.0 (for 1.20.7x) (work.ink)
v1.6.1 (for 1.20.6x) (work.ink)
v1.3.1 (for 1.20.5x) (work.ink)
v1.2.0 (for 1.20.4x) (work.ink)
v1.0.0 (for 1.20.3x) (work.ink)
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30
10 009
  1. 8Crafter profile avatar 8Crafter Author
    i will be releasing an update for 1.20.40 soon!
  2. this is a revolutionary addon