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Mob Crates Revamped

Thumbnail: Mob Crates Revamped Go to files

About Pack:

This pack changes boring spawn eggs into cute, baby-themed versions, giving them a fresh and creative look while maintaining the original concept.

This pack is a revamped version of Mob Crates (Java pack) and has been completely reworked to provide unique, original textures tailored for Bedrock Edition.


Corlos & Parzival


  • Adorable, baby-themed spawn egg designs.
  • Completely original reworked textures.
  • Inspired by the Java Edition Mob Crates pack.
  • Compatible with Minecraft version 1.15.0 and above.

Important: Read It!

Terms Of Use:

This pack contains a license. If anyone violates it, I can take it down, so please make sure to follow these rules.

  • Usage: You can do changes in pack for personal use only, you cannot upload modified version of this pack until you have permission from Blockify (ME).
  • Distribution: You are not allowed to re-upload this pack anywhere without my permission. You can only do so if I grant explicit permission.
  • Content Creation: If you create videos or content using this pack, credit Blockify and provide link to the official post of the pack (This ModBay Post), you cannot make own links or direct links to this pack.


Mob Crates Revamped: Screenshot 1

Mob Crates Revamped: Screenshot 2

Mob Crates Revamped: Screenshot 3

Download links
Download via Lootlabs
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50 1.19.40 1.19.30 1.19.20 1.19.10 1.19.0 1.18.31 1.18.30 1.18.12 1.18.10 1.18.2 1.18.1 1.18.0 1.17.41 1.17.40 1.17.34 1.17.32 1.17.30 1.17.11 1.17.10 1.17.2 1.17.0 1.16
  1. Hey i made this my self and its on my discord so i dont violate the licience as i made it before yours and i had it uploaded before but took it down due to it having a ARR on tge java version i did ask befroe to upload it but they said no
    1. And im telling you about the ARR because you could get in trouble
  2. Please add a MCADDON direct download Please