Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
The download is corrupted except the link one but that's an old one!
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
To get the betas you must pay
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
I decide you will have to pay
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
I decide that you will have to pay
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
Corrupted file whenever I download it
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
Ignore this I will be updating this on this page for free
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
I am sort of stopping on the project for a little bit working on some other add-ons so it might take even longer I'm not sure
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
I have these in my house
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
The finished version may come out in like a month or two I'm not entirely sure
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
And also your mod destroyed one of my ships I had it on an older version and it worked I do the newer version it destroyed a thousand blocks not really a thousand but it practically got rid of the whole ship
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
I looked it's not I had to use commands and airships please
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
Where's the furnace engine I can't find it
Blizzardfire profile avatarBlizzardfire
Are you kidding me you won't even be able to do achievements achievements are disabled because you want in creative